Everquest - Selos Server - 20th Anniversary Casual Server


Golden Baronet of the Realm
They say you aren't a champion until you defend your title. See you dudes in PoP for the quarm race.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There were a few officers that stepped up to call shots after the drama, but there was also several members who went out of their way to go above and beyond to help see things through, all in all the vast majority contributed to the goal and got it done.

Grats you guys, I love people telling us that Grisvok is an asshole as if we dont know. We are all assholes to each other sometimes but can argue and still be friends with our <Team Dannin> core. S Siirx , A Astral , S Skykam , @Zama, @Toriador are hands down some of the best players I've ever played with in games.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I stayed outside and finished the remaining peoples keys. Same thing I did in OoW. I dont care whether im in the first run, only care that I win. But the VT route we took was my planning and toriador.

I gotta say you and Drillisen called the 2 people who wigged out in advance and knew to restrict access to the real shit going on behind the scenes. Its funny people think its all about leadership taking the glory when we're always the ones out in the open world doing the heavy lifting anonymously without anyone even knowing while we let our friends get the server 1st kills and the special titles and loot etc.

Correction 1/4 the size after half your members leave and go back to coirnav.

Correction, when people saw Mabbu doxxed it had the opposite effect. Bringing RL shit into this like Mabbu and Zaide did on this server is retarded, people are so fucking deranged in Everquest to actually DOXX people. I used to think it was funny too though and was just as fucking stupid to do so.

Also i'd like to point out to the TL / AoS crew that @a_skeleton_03 instantly deleted it and banned Mabbu. This website is safe to register, PM, and post on. I wouldn't vouch for a_skeleton_03 if i didnt believe him to be 100% up front himself.
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Bringing RL shit into this like Mabbu and Zaide did on this server is retarded, people are so fucking deranged in Everquest to actually DOXX people. I used to think it was funny too though and was just as fucking stupid to do so.

Let’s be real though... TL/AoS leadership has certainly contributed to doxxing too.


Uncle Tanya
Well again, good for you guys! I for one welcome our Amtrak overlords. (I still like Faceless best! np)
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Let’s be real though... TL/AoS leadership has certainly contributed to doxxing too.

You RMTd loot, reapplied under different toons just to RMT repeatedly, DDoS'd and you then took our website and forums hostage throwing a fit you wouldnt be allowed to RMT. The only person who posted your IP even with you doing all that was Zaide. Grisvok only threatened you if you didnt stop acting like an idiot DDoSing and trying to ruin a guild.

Plus the only real DOXXing ive seen period is Zaide doing it to Dima on Lockjaw by getting his IP from Teamspeak and then now on this most recent server when Zaide posted all of our IPs that I had only sent him. Like I said i thought it was funny when he did it to Dima which was immature of me, people bringing RL into games is pathetic and I was childish for thinking it was funny when it was done to Dima.
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You RMTd loot, reapplied under different toons just to RMT repeatedly, DDoS'd and you then took our website and forums hostage throwing a fit you wouldnt be allowed to RMT. The only person who posted your IP even with you doing all that was Zaide. Grisvok only threatened you if you didnt stop acting like an idiot DDoSing and trying to ruin a guild.

Plus the only real DOXXing ive seen period is Zaide doing it to Dima on Lockjaw by getting his IP from Teamspeak and then now on this most recent server when Zaide posted all of our IPs that I had only sent him. Like I said i thought it was funny when he did it to Dima which was immature of me, people bringing RL into games is pathetic and I was childish for thinking it was funny when it was done to Dima.

The amount of incorrect information in this post is so dramatically untrue it’s absurd. But I understand the need for a scapegoat.

Whether or not it was you specifically that released my phone number or social media details I can’t be certain, but no parties are innocent in this nonsense.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The amount of incorrect information in this post is so dramatically untrue it’s absurd. But I understand the need for a scapegoat.

Whether or not it was you specifically that released my phone number or social media details I can’t be certain, but no parties are innocent in this nonsense.

You are quite possible the most deranged person on these TLPs and the entire reason we had to make an IP list lol. Tell yourself whatever you want just make sure you stay the fuck away from us. We are lucky we caught you in advance this server and kicked you, you can sell Faceless loot and toons this go round clown.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I gotta say you and Drillisen called the 2 people who wigged out in advance and knew to restrict access to the real shit going on behind the scenes. Its funny people think its all about leadership taking the glory when we're always the ones out in the open world doing the heavy lifting anonymously without anyone even knowing while we let our friends get the server 1st kills and the special titles and loot etc.

Correction, when people saw Mabbu doxxed it had the opposite effect. Bringing RL shit into this like Mabbu and Zaide did on this server is retarded, people are so fucking deranged in Everquest to actually DOXX people. I used to think it was funny too though and was just as fucking stupid to do so.

Also i'd like to point out to the TL / AoS crew that @a_skeleton_03 instantly deleted it and banned Mabbu. This website is safe to register, PM, and post on. I wouldn't vouch for a_skeleton_03 if i didnt believe him to be 100% up front himself.

I had extremely similar complaints to Mabbu, basically every complaint he had I also had this past week. The difference is that I took my complaints to the officers, mostly Drillisen, in private. My complaint that the nonracer loot system sucked was met with an announcement of a noncemptetive period rather than mere dkp, which hopefully gives a fighting chance at gear parity. My complaints about people fucking off in useless places had an immediate result in people getting ripped into for "farming griegs shards" followed by organized cooperative shard and key farms when it became clear that most people still were fucking around. By the weekend the guild was a fucking machine, and toriador went from "is he an officer?" To MVP to most people I chat with.

In contrast, all of Mabbu's potential sympathy evaporated when he doxxed Grisvok. Likewise, faceless, you guys REALLY fucked up with the training and dispelling in ow emp and then fg - you had a ton of amtrak privately concerned about the poor behavior and warp hackers basically all calm down when they saw you guys could be dirty too. Overall, faceless was easily the most classy opponent I have seen on a tlp, and I am not calling some bad 60s breaking mezzes on blood equal to warps, but the timing where your pristine behavior slipped couldn't have been worse for you. The people who were privately talking to me and at that emp ALL stopped after. The fg dispels shut up at least one of the more dramatic guildmates. And then there's mabbu here, who couldn't have done a better job of putting people on team grisvok - congratulations on listing 100% video game related complaints and then taking it to real life, but the rl angle was... he's a pretty normal looking dude and exactly what he said he was, a VA lawyer? Really pathetic move. All you had to do was stay classy and I bet you could have poached a dozen or more people, but instead you went full retard. Like not only is your own rant ruined for doxxing, but I doubt anyone is going to be able to raise a similar complaint - it's easy to rag on grisvok the shadowknight, not so much at txxxx the lawyer.

I was pretty demoralized a week ago, now I'm happy I stuck it out. Hope any other autistic assholes reading along learn a lesson here: if you want to turn people against someone the absolute worst thing to do is escalate it to real life.
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Molten Core Raider
The amount of incorrect information in this post is so dramatically untrue it’s absurd. But I understand the need for a scapegoat.

Whether or not it was you specifically that released my phone number or social media details I can’t be certain, but no parties are innocent in this nonsense.
What Korrupt said is entirely true and you know it. I’d tell you to sell Faceless tinker masks this time but I doubt theyll get any.


Toe Sucker
doxxing over 20 year old pixels
I love EQ and all the michael jordans it holds within it
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The majority of Amtrak officers have sold loot or RMT’d. That’s the one part of your post that bears any smudge of legitimacy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The majority of Amtrak officers have sold loot or RMT’d. That’s the one part of your post that bears any smudge of legitimacy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

So everything he said was 100% true but parts of it were slightly hypocritical?