EQ Never


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Edit: Now that I wrote this I think I sad the same thing 10 pages back. Thread is hunting its tail without any new info =/ So here's a thought with at least some basis in facts: Since they are using the PS2 engine which already has decent day/night cycle and afaik weather is planned for it too, how important do you rate different and changing weather for the EQNext? Personally I think it is very important to have, It's one of the things I always missed from anything post-EQ.

IMO this is huge and never fully realized it when I played EQ. All the little environment sounds, day/night cycles weather changes really helped to immerse you into their world. After playing Horizons (wtf was I thinking) eq2, wow, vanguard and rift , and going back to eq live after years away from it, it really stood out. All those games had some forms of it, but never felt as well done as eq.


<Gold Donor>
Dynamic weather would be nice if it had an effect on the environment like a snow storm that limited your the visibility.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Smart AI is not about crushing the players with unbeatable AI. It's about giving you a challenge and letting you win without you realizing. There is a talk on the GDC Valut (if you have access) from Brian Schwab (Blizzard, formerly of SOE) where he describes AI like a dad playing with his son. The dad can totally crush the kid and mock him while highfiving his drunk buddy, but the good dad knows how to gracefully lose while at the same time convincing his son that he is totally being beaten.

Designing a combat AI that can crush players is super easy even without cheating.
knowing that EQN is suppose to be a sandbox why can't AI be a progression thing? If a mob kills players at a camp, he becomes stronger and more challenging to defeat. He would develop more skills the longer he stays up. eventually making him a boss if he survives that long.


Trump's Staff
I always thought the faction champions fight from WotLK was pretty decent AI. Every big fight being like that would probably make people quit though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I always thought the faction champions fight from WotLK was pretty decent AI. Every big fight being like that would probably make people quit though.
I just don't understand why challenge is even a concern with the amount of MMO's that are being put out. Didn't it take them like 2 years to put PS2 together? Give the EQ crowd it's rightful successor and worry about the masses with the next mmo..Who know's it could turn out to be a huge hit.

Btw.. if they plan to keep people playing for 15 years.. there needs to be some sort of challenge to it. I can't even play some of these games for 15 days lol


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just don't understand why challenge is even a concern with the amount of MMO's that are being put out. Didn't it take them like 2 years to put PS2 together? Give the EQ crowd it's rightful successor and worry about the masses with the next mmo..Who know's it could turn out to be a huge hit.

Btw.. if they plan to keep people playing for 15 years.. there needs to be some sort of challenge to it. I can't even play some of these games for 15 days lol
I know it's been beat to death back on FOH, but if there aren't consequences for dumb actions... Content will continue to be ripped through faster than can be made.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I always thought the faction champions fight from WotLK was pretty decent AI. Every big fight being like that would probably make people quit though.
That fight was all about "find the bug in the script" and some of the players liked it and some hated it. But the problem was that it was not meeting the expectations of the players as you can't have a game out for years and then suddenly add a pvp-like fight and not get pushback.

The whole combat in MMOs needs an upgrade. Non-contextual threat is part of the problem (and by this I mean a mob that does not understand your actions as you perform them).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
knowing that EQN is suppose to be a sandbox why can't AI be a progression thing? If a mob kills players at a camp, he becomes stronger and more challenging to defeat. He would develop more skills the longer he stays up. eventually making him a boss if he survives that long.
I like that idea, but it would have to be selective and capped at some point. Using an example from EQ; Frenzy Ghoul in Guk starts out tough, but gets even nastier each kill, within a defined range (after the first kill he gets between 5% and 15% stronger. After second kill he gets between 15% and 25% stronger, etc. ["stronger could also mean that beyond more HP and DPS, spells, abilities, and behavior changes]). But, how many times does that happen and at what point can a single group no longer take him? What does that mean for "camps" or do they want to remove that mechanic (in some ways, I hope not). This would have to be an open dungeon and not instanced, so that when this mod DOES reach the power level requiring 2 groups, or 3, that can happen. Does the loot scale with difficulty, or the % chance only?

The possible promotion of community would be good, but the shit-show that was rifts got old fast and I would hate for that to happen as well. Not to mention that if every "named" mob in a dungeon was coded this way, it could get tiresome to have to leave the area because there weren't enough people on, or whatever.

I don't know, the idea has potential.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Mughal- what are you assigned to on EQN? If you're allowed to talk about that?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And how long did that "unique" skillset last before every little Timmy had the same one and it was FOTM? Skill based games are not what I'm talking about. I'm addressing games that already have a class structure, like EQ. The tacked on PVP doesn't work in those games because the classes are inherently imbalanced in PVP. All the changing of the spells for PVP leads to a reduction in effectiveness of said spell in PVE. Eventually, you get classes that are all about the same. Very homogenized and little flavor or "uniqueness" left.

If Asherons Call got it so right, why aren't they lauded and modeled after? Why does everyone hold DAOC up as the best PVP in MMOs? They all seem to miss the mark trying to balance PVE/PVP.
I don't think EQ changed many if any spells in PvE because of PvP. It's mostly because they didn't care enough to, but that's how it was. EQ just disabled the spells in pvp or made them do less damage, ie 66% of normal and a cap of 60 or 75% of your max hp later on. Despite the imbalances in PvP, it wasn't all that bad if you knew what you were doing.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah yeah we get it already. Y'all just want to be able to have 20 hours camps again followed by raids until 5am so you can show up shit faced at work.

This kind of shit can work when you're an unemployed bum or in college/high school, and when you have about zero social life. Nowadays though? Forget it. I have better shit to do than to be dicking around in an MMO.

EQNext may well be about the journey again, but don't expect the kind of shit you want.

Seriously, can we get off the wishful thinking train and have a real speculation thread about the game for once? Don't you guys want to start your own "EQ rose-colored glasses thread" or something to talk about this kind of things?

You all have been bitching about the good old days for years, we get it already. I mean, the subject has come full circle almost two dozens time in the last few years. Can't you give it a rest? You'll almost 100% never have what you seek, and you'll keep bitching about it, so couldn't you do it in an "EQ was awesome, modern MMO suck!" thread somewhere instead of any thread about any future game?

Yes, I said it, it's tiring to swim through all your nostalgia bullshit when I just want to catch tidbits about the actual game.
jesus christ. talk about having sand in your vagina...



Mr. Poopybutthole
That fight was all about "find the bug in the script" and some of the players liked it and some hated it. But the problem was that it was not meeting the expectations of the players as you can't have a game out for years and then suddenly add a pvp-like fight and not get pushback.

The whole combat in MMOs needs an upgrade. Non-contextual threat is part of the problem (and by this I mean a mob that does not understand your actions as you perform them).
So the question would be programmed reaction time (with random modifiers) and core counters/tactics that are targeted at player-centric meta gaming. Ie, CCing/focusfiring healers and other CCers first then killing the damage then tanks. NPCs effectively need a taunt and need an assist that goes beyond highest threat and is instead situational depending upon the abilities used by the players. With a fallback of if the players do -nothing- then insta-cast low cooldown abilities are used instead. Lower npc hp/damage to near that of players and then test reactions. When players find a way to fuck your NPC (corner tanking to avoid enrage, multiple tanks keeping required-duration taunts active, CCs that can be chained etc etc) then the npcs can be changed to better fight back. To use a srpg concept, the idea of programable gambits that can use any ability/spell the players have access to and combine it with a multitude of different potential checks such as the target being under certain conditions/health/mp percentages from Final Fantasy 12 but instead used for NPC programming, as it were. With progressively higher level monsters using additional gambits to further complicate the fight with better and more refined ability usage.

Then take player abilities and match them but with gear/skill level/faster reaction time they can overcome even the highest level npcs in combat. Not a baseline. You can't spam Sinister Strike and kill even con mobs with zero risk. A tank NPC will pop shield block and stun you. Another rogue npc will burn you equally fast but toss in stuns as well. A healer NPC will shield themself and dot you. A wizard will root you, run back a bit and nuke you down. You have to use your abilities on every fight. Imagine if druid/sk/necro/bard/ranger npcs checked to see if you were SoW'd or under any movement increasing effects and then either chain dispelled til you weren't or snared -you- instead as a primary action, with targetable range being the range they check for effects.

It is still scripted and there is no question of that. But scripting can do a lot more than Enrage at 20% or start casting uninterruptable Complete Heals at 15% health. Create triggers based on what players can do and then counter it. Patch something instead of doors in FP.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
knowing that EQN is suppose to be a sandbox why can't AI be a progression thing? If a mob kills players at a camp, he becomes stronger and more challenging to defeat. He would develop more skills the longer he stays up. eventually making him a boss if he survives that long.
Asheron's Call had that. Mobs used the same rules than players, and gained experience. The problem was of course, that, as levels increased, the mob needed to kill more and more players to get skills increases, and thus the effect became unnoticeable.

The only mobs for which the effect was well known were rabbits. People took level 2 rabbits, and got repeatedly killed by them to get them as high as possible. You could get level 10 bunnies that way...

The other rabbit for which it was well known was the 0/0 vorpal rabbit. People would assemble a raid to kill it, utterly fail, and the rabbit would sometimes get a new level...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Asheron's Call had that. Mobs used the same rules than players, and gained experience. The problem was of course, that, as levels increased, the mob needed to kill more and more players to get skills increases, and thus the effect became unnoticeable.

The only mobs for which the effect was well known were rabbits. People took level 2 rabbits, and got repeatedly killed by them to get them as high as possible. You could get level 10 bunnies that way...

The other rabbit for which it was well known was the 0/0 vorpal rabbit. People would assemble a raid to kill it, utterly fail, and the rabbit would sometimes get a new level...
Thanks, I didn't even know AC had that. It sounds like a system that should of been carried to future games and built on. That always has been my issue with todays MMO's. The change has been so drastic and a lot of features that made a game like EQ feel so alive were left out. I think maybe we are on the right track talking about AI. Camps of mobs should have a structure to them. Like a real gang. When one leader dies the next powerful should rise in it's places. Which leads to different class NPC's becoming bosses. Maybe allow them to just skill up though combat/time alive instead of kills. Just put a cap on how high they reach.

Reading into Mughal's comments, talking about EQ/WoW features is pretty much a waste of time because EQN is dramatically different. That's a little tough for me because all I wanted was something similar to EQ. I'll stay open minded of course but hope this isnt another case where SOE decided what they think is best for us and fails because of it.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
It also sounds akin to the virtual ecology that UO attempted to have. If players killed off too many wolves then the population of things like rabbits would begin to grow because their natural predators were too few to keep them in check. If the population of deer dropped off, then a dragon might attack one of the towns looking for food because there was no longer enough in it's normal territory to keep it feeding there. They ended up scrapping the whole thing because players kept the entire ecology so wiped out the system wouldn't work.
We've been through this a million times before. You can't make a game that suits both types of gamer. If tards freak out at hard AI, then they can go back to WoW, Vanguard, Rift, GW2, TSW, AoC, etc..etc.. The whole point of a niche game is that it can do what the few want and can't get anywhere else. I would love intelligent and challenging AI. The challenge in current games comes from the mechanics like the HP and dps etc. and a modern game with better AI could still have that. But it could also have NPC's that hide, bail, ambush etc.


We've been through this a million times before. You can't make a game that suits both types of gamer. If tards freak out at hard AI, then they can go back to WoW, Vanguard, Rift, GW2, TSW, AoC, etc..etc.. The whole point of a niche game is that it can do what the few want and can't get anywhere else. I would love intelligent and challenging AI. The challenge in current games comes from the mechanics like the HP and dps etc. and a modern game with better AI could still have that. But it could also have NPC's that hide, bail, ambush etc.
Just curious, but how far are you, as a gamer, willing to go for that niche game? If the game had the gameplay you desired, how much would you be willing to pay for it (box and monthly)? Would you accept EQ-at-release era graphics in a game released in 2013+? How much are you willing to give up in order to get the perfect (assuming perfect is possible) gameplay?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just curious, but how far are you, as a gamer, willing to go for that niche game? If the game had the gameplay you desired, how much would you be willing to pay for it (box and monthly)? Would you accept EQ-at-release era graphics in a game released in 2013+? How much are you willing to give up in order to get the perfect (assuming perfect is possible) gameplay?
I know this isn't directed at me but I don't see why anything really needs to change. Why can't it be a $50 box with a $15 monthy sub. I'd imagine if the world was large/sandbox enough it would hold a large enough population to turn a profit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
"I know this isn't directed at me but I don't see why anything really needs to change."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am trying to get more freedom from management in what I can disclose. Right now cannot speak since I am working on stuff that has not been announced yet and not sure it might even end up in the game at all, so disclosing it might generate some unwanted PR on gaming websites before anything is final.
Well thanks for at least trying for us. A lot of us want the Devs back in these forums to discuss these games. Maybe you could point out this thread to the EQN team, whoever that may be.