Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's what 2-3 day respawn? If the guild is big enough and you have that many wizards, could easily take entire 3 months to get them all. There's a few epics like that iirc. There's a reason people are still getting them into velious.

Thankfully I'd say the wizard epic, while nice , isnt one of the "must haves".

This is generally how it works on TLps though, I am shocked you are so surprised. If you are not in the top guild you are usually not getting things right away, unless you get lucky or they get lazy. I'd just keep checking, I wouldn't be shocked if coverage falls into 2nd and 3rd months.


Atabashi said so in /general today:

"Atabishie tells General:1, 'Are you a Wizard main? Do you want to get your epic in era? Well the only place that can happen is at That's E Q Baby, the only guild where Wizard epic dreams are possible. Wizard mains inquire within, and of course I guess other classes can too.'

Then went on to say that no other guild will get one. They will keep it on lockdown to get 50 wizards in their guild.


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Log Wizard

By page six two of this I had to ask myself: Gay thread, or gayest thread?
Yeah, "competitive" TLP guilds are pretty lul. The zerg guild is going to win. Almost every fucking time. Except on Mangler a few times, but they moved the goal posts to do it. AtabishiXXXXX was also in that guild, but it wasn't even the OW guild. Just a guild with 3-5 raids worth of people. He got dicked on so hard he had quit after racing to Quarm in Time and losing from possible 2nd place (after the OW guild) to 4th place I think. Unfortunate.

You know what IS fun? Scheduling your raids in EQ, doing them quickly and efficiently, being done and doing whatever you want after.
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Molten Core Raider

By page six two of this I had to ask myself: Gay thread, or gayest thread?

Although I do find it slightly heartwarming that every reply from someone not in TEB is essentially "no one cares".


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I mean, people do care, but not about what the TEQ people do. Most people genuinely do not care who gets first or who beats some artificial record. They do care about being annoyed by toxic gameplay and irritating people. It's only TLP lifers who really care about the "competition".


Blackwing Lair Raider
Biggest problem Aradune faces is with the recent P99ers who came to the server at launch. They think that there should be a "line" and gms should enforce suspensions when someone hurts their feelings. Until they leave the server, and they will, Karadune will be a mini toxic p99 but in a carebear way.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, "competitive" TLP guilds are pretty lul. The zerg guild is going to win. Almost every fucking time. Except on Mangler a few times, but they moved the goal posts to do it. AtabishiXXXXX was also in that guild, but it wasn't even the OW guild. Just a guild with 3-5 raids worth of people. He got dicked on so hard he had quit after racing to Quarm in Time and losing from possible 2nd place (after the OW guild) to 4th place I think. Unfortunate.

You know what IS fun? Scheduling your raids in EQ, doing them quickly and efficiently, being done and doing whatever you want after.

100% this.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone selling a fungi tunic and/or fungi staff? Pls lmk.

Subbed to the cuckfest - started a dual box SK (iksar) and Monk (iksar) - if anyone has any spare newb gear banked - could use/will return.

Starting fresh is a kick in the teeth.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, "competitive" TLP guilds are pretty lul. The zerg guild is going to win. Almost every fucking time. Except on Mangler a few times, but they moved the goal posts to do it. AtabishiXXXXX was also in that guild, but it wasn't even the OW guild. Just a guild with 3-5 raids worth of people. He got dicked on so hard he had quit after racing to Quarm in Time and losing from possible 2nd place (after the OW guild) to 4th place I think. Unfortunate.

You know what IS fun? Scheduling your raids in EQ, doing them quickly and efficiently, being done and doing whatever you want after.

I wasn't bashing TEB or Atabishi though. I don't know about Mangler but on Aradune he and Kubat know what they're doing in the organization department. Also they didn't zerg VP, and filtered keys to the right people etc. They did break a speed record (and could have done it much earlier / with fewer people).

The reason the thread is Gay/Gayest is because of what a back-and-forth salty whine-fest it is between the haters and that Hicks guy who I think may have been trolling. I lost a few brain cells reading the whole thing.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Nah, Hicks may be trolling some, but there's some authentic sadness to a lot of his posts.

But yeah, these top OW guilds are really about the officers and their organizational and "leadership" abilities. The rank and file really don't matter much except for raw numbers. But, once you have the numbers, you have to have the logistics and coordination setup right to dominate.


Ancient MMO noob
The reason batphone guild exists is to lockdown all OW raid resources. I don't understand why some are still butt-hurt about this. That's actually what EQ was 20 years ago, and it was way more punishing back in the days. Also, those "we don't care / no one cares" posts are exactly the ones who care the most. Otherwise, they wouldn't bothered to post in the first place. Yes, Hick trolls are usually over the top, subtlety is what he needs.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
100% agreed. Doing content with less players? That's where it's always been at for EQ-related challenges.

This for the most part. Though I will say selo launch was just as good if not better, ssra was pretty crazy with people wearing bronze/fine steel, mage summoned armor/focus etc.
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Tranny Chaser
I do hope the next batch of these has something in the same vein as Selo. That was such a good time.
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Log Wizard
The "speed record" is a big * too, because they're still changing the way the game works. This ain't GDQ with an untouched game from 20 years ago on the SNES. Swamp of No Hope spawn changes, charming rares (hello, AJ) changes, all different stuff. None of these records are a record. They're just a note.

I can't wait for the TLP where VP isn't keyed and they kill it day one and say they set a world record. Because they absolutely will.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
People care until they don't get what they cared about or someone else does it better etc and then they suddenly don't. Crazy right? Those people screaming on the forums DO care. They care quite a bit. People with obnoxious sigs trolling every other thread do it precisely because so many people screaming they don't care really do care.

If you don't actually care, as said, you aren't registering forum accounts and making multiple posts about how you don't care.

Meanwhile, I discovered on selo that you can actually have a really awesome TLP community by simply dodging whichever server carries the most negative elements. Since the vast majority of really shitty people either want to play with very limited boxing in a gradual classic-starting atmosphere, or are there to sell shit to those people, choosing a server either with a non classic start (selo) or no boxing restrictions (rizlona) means avoiding the vast majority of both pay2win whiners and professional RMTers. A guild like TEQB doesn't bother me so much but the parts of it that usually do (zerg minded coattail riders and blowhards) tend to fall into the no boxing crowd since they rely on dudes like atabishi to do all the admin work and their personally carries that to groups where they want to /lfg on and get invites and be carried there too.

TLDR whining posters do actually care and if you don't like the zerged atmosphere just go to the alternate TLP server to avoid it.
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