EQ Never


There is only one change that I can think of that should return to this franchise and MMOs in general - death meaning something. Original EQ if you died in some super epic hard camp because your healer went LD; guess what? You get to spend a shit load of time paying some shitty rogue or monk to drag your corpse somewhere so you can then hire a shitty mangina cleric to rez you and it was awesome.


When you make it so there's gear gained from PvP, battlegrounds etc.. all that.. it ruins PvP. No one wants that any more.

A PvE game with separate PvP enabled servers is all you need. Let people fight over content, not grind honor.


EQOA Refugee
When you make it so there's gear gained from PvP, battlegrounds etc.. all that.. it ruins PvP. No one wants that any more.

A PvE game with separate PvP enabled servers is all you need. Let people fight over content, not grind honor.
Better yet, just stop with lame MMO PVP altogether. Lets get classes uniqueness back.
Better yet, just stop with lame MMO PVP altogether. Lets get classes uniqueness back.
Pvp is fun tho if done right. In vanilla wow I had more fun ganking and ruining Ally questes than I did raiding or doing BGs after they went live. I wish it weren't even a fucking discussion about pvp. Don't call it pvp. Have a game like the lawless west where if someone wants to kill you, they can. The carebear ethos needs to die. Instanced PVP is garbage. MMOs should be all PVE based and driven with the constant threat of questing or grouping to have a band of cutthroat players roll up on your group and start a fight. Don't label it PVP, just let it be part of the game. If you get jumped, wizzy evac out of there. Charm or mess mobs and focus fire your assailant(s).

Edit: what's the difference in fearing x-mob as opposed to fearing x-players or at the very least, faction, group, allegiance, what have you... in the zone your character is in? PVE focus, pvp fighting over resources, areas, camps, etc (make it huge so to allow less pvp oriented people to diligently avoid confrontation, but allow it for those who also enjoy it)

Those dark elf guards in the Overthere. Man, I mean really, they were like people moreso than NPCs. Make a game with a similar feel.


I too greatly enjoyed vanilla WoW. The farming of skins in the yeti caves and rogue vs rogue was amazing. Hell, having a group of people come try and track you down without you being able to sneak out was ridiculous amazing.

I'd rather PvP in the Hodir quest area a million times over than even think the words "Arathi Basin".


Silver Squire
I can understand the pvp hate. Everquest classes aren't balanced for it. However, EQ pvp was the best player dispute solving mechanism I've ever participated in.

Known ninja looter strutting by? Kill him.
Wanna be an asshole and take a camp? Fight for it.
Other guild about to get more pixels than you? 72vs72 fight.
You're your guilds tracker and you spot the villain guild's tracker? Fight.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Why does SOE need to do what WoW does? It's not like copying WoW will ensure success or an increase in subs for the other game that copies them. I'd argue that if a person wanted to play a game like WoW, they'd just play WoW. SOE needs to get back to their EQ roots and create their own niche. Stop playing the monkey see, monkey do game.
I think I sorta said that indirectly by prefacing that nothing suggested was bad. That was my point but some act as if doing all this is going to bring millions of subs. Or at least I thought I saw posts suggesting that. It won't. And that's fine for the exact reasons you pointed out, but at the end of the day SoE has to be content with that niche to go there. Otherwise it's the same shit, different title.


EQOA Refugee
The problem with PVP in MMOs is its inherently unbalanced. A class with high armor, life taps, harm touch and good offensive capability is simply unbalanced in any game. A class like enchanters that can stun lock or disable you will trivialize and frustrate people in PVP. So what have devs done? In their attempt "balance" PVP, they ruin the class for PVE. In a class based game like this, it's impossible to balance. The only way to even attempt to balance a MMO with PVP is for that game to be built with PVP as the focus from the ground up. Any other way is just half assed.


I can understand the pvp hate. Everquest classes aren't balanced for it. However, EQ pvp was the best player dispute solving mechanism I've ever participated in.

Known ninja looter strutting by? Kill him.
Wanna be an asshole and take a camp? Fight for it.
Other guild about to get more pixels than you? 72vs72 fight.
You're your guilds tracker and you spot the villain guild's tracker? Fight.
Kidding me? The most hilarious ways of dealing with assholes was on PvE servers. You had to get a little bit more creative with your aggression because you didn't have the option of just walking up to him and killing him. I've seen the most hilarious griefing of any game on EQ PvE servers.


Trakanon Raider
I've never really been a pvp person, but I feel like if they're serious about wanting to do an emergent sandbox kind of game for EQN, they almosthaveto include pvp, and not just as battlegrounds, or an alternate ruleset server, but as a core part of the gameplay. If you want a sandbox, you need to give players the ability to make their mark on the game world, and the ability to contest others making their mark. If you want emergent gameplay, with players essentially creating the content through their interactions, then you need to give players the widest range of possible interactions, whether cooperative or antagonistic.

The trick is to come up with an open world pvp system that doesn't turn into a never-ending gank-fest. There needs to be consequences to killing (at least in some parts of the game world) that are severe enough that people will need a more compelling reason than "for the lulz" to go around killing other players, and yet makes it so pvp is always an option.
The problem with PVP in MMOs is its inherently unbalanced. A class with high armor, life taps, harm touch and good offensive capability is simply unbalanced in any game. A class like enchanters that can stun lock or disable you will trivialize and frustrate people in PVP. So what have devs done? In their attempt "balance" PVP, they ruin the class for PVE.
This could be avoided somewhat in open zones by making groups viable and really the only way to level. Yea- in a solo game, balance is felt one v one. But, in a group oriented world- no one is going to go 1 v 6. It's the very premise that the notiong of getting your ass kicked can in turn, stimulate a community and give it cohesion and place by really making groupif essential- not only to progress but to protect yourself from either NPC or PC.


Trump's Staff
I just hope EQN doesn't make too much of an attempt to be balanced. If you want to solo, play a fucking single player game. Yes it sucked sitting AFK in EQ, but the communities were also leagues above any other game because people were forced to interact with one another. It doesn't make sense in a massive multiplayer game, or lore-wise (for most classes) to have the ability to solo to max level. Bring back the inequality.


EQOA Refugee
I don't want EQ levels of inequality back lol. No one best tank class, or clerics being the best healer but yeah, classes need some flavor again. Also need better lfg tools than shouting. That shit is a must in a group centric game.


Trump's Staff
Sure, but please no dungeon auto-porting or lfg stones



All I know is that if this game has any instancing, or two faction faggotry...it's an instant pass. Hope they don't fuck it up...but they will.
Go to any WoW site - official or fan - and ask them what they think of Galleon. Hell, any site with a WoW thread.


EQOA Refugee
Sure, but please no dungeon auto-porting or lfg stones
No instant travel. That crap allows one guild to monopolize an entire server. Make travel take some time. Mounts are fine. But this instant gratification is the problem with the genre today.



Id like to see more intelligent mobs.

I remember in 2000, I started my first toon, a dwarf warrior, on Rallos Zek. I was level 15 or so and attacking a goblin wizard. That asshole freakin' rooted me, backed off, then got off a few nukes. I was blown away. Why are mobs in MMOs so dumb these days? Because mobs with a brain are "hard"? Id guess because its hard to program that type of AI. Sure sometimes youll get a mob that does something interesting, but its usually because the AI always does that because its _A_Wizard_ , its programmed for that specific mob, not part of an overall intelligence.

Now, I dont mean like "Oh well too much healing, I got aggro!!" I mean the mob is pulled to the camp, sees there's a healer and casts silence on them. An enchanter mob is pulled and while the wizard is casting his 7 second mega nuke, the ench mob pops off a 2 second casted stun so it doesnt get blasted. Rogue mobs would actively try to get behind players to backstab their bitchasses. How about this? Mobs dont want to get fucking pulled. What kind of monster just follows some dude down a hallway and lets itself get this shit beat out of it by 5 dudes in platemail?

This sort of thing should really be implemented. Not only would it encourage player co-operation, but players would be obligated to pay more attention to their abilities. This would also dramatically cut down on "Run to mob, 1, 2, 3, 4. Mob dead. Next. 1, 2, 3, 4." Games aren't so tedious when they require the ability to make intelligent decisions on the fly, rather than the tedium of mashing skill bars.
guess what? You get to spend a shit load of time paying some shitty rogue or monk to drag your corpse somewhere so you can then hire a shitty mangina cleric to rez you and it was awesome.
I don't really like the old EQ death mechanics. I would go along with it but my preference would be for a less brutal death mechanic (although not meaningless like WoW etc), but have combat that is far more prone to killing you - even more than EQ.

The point I was trying to make about about FD splitting (which I do love in principle), is that I just don't like it when a game gives the players all the tools they need to survive 100% of the time. Because even though everyone starts out as a dumbass, eventually the dumbasses all get really good after constantly being punished to up their game, and the true retards just rage quit the game and never go back. So as the game ages, groups just become a boring chore because they are 100% successful and everyone becomes desensitized and used to making constant steady easy XP and loot. They expect it. And on the rare occasions that someone fucks up and someone dies, people start getting all grumpy.

I would prefer the whole game to be balanced to be harder than that, so at first when everyone goes through the retard learning how to play phase, it's a total nightmare, very regular deaths, trains all over the fucking place, you can barely leave the safety of the town guards without some total catastrophe occurring. And then in time... when everyone gets really good at their classes and understands how to play the game and win, the game still insists that they play on a knife edge. They can go to Befallen with a full perfectly formed group of tank, 2 healers, 2 dps/evac and a CC, but it doesn't mean they are 'safe'. Players will still fall through traps in the ground, maybe even fake floors move around so can't be learned, mobs should be invis and stealth and jump you when you don't expect it, shit should come out the walls and from the ceiling, there should be really nasty traps - baldurs gate style that paralyze people etc, crucial spells should be resisted, aggro should be fucking chaotic with mobs going from person to person eating them, casters should have 2hp, clerics should have extreme mana concerns, evac should be an absolute last resort, mezzes should occasionally fail, chanters mez themselves and people fail to disengage a target in time and break the mez, pathers should wander all over the dungeon and aggro when you least expect it, bringing with them any other group of mobs that was stood nearby, healers should run out of mana mid fight and ranger has to switch to ghetto heals, bard has to put away their swords and get the lute out, mages should run out too and desperately med for that one little slither of blue mana to cast that one vitally needed nuke, etc..etc..

To me it should be a survival game like that. Not just yet another game about adventuring for lootz and xp's. And when you die, you respawn at an altar with some xp loss and gear damage or something. I don't want to lose hours worth of exp, maybe just 20 minutes worth or something. But even that is significant, and more importantly, you have to start your dungeon run all over again, and even more importantly... the same catastrophic full group wipe should be very likely around every corner.

That's what I wanna play. I recently watched the LOTR movies and that's something I noticed in the movies too. The Fellowship of the Ring (ie- the group) didn't just strut in to dungeons with their minds set on all the phat loots and XP. If anything, they wanted to avoid dungeons... Dungeons are fucking terrifying, a giant squid monster might pop out of a pond at any second and just eat someone whole. Or a wave of 50 orcs might come charging at you, and there's no ez-AoE smackdown spells. The wizzy is an old dude who just uses his sword or staff, spells are a last resort type of thing. They spend their whole time trying to gtfo, not hanging around grinding mobs for XP. To me, EQ at it's best was like that. But we all learned to exploit EQ and then it become weak, imo. And SOE dumbed it down too. I would like something that is even more brutal than the first weeks of EQ in 1999.


Personally, If I could do away with any modern day mmorpg convenience I wish they'd not use an AH and people had an area where they could barter etc. AHs take all the fun out of commerce when no one is trading/bartering and just throwing it up on the AH instead.