EQemu - Nagafen's Lair (Reborn)


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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I will PM Devs to see if they can get it unlocked. I know they removed loads of others already in Seb, HS, Hole entrance, etc. Might have missed Chardok!


Trakanon Raider
Skeleton illusion item from fear works great on locked doors. There are quite a few in Kunark still, CoM has a lot I noticed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just know, it's the change in physical size that allows you to pop through. So, some classes work with some items and not with others. Ie: My Iksar will not get through doors with the AoN (skelly illusion), but it does work with DE mask. It's important to know in case you're still not getting through.


Uncle Tanya
I really want to go big or go home so to speak... like... either raid almost nightly and be top taco, or play 2 hours a week, take 5 months to get a suit of blueberry-tinted skyshrine quest armor from HoT, and do epics on twinks when I'm bored.

Honest answers for an honest hoe please:

--> Is new content generally buggy and broken?

--> Is attrition high at the upper tier?

--> Is there generally a buttload of mindless farming for minimal gain at the high-end? Obviously I'm making leaps and bounds of progress here in the lvl 60 phase, but... y'know...

--> Can I have any sort of fun and happiness as a non-boxed cleric here? In the sense that: Is there anyone who I can actually group with that's not just awkwardly 3-boxing shit while I add 17dps and toss a heal out when they reach 85% health (omg) simply to justify my existence? I miss being needed (just like irl~)

--> What's the next "step" for the server in terms of post-PoP content???

Hehe, I used to love to 2-box on live; now I'm just kinda lazy when it comes to switching windows over and over and it feels like there's 2 choices: A) be a macro-hotkey box hermit on a server of your pleasing or B) play on p99 and deal with a toxic playerbase/more toxic ownership.

/y, and thank you!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Truth is, most everyone 3 boxes here. You can go a long way without it, but content gets progressively more difficult. I suspect a non-twinked 3 box setup will start needing assistance come Vex Thall. PoTime probably needs around 9-15 chars on a first clearing, perhaps more for Quarm. Group composition makes a big difference at the top end. Bards are necessary for resists, or you get pummeled with some AEs. For your specific questions:

--> Is new content generally buggy and broken?
There are some long standing issues that drive me nuts. Like Nek Forest is broken and can put you in a zone loop if you try and enter it. IMO, the zone should be disabled and teleport removed from the NPC in hub until its fixed. As of a little over a month ago, Planes of Power flags got screwed up. You should be required to do all PoP flagging, but someone messed it up and Devs can't seem to figure it out. So once you've killed Aten Ha Ra in VT and get PoP flagged, you can literally walk straight to and zone into PoTime.

--> Is attrition high at the upper tier?
Attrition is definitely a thing as people start maxing out Time gear. That has been end game for server.**

--> Is there generally a buttload of mindless farming for minimal gain at the high-end? Obviously I'm making leaps and bounds of progress here in the lvl 60 phase, but... y'know...
The server is what you make of it. Most seem to enjoy it for the nostalgia. It's balanced well for solo to 2-3 person grouping and NOT having to rely on crazy raid schedules of other P99 / TLP servers, nor Emus that require boxing armies of toons to defeat.

--> Can I have any sort of fun and happiness as a non-boxed cleric here? In the sense that: Is there anyone who I can actually group with that's not just awkwardly 3-boxing shit while I add 17dps and toss a heal out when they reach 85% health (omg) simply to justify my existence? I miss being needed (just like irl~)
Healing definitely is required in the high end. As I said earlier though, most people are 3 boxing and that typically includes a healer of some sort. The most active people I see on (US late night time) are in that guild "Shenanigans". They seem to be working their way through PoTime and might be looking to take an extra healer along? Just shoot them a tell.

--> What's the next "step" for the server in terms of post-PoP content???
**Ironically, the first step was ninja-dropped in a server patch yesterday. I know Nisea and Snacks have been working on custom zones to implement GoD xpac loot / augments. Crushbone was released yesterday and is the first of a few planned zones. Tougher than PoTime is what I hear. They originally tried to just get GoD xpac working, but there are zones entirely unpopulated / broken / empty loot tables, and massive scripting issues. So, releasing custom zones seems to be the route they have decided to take.

For me, I hope some that the changes come quicker now that the holidays are wrapping up. I know some people in Fable Europa are pissed that PoP flags have been broken for so log and some have burned out after gearing up. I, myself, want the flags fixed too and am only 2 items away from being BiS all Time gear on my SK. But I have been spending far more time trying unconventional box setups and helping others out on the server. My 3x Wiz team was hilariously fun and OP for a while.

Maybe the server owner / head Dev could answer more? @SirJames ?


Lord Nagafen Raider
The Hole is insane exp now. Getting like 5-6 AA a pull using my Earthshaker to clear out the temple on my war.

Cleared all of NTOV last night with my level 60 War Cle Shaman combo, but Vulak ate me alive. Going to beef these guys up a bit with AA's and give it a try later on this week.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, Vulak can be a bitch. I killed him with my rogue, warrior, cleric and the amount of corpses I left was unreal. Just zerged him over and over until I dropped him. I felt cheap for doing it, but o well.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Haha, I tried doing exactly that but without a DPS box, he was just hovering around 96% and it wasn't going anywhere.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's pretty crazy how much DPS my wizard box does with basically no gear. Maybe it's just because I haven't had a true DPS box prior, but these 10k crits at 60 are devastating.


<Gold Donor>
Thats the thing about casters, its all about their spells and gear makes their mana pool bigger, gear is what makes melee DPS better.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Eh... focus effects are pretty critical for a caster. Though, the poorly thought out server augment negates that here. Typically, you need to be hunting for the highest fire / ice / magic direct damage focus items as a wizard. VT / Plane of Time focus would be very meaningful. But, you can just save 15k plat and buy that server aug that has a bunch of great effects. One of which is +45% spell damage (all types). So yea, focus item gear is now meaningless for them.

I have a 3 box team of wizzies I made. They were incredibly fun and 1 shot up to Kunark bosses (not VP), but as the xpacs get deeper the HP scaling is less. Even 3x wizzies aren't taking down Velious bosses. By the time they were in PoTime, you end up blowing through multiple mana bars and have to deal with zoning out to get out of combat to med. Then you have the AE mana drain bosses that make your wizard almost entirely useless without a bard or 500 worn resists.

TLDR: Wiz are fun as hell here in the early game, but have a ton of limitations later on that other classes like zerker, rogue, monk do not deal with.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think I'm going to just keep chugging with the Wiz until I hit whatever that wall is. Becoming another War Shaman Rog/Monk/Zerk combo just seems really boring to me.


Hit 65 on all boxes (War Dru Wiz) with between 550-350aa on all. Seriously flattening Velious bosses without even needing a heal. I love this server.
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Hit 65 on all boxes (War Dru Wiz) with between 550-350aa on all. Seriously flattening Velious bosses without even needing a heal. I love this server.

Did they have some sort of serious nerf or do you mean not-Tormax/AoW/Sleepers/Vulak? I mean they were never that hard, but "without even needing a heal" seems a bit unnatural.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, I have a Dark Blade of the Warlord in the bank I would give to you if you can do Vulak without 1 single heal. :)

Yea, Evasive is OP, but not that much!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think nearly all of NTOV outside of Vyemm and Vulak were done without heals or pots. I'll give Vulak a try later today with just pots and let you know how it goes ;)

The no heal comment was more of a function of the DPS; most of these were fights that only lasted maybe 2 minutes or so.


Uncle Tanya
Does this server have an afk -> boot to character select thing in place or are GM's just kicking me off at will for pet-afk-exp'ing?

I go to work or sleep and when I check my comp, I'm at character select every time. The reason I ask is that sometimes I make X amount of AA and other times it's much less, leading me to believe I'm just being kicked off.

Oh, BTW!!! If this is against the rules, I'm very, very sor... nah, jk, I don't care, you can ban me (though I'm having fun!). I really just don't have time to grind all this shit-ass AA, especially when I'm capped at 60 and all the best AA's are 61+