Everquest II


Vyemm Raider
When I played during SOD, actually putting together a group that was even willing to zone in to a dungeon was challenge #1, but challenge #2 was actually having a group capable of even finishing the place. Plus, EQ2 dungeons are progressive, with retarded hard massive cockblock "just bring a tank with raid gear" style bullshit at the upper end which is completely stupid and pointless because players who are willing to put that kind of effort in are almost certainly raiding enough to not give a shit at all about the loot in dungeons, so they might run the place once and never go back again. (this is why WoW makes raiders do dungeons if they want to cap their valor despite those dungeons being utterly trivial to them. Raiders queue for dungeons and carry the casuals, everyone gets paid and everyone is happy. Genius, really.)

Anyway, once I finished each instance - with the same group of about 8 people on the entire server who were actually willing to do them - I had beaten the game. At that point it was either try to get into the one end game guild, or join the one casual "raid two expansions old shit" guild which I went on the Perma(?) raid with once and said no fucking thanks. 30 minute breaks between every pull in a game with no downtime, wat?

So anyway, either play with the goal of soloing what you can or line up some poopsocks to join the resident uber guild. There's nothing in between but dogshit, just like EQ1 and probably most any MMO that is running on life support. Only WoW has really solved this problem and the solution is like swallowing vomit for a lot of people.
So anyway, either play with the goal of soloing what you can or line up some poopsocks to join the resident uber guild. There's nothing in between but dogshit, just like EQ1 and probably most any MMO that is running on life support. Only WoW has really solved this problem and the solution is like swallowing vomit for a lot of people.
Yup, this.

Decided to give in and sub for a little while until Wildstar, EQN and a few others come out for nostalgia's sake as well as for the RP community on Antonia Bayle. Time constraints, my schedule, and the server/game pop will probably prevent me from seeing any real end-game content, but I figured it would be good for a casual run.

The housing also makes me long for SWG *sniff*.


Potato del Grande
You missed the boat. The game that was enjoyable a few years after release is p much gone now. There's not a really big pop and you're going to do the worst part of the game (the solo questing) all the way up. Skip it, pick up a newer game.

I say this as someone who finally uninstalled it after having it sitting on my computer for a couple years of off and on play. Game just isn't the same anymore, not worth investing time into it.
Gdit Bix. I just level'd a char to 95 and i'm ready to raid some shit then you and Kreugen come along and tell me I wasted my time. I'm fucking bored


Just a Nurse
Get the best gear that you can get by yourself or in a group and apply to the local uber guild. If you picked the right class, chances are, they'll need you and take you in for a couple weeks to see how you are. I haven't played since Faydwer (or whatever), but, it was definitely a lot of fun.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The wife talked me into giving this game another go and I agreed to as well as some friends give it a go if we all came back together. Then I realized to have access to all the games content I would have to pay $95 per account (quit shortly before AoD). And there is just no fucking way. No way am I going to pay $95 to play a game, in which the content is already a year old might I add, the way it is meant to be played. When you compare it to what is on the market now $40 if it included everything and a gold membership still seems a little high imo, but that would at least be somewhat reasonable and I'm sure plenty of us veteran suckers would give SoE our $40. You can buy year old AAA titles for $5, why would I pay $95 for a year old game?


Molten Core Raider
Where are you getting that number from? I think most expansion packs for EQ2 go for about 40 dollars and unless they've changed everything with the f2p conversion; buying the newest addon will give you access to all the previous ones.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you buy the latest expansion it doesn't include AoD because it is considered a "feature only" expansion and is not required to play, but why would I return and not want 20 aa, reforging, or mercs? Then when you buy these expansions 30 day free game time is for new accounts only. Thus $40 for AoD, $40 for CoE, and $15 for a gold membership.


Molten Core Raider
You would miss out on an 'extension' that added player made dungeons (suck) and beastlords (awesome). On the upside, those things are being sold on their own soonish.


Silver Knight of the Realm
(Soon) You will be able to buy the features of the expansion in pieces, beastlord for $5, AA for $5, Reforging for $5 (Rough Estimates based on the old unlockers for races)


Loaded this up a couple weeks ago and made a character that started in Halas. This game did not age well at all.


I've been forcing myself to try to like the game again, but despite the sometimes awesome looking landscapes (GD/EW/ToFS), I just can't play it. The mobs still stutter around, there's like a gazillion hotbar slots that you need to manage and despite the introduction of Mercs if you want to complete older content you do sometimes need other players, which are no where to be found (on my server anyway). Everquest mobs move FAR smoother than EQ2, which I don't get, and as dated as EQ is, it still got a lot of things right that EQ2 tried to re-invent and failed.


I've been forcing myself to try to like the game again, but despite the sometimes awesome looking landscapes (GD/EW/ToFS), I just can't play it. The mobs still stutter around, there's like a gazillion hotbar slots that you need to manage and despite the introduction of Mercs if you want to complete older content you do sometimes need other players, which are no where to be found (on my server anyway). Everquest mobs move FAR smoother than EQ2, which I don't get, and as dated as EQ is, it still got a lot of things right that EQ2 tried to re-invent and failed.
I'm having 10 times more fun on P99 then I did on either go of EQ2. I really wanted to like EQ2, but I just don't at all.


Trakanon Raider
I'm having 10 times more fun on P99 then I did on either go of EQ2. I really wanted to like EQ2, but I just don't at all.
Yeah... couldn't believe how bad EQ2 was this last little run. I wanted to like it and I loved it at one time but if you want what EQ2 could/should offer FFXIV is everything MMO's in the last fews year should have been.


Yeah... couldn't believe how bad EQ2 was this last little run. I wanted to like it and I loved it at one time but if you want what EQ2 could/should offer FFXIV is everything MMO's in the last fews year should have been.
I've been in EQ2 almost continuously for the last 3 years and in total, the last 6 years. All my friends are there...that's why. It had a pretty good draw of good stuff to do, from soloing to grouping to (marginally) raiding. In the last year, things dropped off considerably. No new players worth a shit to raid. So, raids got easier. Fewer players, so xpacs got less money thrown at them. And on and on.

Now, no one gives two shits, and really, this is not a big deal. We're all waiting for Next or whatever to get our game back on.

Saw the big new raids...and people in my guild were duoing them...game over for me.

It's still a pretty awesome game if you want nothing from the endgame. It has epic shetloads of stuff to do with an SO or a friend. Sadly, the game has a very EOL (End Of Life) feel about it once you hit L92.


Potato del Grande
Why do people in eq1 and eq2 say things like hihihi and hugs. I never see that shit in WOW


I miss hugs

ahh, the good old days...