EQ Never


Only after they redid the whole game after release did they gain people that they already lost.
And most of it is riding the name.
That's like saying vanguard wasn't a flop because they redid tons of stuff afterwards.


Only after they redid the whole game after release did they gain people that they already lost.
And most of it is riding the name.
That's like saying vanguard wasn't a flop because they redid tons of stuff afterwards.

Vanguard was a flop because it failed to turn a profit even after all it's changes.

Swtor NEVER stopped making money. I know you think video games revolve around you or one core set of gamers you identify with but it does not. SWTOR from day one was making money then they realized they could make MORE money by ignoring raiders and went straight to f2p.

Again, I don't play SWTOR and I don't really like SWTOR but listening to you make up shit is silly.



Vanguard was a flop because it failed to turn a profit even after all it's changes.

Swtor NEVER stopped making money. I know you think video games revolve around you or one core set of gamers you identify with but it does not. SWTOR from day one was making money then they realized they could make MORE money by ignoring raiders and went straight to f2p.

Again, I don't play SWTOR and I don't really like SWTOR but listening to you make up shit is silly.
I think video games revolve around me? Yes let's make up some stuff. First vanguard did pick up far more people after current changes. Just like you everyone quit swtor and then some came back after the changes.
Those numbers are embellished by the game producers as well. And I know your new to this site but this site caters or used to cater to my group of gamers. So as far as making stuff up I'm still failing to see where I am doing that.


Mine was back when foh was breaking past fire giants in the day. His comment towards this site being for casual gamers makes me know he hasn't been on these boards b4 rerolled.


Trump's Staff
His comment towards this site being for casual gamers.
citation needed

Also, I think your data on Vanguard is wrong. I don't think it ever sold more than 250,000-300,000 boxes. That's not even close to recovering their budget, let alone turning a profit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Both of them are fucking 13'ers. Bastards, the lot of them.
I guess Bioware.. Or hell, Electronic Arts could lie about SWTOR but... why? You can log into that game and still see a f'k load of people and half of them are wearing transmog gear from the player store. a_skeleton_02 is also trying to get it across to you that this company makes money whether you agree that its a successful game or not. Also, a players playing habits have little at all to do with knowing if a game is a success or failure. Lumping SWTOR in with Vanguard is just another dumb comparison of SWTOR.


Not sure on the exact numbers on vg, the difference is vg was worse in the beginning is why the numbers are less. But my point was that their numbers increased after the changes, just like Star Wars. Star Wars in General is a better game than vg so yes they will have more sales. The fact is still the game releases w losing population leaving the game so they implemented changes that apparently fixed the problem later on for many people. So was the game released a flop? Yes, it has to be remade in tons of different ways for continuation of play.


Both of them are fucking 13'ers. Bastards, the lot of them.
I guess Bioware.. Or hell, Electronic Arts could lie about SWTOR but... why? You can log into that game and still see a f'k load of people and half of them are wearing transmog gear from the player store. a_skeleton_02 is also trying to get it across to you that this company makes money whether you agree that its a successful game or not. Also, a players playing habits have little at all to do with knowing if a game is a success or failure. Lumping SWTOR in with Vanguard is just another dumb comparison of SWTOR.
Agree. My point is that after changes many games that were not profitable then become profitable. That's my whole argument. They were released, then re-released to save the title.


Did you really just start a registerd date e-peen war even though yours is actually later than his is?
I laughed.

Sorry Rolx, I'm not a casual but i'm also not fucking delusional and think that every game has to be like '99 EQ to not be considered a flop. If you take a critical look at these products instead of leading with your emotions you would realize that the developers jobs are to make money, and If swtor is making money then they are happy. Sony, Bioware, EA as a corporate entity truly does not give a fuck about you because for every person that is like you there are 3 more casual people who will spend money on the game. It sucks but it's the truth and instead of being bitter about it you should find a new hobby or continue complaining on the internet.

They follow the money and people like you and me and the rerolled board are no longer "the money". I do think that the entire theme park casual phase is slowing down and a harder MMO that could keep our interested for a year plus could be pulled off and be successful but until then saying these games that are coming out are "flops" you are just kidding yourself.

Artistic reviews are subjective.
Enjoyment is subjective.
The amount of time you play a MMO is subjective
The only non subjective way to judge a MMO is if people are paying for it and if it's making money.


You seem to make a lot of stuff up tiggles that has nothing to do w the discussion. All my replies are relevant to yes every game since wow has been a flop on release. I'm not bitter about anything look back through the replies all your posts to me were attacking me while all mine were on topic discussion. The fact is your wrong I never said anything about swotr not making money, I said all games released have been a flop. And that's a true fact. Doesn't matter what spin you try to put on it. I'm right your wrong. Go back to your banned guild on p99 scrub.


It's now over a month since SOE live and we have not had a single update not even some fluff art or a devblog or anything. I guess "lots more coming soon" isn't soon enough.
we're not even gettingoldeqn info in a timely manner



King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Actually, most games have not been a flop on release. A flop within a few months of release? Sure, but that's different. a_skeleton_02 is exactly right that SWToR has made a ton of money just like FF made a ton of money and Rift is at least profitable. It's well known that most larger releases at least make back their money. Pretty easy to tell which ones didn't end up making enough money to stay afloat though. If anyone wants variations of EQ, WoW, etc. games, then they are all over the place. Asking for another one from SOE just isn't a worthwhile proposition. They don't give a shit to make another EQ. They have moved on.


Actually, most games have not been a flop on release. A flop within a few months of release? Sure, but that's different. a_skeleton_02 is exactly right that SWToR has made a ton of money just like FF made a ton of money and Rift is at least profitable. It's well known that most larger releases at least make back their money. Pretty easy to tell which ones didn't end up making enough money to stay afloat though. If anyone wants variations of EQ, WoW, etc. games, then they are all over the place. Asking for another one from SOE just isn't a worthwhile proposition. They don't give a shit to make another EQ. They have moved on.
Lol how is flopping 3 months after release different than 1 month. That just means people that play in beginning more realizes it sucks sooner than someone a month later. Anything remade and re-released I guess they just did it for fun. Or maybe they knew the game was about to die. No ones disputing ea makes cheese now.