EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wasn't that made by 1 guy or some super small team? Not a huge corporation?
I didn't realize the questions was "Name one game where Alpha access was sold that only meets my specific requirements". Regardless, there's tons of games where paying (through pre-orders, collectors editions, or what have you) gets you testing access.

Obviously it was a very popular model for Minecraft, but if you're not sold on it - you don't have to pay a cent. Just wait and try for free.


Of for fucks sake , if you can't see the difference between a single guy in his house trying to make a game and SONY you're off the rocker even more than I thought.

It's a major difference and point that Sony is asking you to fund their game vs some solo programmer.


When I try to look at this situation and digest it, I think there's one of two things going on here:

1) If the company/project is in need of money, then that is pretty alarming at this point, given the size and scope of the company and IP. It tells me that Ponytail and the other devs are under pressure to show some sort of legitimate ROI-plan to the people signing their checks, and right now what they do have is absolutely nowhere ready to be released. So they came up with a plan (these alpha-packs) to make a little money in the meantime and show somewhat of a proof of concept to their investors and subsequently relieve a little of the pressure they're most likely feeling.

2) If the company doesn't need the money to proceed, then it's pretty insulting for them to be trying to sell alpha-packages right now given what they've shown us so far. Don't go silent (on things that matter at least) for three months, then show up and ask us for money for an alpha test that's still months away.


Trump's Staff
Verbatim, "of course there's going to be water, we just aren't showing it yet because it isn't finished /ponytailchuckle"


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's a major difference and point that Sony is asking you to fund their game vs some solo programmer.
This is comical. You realize that all companies, whether it's 1 developer or a corporation - sell things to fund development...right?

I also think you're off your rocker if you think theyneedpeople buy these packs for the game to be made. It's just one way they're monetizing their F2P game.


This is comical. You realize that all companies, whether it's 1 developer or a corporation - sell things to fund development...right?

I also think you're off your rocker if you think theyneedpeople buy these packs for the game to be made. It's just one way they're monetizing their F2P game.
Well if that's the case I think it's obnoxious for a company of this size and stature to be monetizing a product at this stage in its development. Considering the way they've handled PR since the release, which is abhorrent at best, I find it comical that they'd ask for money before they released a new screenshot.

Sorry, just my opinion.

And no, I don't think $100 is a lot of money and I could easily afford it. But given what I've seen and read so far, they haven't earned a single buck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is comical. You realize that all companies, whether it's 1 developer or a corporation - sell things to fund development...right?

I also think you're off your rocker if you think theyneedpeople buy these packs for the game to be made. It's just one way they're monetizing their F2P game.
We have different standards sir!


Sparkletot Monger
How dare they try to make money. Fucking capitalist swine. They should be making games out the kindness of their hearts.
I think they simply saw just how much Star Citizen has made to this point with little info in the actual game play and figured thats a great idea.


Sparkletot Monger
If Apple let people pay to test their next IPhone before it was released to the public the line outside the apple store would look like..


Sony Online Entertainment is running a Kickstarter campaign for Everquest 3. If that's not comical, I don't know what is.

Hey good for them, it looks like they got a pretty decent amount of people to held crowdfund their new game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well the $60 one if it had a head start would of been reasonable had it been with closed beta access

I just think overall they got a bit too greedy for me. too fast.. sign of things to come?! Lol hopefully they sell that heal ability in the cash shop