EQ Never

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Theres not going to be difficult content in a game that is from the ground up build to appeal to the biggest possible casual audience, which seems to be the direction of EQN. Time will tell I suppose but the magic 8-ball says 'Fat chance'.


Lord Nagafen Raider
An honest question: Why do people have a notion that "work" should be required to progress (edit: not talking about having to put in hours to learn the game, but about arbitrary means to separate those who have played 100 hours vs 1000 hours) in something that is done in one's leisure? Isn't work what most people try to get away from when they're on their off time?

SOE seems to just be taking a lot of character progression out, but we're not able to tell if they can make difficult content. If they had sufficiently difficult content that required a high skill level and a knowledge of the game/its mechanics, would you consider the individual player-skill buildup required to complete that content "work?"

Edit: I'd like to add in myself that I hope they have some hard as hell content in the game. With how they're setting EQN up, it looks like a boss with a 99.9% fail rate might be the only thing capable of keeping a lot of players interested.
I take it you never played Everquest, the game being brutal was the biggest draw. You had to work for your character and it gave it more meaning when you did achieve something. EQN is catering to the wow audience, the "I want it now crowd." Having played both WoW and EQ I would rather play with the EQ crowd where community seemed to matter and things like who killed what and when you can still remember.

Other than ascent killing Ragnaros in WoW I couldnt tell you who did what on any other server.


Theres not going to be difficult content in a game that is from the ground up build to appeal to the biggest possible casual audience, which seems to be the direction of EQN. Time will tell I suppose but the magic 8-ball says 'Fat chance'.
I'd put down money that they'll have difficult content. That's quite the reaching statement on your part.


Elisha Dushku
SOE seems to just be taking a lot of character progression out,
That's the best part of any MMORPG. It's clear that Butler & Co. got the wrong message from WoW. They think people want to only play endgame, but WoW was best in early-mid Vanilla when it had the longest leveling - and thus longest character progression time. Even with it's annoying quest-hubs and terrible crafting.


That's the best part of any MMORPG. It's clear that Butler & Co. got the wrong message from WoW. They think people want to only play endgame, but WoW was best in early-mid Vanilla when it had the longest leveling - and thus longest character progression time. Even with it's annoying quest-hubs and terrible crafting.
So we've finally reached the conclusion that they're making a non-conventional MMORPG which won't satisfy many current MMORPG gamers.

Is that a bad thing?


Elisha Dushku
So we've finally reached the conclusion that they're making a non-conventional MMORPG which won't satisfy many current MMORPG gamers.

Is that a bad thing?
We reached that conclusion during the reveal. Yes, it's a bad thing. They've created a game that won't hold the interest of MMORPG gamers long-term but also isn't likely to appeal to much to non-MMORPG gamers long term. Should be hugely popular for a few months though. OTOH, EQNL should be huge - I suspect Minecrafters are ready for round objects.

As always, Storybricks could be amazing and provide the hook MMO gamers need to stay addicted.


but also isn't likely to appeal to much to non-MMORPG gamers long term
From what information have you weaned this? The napkin ideas we have so far? We'll know if it holds people long term when it actually, you know, does or does not hold people long term.

Many people thought that Guild Wars 2 would be more satisfying in the long term than it ended up (for them), yet an inverse cannot be true?


That's the best part of any MMORPG. It's clear that Butler & Co. got the wrong message from WoW. They think people want to only play endgame, but WoW was best in early-mid Vanilla when it had the longest leveling - and thus longest character progression time. Even with it's annoying quest-hubs and terrible crafting.
Why do you have the impression that the devs only care about the end game? We know too little to be making these kinds of judgements. I have my issues with EQN but I'm not ready to dismiss it yet. Let's see what's they have cookin'.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I'd put down money that they'll have difficult content. That's quite the reaching statement on your part.
It's my impression, I'm not passing it off as fact. It 'seems' EQN is going for a large casual audience. A game that releases with or even worse adds difficult content alienates that audience. Latest example see the new GW2 patch. Or the GW2 patch before that. Or the one before that (Tequatl, Tribulation SAB and Liadri if that tells you anything). The difficult PVE content they added with those patches caused quite a stir with GW2's often casual PVE players. To Arenanets credit they didnt nerf them down.

But the general tone of the interviews from EQN or the last round table video, from all that I get the impression the EQN team would rather err on the side of "accessability" - and every part of the content that is difficult is deemed unaccessible by the casual crowd. And we cant have that, that would practically be a denial of service on part of the dev team. Unthinkable.

Here's hoping, because unlike most of the crowd here I still consider EQN the best hope for a fresh wind in the genre. I'm just not all that optimistic about it until we get facts (which means 2014).


"Inaccessible" =/= difficult. Being able to lose an encounter =/= inaccessible.

If "casual" players (which only by definition do not have as much time to play the game) can't access the difficult content, then there's a problem in their eyes; though yet again, nothing has given us an indication that they would consider difficult and/or challenging content "inaccessible" to casual players or a "denial of service."


Trump's Staff
Isn't this just about the third or fourth time someone's said that?

Guess you don't like waffles.
I fucking hate waffles.

It just gets worse and worse after each roundtable video.

I'm a pretty big fanboy, but man are they stabbing me in the heart weekly.


Elisha Dushku
I fucking hate waffles.

It just gets worse and worse after each roundtable video.

I'm a pretty big fanboy, but man are they stabbing me in the heart weekly.
Roundtables killed my interest (as noted). They were all beyond stupid.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Some really amazing questions lol . One guild per character in EverQuest Next? Or more?
The ability to be in multiple guilds simultaneously in A Tale in the Desert was extremely interesting, game-wise. At one point, I was in:

- A serverwide french-speaking guild
- A local guild with people I worked various tradeskills with
- The Bedouin guild for mutual help on passing tests in the discipline
- The region local trader guild
- A temporary membership in the Kitchen guild for that one test
- A personal guild of one, because I could

Some people I knew were in more than twenty guilds at the same time. If your game is more than a simple combat game (in which case you probably need a single guild), having access to one guild per game element you're interested in is extremely useful.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
So horizontal leveling is the same as vertical leveling except you don't get more stats during the trip. When I level up in WoW I get some small stat increases and... gasp... new skills. It's literally the same exact shit in a different package.
Try to gain a new skill in WoW without levelling.

The distinction of horizontal vs vertical levelling is done because you have two directions of progression: vertical, giving you higher power, horizontal giving you different powers. But the main point why we're giving those direction names is that you can CHOOSE the direction you take. In WoW, EQ, Wildstar, TESO, whatever, you can't choose: you progress vertically, and that's all.

(But you appear to have Humpty-Dumptied: the words are supposed to mean exactly what you decided they mean. Sorry, I'm not Alice!)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Interesting read , and I'll admit it will be amusing to see the first player SOE bans from all their games for being mean on Twitter
This lady states that EQ was a sexist environment. She's wrong. EQ was populated by nerds that probably never saw a vagina live and a pixellated one was giving them enormous boner issues, so they had to violently masturbate at wood elves asses to get some relief from all that pressure down there.
This while clich?, is a much more realistic story than "sexism". Goddamnit, women when out of real arguments have to bring in sexism all the fucking time. People of both sexes are assholes, anonimity brings this to the highest levels, deal with it or gtfo from the internet.

I played females, males, orcs, trolls, and all the furry races, just for the sake of playing them. I'm at a loss when people identify themselves so deeply into their character. If somebody told my female woodelf "nice rack" (who the fuck would ever say that?), I would have replied "fuck off", or "go wank in the bathroom, dork", end of conversation.

Ban somebody because they have been mean on twitter: what a bunch of rotting shit. I'll go play your competitor's game and spew shit all over the web about you, see how you'll love negative publicity and how your boss/investors will love that as well. Focus on making good games instead of trying to policy young, anonimous assholes, aka mission impossible.


Golden Knight of the Realm
An honest question: Why do people have a notion that "work" should be required to progress (edit: not talking about having to put in hours to learn the game, but about arbitrary means to separate those who have played 100 hours vs 1000 hours) in something that is done in one's leisure? Isn't work what most people try to get away from when they're on their off time?
In my experience effort and difficulty tend to add to personal and emotional investment in a given character. Difficult and time consuming content breeds a better community. When you have a character which you have invested months or years advancing and you need to be able to get groups to continue playing, then your reputation with your fellow players has much more weight. Conversely, when you can hit level cap and top tier equipment in a week of solo play then the value of inter player relationships diminishes.

I am convinced this is a major reason why EQ had a better player community than wow.