EQMac Now Free to Play


Trump's Staff
EQMac Voice (OSX) app allows you to completely control another character without having to look at it. Works well with my cleric.


Apparently Piestro has said that SoE is okay with it because it doesn't actually automate anything and it could help those with disabilities. This is the closest AK will ever get to having mercenaries.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Bragon bro, haven't seen you in a while, what's the deal? I'm 61 now, whats it take for a reroller to get a shakerpage group around here?


The real question is whether the bard AA nerf occurred which totally killed AE kiting?



<Silver Donator>
is that the caller event or just random FG trash? If so save me the snare gland, i'll buy them =p


Molten Core Raider
Caller event. That was 4 kegs of mobs from one cave.

And yeah, I have some glands. I knew they were valuable (I was a hardcore raider and MT after all) but the demand for these things seems to be going up by the day. I had three people ask me about them one morning just from my announcing bard/rogue invis cloak rots. One of them pressured me into selling him some for 2k each, trying to tell me that was too high and how easy they were to get. Of course I put up 3 on my trader for 3k each and they sold in hours, so I see now how dumb that was of me. Considering people pay 6k for freakin' rockhopper hides, I'm going to jack up that price. Daddy needs some horsies.
Still having a blast. I can't do that crazy AE thing but my group works great. The only issues I have with the server is that some spells don't seem to land sometimes. It's some kind of weird bug or something. I have made do with nukes not landing occasionally, but now it happens to my newest heal spell which really sucks. It's not game breaking but it is pretty bad. Maybe I should lower my datarate to 8.0 or something.

The only other thing I don't like is that the Zone Experience Modifiers are far too restrictive. Half the great zones in the game have crappy low XP rates and then everyone huddles in Highkeep and a few other boring zones. Seems totally illogical to me, especially considering that some of the hardest and most out of the way zones seem to have the lowest Z.E.M, and yet some of the easiest zones are very high. The result is that I plow through XP at somewhere I didn't really want to go, and when I get bored I go somewhere I love and it feels like such a grind. But I don't mind too much anyway because I'm levelling quite fast as it is.
Solved my spells not landing issue! My only issue now is that I need gear and cash and yet I'm levelling so fast that it makes going to camp for some items a waste of time. At 20 I thought about going to my cash spot like I did in P99. But because the xp is fast in better zones, I just went there and now I'm 30. And I thought again about maybe camping the Scryer or something in U.Guk but it's not worth it. I may as well plod on and camp stuff at 40, or 50, or whenever.

At some point I really should spend time on items.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Feel your pain bro, Im 65 in a crafted BP, AC 10 legs, and fine plate pauldrons. My AC is right around 950. Cant even tank in BoT or Tactics. Tough getting groups.


Trump's Staff
Qwerty, Datarate.txt is built into the client now. Hobart changed it to be like the PC side is. Changing the file wont do anything for you.

Edit - nm, you're on a PC. Not sure if it helps there. What solved your spell issue?


Molten Core Raider
I didn't start replacing most of my level 1 store bought cloth and leather until my 50s. I just started gear farming mode at 60 since I intend to stay 60 awhile.

Trying to do my part for the newbies by selling the junk I picked up while leveling for cheap on the trader. Sells out fast though.

If I had some degree of confidence that I could keep my access to the server a long time, I'd work on tradeskills. PoP is really a tradeskill expansion. I remember making tons of heraldic armor for tribute on my war 10 years ago. All sorts of nice stuff is crafted here; particularly for the non-raiders. There is really a big market for it that nobody is filling.


Trump's Staff
I'm level 41 and all of my money has gone into trade skills. Partly because there's a market for it, and partly because I'm working on Coldain quests.
Qwerty, Datarate.txt is built into the client now. Hobart changed it to be like the PC side is. Changing the file wont do anything for you.

Edit - nm, you're on a PC. Not sure if it helps there. What solved your spell issue?
Yeah I'm on PC. I think I set my datarate to 9.0 which seems to work great. I get lag sometimes but it's rare.

The spell issue is that I have macros set up because I'm multiboxing. So my heal macro says /target Tank /cast 2. And then my nuke macro says /assist tank /cast 3. etc.

The problem is that just a little bit of lag wrecks it sometimes. With the heal it somehow manages to start casting the spell before it had a chance to target the tank, and then the heal ends up healing no target at all. The missing nukes I assume must be the same. So now I click my macro and then crouch to cancel the spell, and then click it again. It gives a chance to make sure the target is done before it casts the spell. It seems to be working 100% now. I'll probably just put a pause in the macro. Just sucks to have a pause in a heal.

I didn't start replacing most of my level 1 store bought cloth and leather until my 50s. I just started gear farming mode at 60 since I intend to stay 60 awhile.
Ahh cool. I think I will do the same thing, except I might get a few pieces from Lguk along the way, mainly because I love the zone and partly because just a few items from there would really help me. (The Ykesha and a Runed Cowl too, maybe a fbss).

If I had some degree of confidence that I could keep my access to the server a long time, I'd work on tradeskills.
Are you thinking that SOE might close it down? I would be devastated if that happened.
Yeah I will have to. I already have that on my auto follow macro, but I really didn't want it in my cast macros because it will add valuable seconds to a life saving heal or an important nuke
But I'll just have to. Hopefully I can get away with 1 second.


Molten Core Raider
Are you thinking that SOE might close it down? I would be devastated if that happened.
Not the server, but the PC client hack. Secrets indicated that she would help Hobart disable it if Hobart didn't want it working. So far Hobart hasn't said anything (to my knowledge) that he wants it non-functional, but I'm not about to raise tradeskills to 200+ without some assurances that it won't go to waste.