EQ Never


So what's the deal here, SOE have scrapped their original vision for EQNext which was supposedly a WOW clone and now it's being changed into a sandbox style game, is that correct? Seems like a monumental fuck up to spend years developing a game only then to do a 180 and go in another direction.

I'd love to see a great sandbox style game which includes: Content creation (NOT DECORATING A DUNGEON ALA EQ2), Player made cities, A proper crafting/harvesting system that takes effort and talent etc etc. This isn't going to happen though, if you look at the hype surrounding EQ2 amazing dungeon creator which according to them was going to change MMOs then you will see why I am so skeptical.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Nah it's a good thing, standard procedure for SOE would be to develop shit for 3 years, look at the competition that is bound to launch around the same as they are and then just push their shit out a week before the other game to get any sales they can during those 7 days before their release fades into nothingness (a.k.a EQ2).

If the new-and-improved Vision for EQN results in a good product remains to be seen, there is no hard info on the game out right now. But I doubt anyone can argue for another WoW clone in 2013 being the better idea.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I gotta say.. The more I think about all this the less optimist I'm becoming about EQN being anything other than another game made for the masses with a PTW cash shop.. I remember Smed making comments about EQN being more like the original EQ. I don't understand why they couldn't keep that vision with a sandbox? If they came out and said this game will be a lot similar to EQ1 but a sandbox, a lot of us would be drooling.. Instead we are just hearing it's nothing like anything we have ever seen.. which means they are deciding what they think we will like. There are countless examples here of their bad decision making in regards to deciding for us. I'm 50/50 at this point on this. Which is dissapointing because I'm coming to the realization that my MMO days might just be over.


Trump's Staff
If you're in beta for a game that no one has even seen screenshots for, and your only response is a shrug and "so far", that doesn't give much hope


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Could be he really doesn't want to take the chance of losing access this early.


Musty Nester
So what's the deal here, SOE have scrapped their original vision for EQNext which was supposedly a WOW clone and now it's being changed into a sandbox style game, is that correct? Seems like a monumental fuck up to spend years developing a game only then to do a 180 and go in another direction.
I dunno. Most of your art could probably be salvaged. Most of it probably wouldn't even change. That's the specialized, time intensive part.

So it's a construction error and those are always the most costly sorts of errors -- but "monumental fuck up" remains to be seen. Shit, even if the finished product is bad it STILL might have been the right thing to do. Going ahead with what they'd had planned might have been worse.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
You guys do realize that you can name any non-Steam executable whatever you want, right?


So what's the deal here, SOE have scrapped their original vision for EQNext which was supposedly a WOW clone and now it's being changed into a sandbox style game, is that correct? Seems like a monumental fuck up to spend years developing a game only then to do a 180 and go in another direction.

I'd love to see a great sandbox style game which includes: Content creation (NOT DECORATING A DUNGEON ALA EQ2), Player made cities, A proper crafting/harvesting system that takes effort and talent etc etc. This isn't going to happen though, if you look at the hype surrounding EQ2 amazing dungeon creator which according to them was going to change MMOs then you will see why I am so skeptical.
Would you rather them completely fuck it up after launch than to scrap it early and do something they know won't be total shit?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
While Agonizing is clearly trolling with that fake shit, who is Mughal supposed to be and why do we believe him(Mughal)?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We don't. Time will tell really. He hasn't exactly said anything in regards to EQN either. I think that's why nobody really cares at this point to prove it either way. But if he was trolling I'm thinking some of his post would of been different. Just not picking up that vibe.


Ssraeszha Raider
He is claiming to be an SOE employee?
Yep. Keeps saying shit like he knows a lot about EQN, but he's not allowed to talk about it yet. Far as I know he hasn't given any proof or said anything that was verifiable or not already public knowledge


Trakanon Raider
after 5+ years i'd sacrifice a virgin just to see a few screenshots or get some solid info on the game.