Facebook and identity theft


Molten Core Raider
So i got a call from a friend today asking me: Since when did i re-start using Facebook and since when did i start selling sunglasses? My reply was: What the fuck?

I had deactivated my account back in 2013, deleted all of my pictures, all of my posts, all of my everything... i basically cleaned house and hadn't logged back or even gone to the Facebook address since then. Back then, iirc, there wasn't an option to permanently delete your profile, and the equivalent was only to "deactivate" it. Either way, i was gone from Facebook and i wasn't a part of the searchable database for more than 2 years, and when i was using Facebook my account had decent security - meaning random people couldn't see my pictures, posts, friends list, and whatnot.

Anyways, i reactivated my account after getting the call, reset the password, checked what the fuck was going on and found out that my last account activity was, in fact, in March of 2013. To my relief, my account didn't seem to have been hacked. I'm pretty decent on using different passwords everywhere and not clicking random shit etc., and, to my knowledge, i had never been hacked. To confirm that my friend wasn't just talking shit, i went to her profile and saw that someone with my name, using my picture, really did post an add about sunglasses - and it did it on about 60 of my friends' walls. I reported the account for identity theft, and after about 5 minutes the account and all posts were deleted.

Now, the fact that Facebook acted as quickly as it did is fine. Grats them. But the fact that some fucks somewhere were able to query for my name, picture and friends list, while my account had been inactive for more than 2 years, is fucking fucked... I literally stopped using Facebook back then because i felt it was getting too insecure and that it would be a clusterfuck in the future. That and i really didn't need to know what 200 random people had for breakfast the morning before last...

So yeah, my question to the RR pals is: What the fuck?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
You're in the Facebook DB. It is futile to resist.

Seriously, though. I have no clue how that happens.


Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
At one point the searches on facebook were managed by a third party, they have since been kicked out but they managed to skim pretty much all facebook info and also keep it uptodate using profiles that are not properly locked down.

if you do a google search on your name you might find the mirror of your facebook profile on a page like profileengine (dont want to link it to give those jackasses more traffic) in any case it is possible that whoever jacked your info just took it from a page like that that has mirrors of facebook.