EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!


Avatar of War Slayer
Watched some vids on building.

Hrm. I don't know if they are going to add tools to speed things up or what exactly. But I feel like currently building is a whole lot of working around mechanics and tools.
Like EVERYTHING is build a giant block. and cut a slice out of the block for what you actually want. Then copy+paste, as needed.
Any way they could cut out some of the steps on that would be great.

The secondary issue is, you pretty much need at least one claim that solely acts as a prep area/building test zone.
I would like to see them address that as well. For 1, the costs associated with it. And 2, its ugly as well to have these peg boards of micro voxels, and half built surrealist designs, people keep on hand for easy copy+pasting into their real build site. I wonder if they can add or allow phased claims for test building? Or perhaps a private area, you can teleport to?


Vyemm Raider
Your claim extends pretty deep into the ground. I dug a shaft to the bottom, and cleared out a nice sized area.


I'm hooked already. Even my daughter likes to play, though she mostly just gathers mats, which is really great haha.

Two noob things that made a huge difference: holding down left click to continuously mine or chop. And holding shift to sprint. I just assumed default run speed was it, then I accidentally hit shift and crapped my pants.

I'm on Confidence, IGN Hinadu.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Watched some vids on building.

The secondary issue is, you pretty much need at least one claim that solely acts as a prep area/building test zone.
I would like to see them address that as well. For 1, the costs associated with it. And 2, its ugly as well to have these peg boards of micro voxels, and half built surrealist designs, people keep on hand for easy copy+pasting into their real build site. I wonder if they can add or allow phased claims for test building? Or perhaps a private area, you can teleport to?
You can just template stuff.. A prep area is still handy for constructing new pieces but then you just template and can delete the workspace. 3 claims is just the current max, it will expand eventually... when alpha started the limit was 1.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Got my copper pick and keen-eye band. Working on crafting my claim flag. Any old timers out there have any advice on what to look for in a good claim? Is it just basically pick a spot you like the view from and plant your flag?


Got my copper pick and keen-eye band. Working on crafting my claim flag. Any old timers out there have any advice on what to look for in a good claim? Is it just basically pick a spot you like the view from and plant your flag?
Pretty much. It's rare that someone can mess up your view like if you bought a pristine beachfront property and someone put a condo in front of it. The maps are too big for that right now, and they have plenty of islands/servers.

Your biggest challenge is figuring out what type of environment you want to live in. You can live in a desert region, then go to a tundra region, mine snow and ice water, and bring it all back which will make your desert claim pretty unique. Or vice versa.

You can craft prop trees so even in a sparse or high elevation where there aren't any, you can craft your own. When they put water in the game, you can bet someone is going to make a mountaintop retreat with some kind of spa by importing water there.

Even if you pick a low-level area, you can always build up.

edit: If you didn't get a blue band, you can craft more of them. I got two greens then crafted two blues after.


Trump's Staff
Seems keen eye bands are only useful for mining, rare trees like thistles always seem to give 4x special mats per tree. Use strength bands instead for faster chopping.


Sparkletot Monger
Picking your claim depends on what you want to build.

Castles look really good on mountaintops though. I was toying with the idea of building Rock Ridge from Blazing Saddles, so I am kinda scouting out good desert area.



Avatar of War Slayer
Got my copper pick and keen-eye band. Working on crafting my claim flag. Any old timers out there have any advice on what to look for in a good claim? Is it just basically pick a spot you like the view from and plant your flag?
more or less.

there is a large area of "no one can claim this" around your claim, or others.
So like, as mentioned a few posts ago, if a claim is 70m/70m/100m, then there is an area of 140m on every side of your claim, that can't be taken by another player. This also gives a good amount of draw distance, to make others sites hard to see in many situations.

The caveat. Desert obviously has few trees to block site. Plains same deal.
Building on the top of a mountain, will likely make your claim visible for a very long distance.

Being close to a portal is super advantageous now. It makes your claim visible, so people will visit and give + rating. You might have the best building in the world, but out in the wilderness where no one sees it..
So mountaintops within sight of the portal is the PRIME realestate.

Biomes may matter to you, but you do have total control over the biome inside your claim. Props and painting.

the importance of a claim vs none.

As a new player, do not bother wasting materials on crafting stations. bum off someone else that has them open to public. All crafting is done with the basic craft stations currently.

"refineries" however DO require a claim. They are private use only. As you move up, these become valuable. material values really get high.

Example, I currently need 95 tungsten ingots for a smelter, smoothing tool, and line tool. add the 30 need for the axe, and I used 125 ingots. which at basic craft station would be 12,500 tungsten ore.
However, I have the t2 smelter, which gives 120%. So I only need 10,500 tungsten ore, for 125 ingots.
Or the "sifter", which lets you turn dirt and rock into ore.
I'm not sure on the ratio for that. haven't made it yet. But i am sitting on like 200k? dirt. might even be 2m.


Avatar of War Slayer
Picking your claim depends on what you want to build.

Castles look really good on mountaintops though. I was toying with the idea of building Rock Ridge from Blazing Saddles, so I am kinda scouting out good desert area.
An old west town would be pretty easy to do with the tools. Get on that, will be sweet.


Anyone with a logitech keyboard (or any other macro programmable ) , making a mouse click macro with a .5 second delay and set to repeat makes the game much more enjoyable. Not having to hold the mouse button down and just put your cursor over whatever you want to harvest is the way to go.


Can someone explain the template thing? I understand they are templating claims before wiping, but does that mean I only keep the design of everything I've built or the design of everything I've built + the materials I used to build?

Also, what happens to crafting stations? Wiped?


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Can someone explain the template thing? I understand they are templating claims before wiping, but does that mean I only keep the design of everything I've built or the design of everything I've built + the materials I used to build?

Also, what happens to crafting stations? Wiped?

You keep everything but claim on next wipe..basically this is the launch. (So don't delete anything you might want to use later)


<Prior Amod>
I just started today, I've been gathering mats to build up my tools, I'll worry about a claim in a day or two I think.

I'm on Adventure. Name is Jahlod


Weird, the alpha ranmuchsmoother for me. The ping and fps were far more stable than it is now. I guess that's to be expected (more people now, more features) but it's just jarring how much night/day it is performance wise. My cards are even better than ones I used in alpha as well. (770s)

Other than that, the game itself is still just as engrossing as it was in alpha. I'm back to gathering and mining and strangely okay with doing just that, making the occasional axe/stations/site prep. Still don't know why I like this shit.. I think Minecraft is extremely boring as hell but I'm okay with this and there'sfar lessto do right now. Between FFXIV, Heartstone and this.. I must be getting too old to game. I like all this 'relaxing' type shit now.. not into the hectic pace of typical mmos anymore with 'go! go! go!' to max then quit.

Maybe it's the music and the scenery... shit is gorgeous like FFXIV is. Kind of like dating a supermodel I guess.. lots of flash, not much substance yet. But hey, she's taking classes so she'll get there one day. Plus, I love what SOE is doing as a company right now. They seem to be pretty solid in their new mission statement of glasnost and I'm eating that up.

Stuck on this game.