Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Espers don't fire if you try to use them during overkill. LBs and items do, so if you want to get all 3 done at once you really need to get the killshot with the esper, or at least have it already executing.

Took 5 tickets to get Ling, then a couple more for Xaio #1. Guess I will do freebie+daily in hope of getting a second Xaio, but I can't see wasting anymore tickets on this banner.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I've never had trouble getting the esper kill from just timing the esper damage to land before overkill, rather than trying to wear the mob down so low that i can kill it with nothing but the esper. If you're really having trouble, bring Rydia or Garnet loaded up with an extra 40% summon damage in materias and let her go to town with Shiva.


Never mind about me saying the boss was a demon, should have remembered that the fucktards in charge of the wiki always screw up the information at first.


Trakanon Raider
You guys are making me think I'm wrong for skipping Ling. Maybe I'll do some daily pulls for her...

Not sure Strossus about the ring. Sounds like a bug maybe?


Mr. Poopybutthole
She seems like the best support in the game for now. aoe breaks, mana recovery, raise, 40% base evasion, and a hefty fire imperil on her LB.

Anyone know if throwing counts for getting an item kill? Would be just great if that time I spent leveling Edge wasn't wasted.


Potato del Grande
Ling seems good but we'll be getting WoL 6* soon and besides the aoe breaks and some good utility she'd probably just sit there doing nothing half the time.

I don't understand people rushing to use tickets on the first day of a banner if they want a particular unit. Do the dailies, if you dont get the unit(s) by the last day, use tickets.

Meh, I'll probably use tickets on the last day but I won't be crushed if I don't get her.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You guys are making me think I'm wrong for skipping Ling. Maybe I'll do some daily pulls for her...
I don't know that I would have bothered if I didn't need Xaio(s) to get ready for Firion. I use Elza friend when I need the best break possible for a boss, and WoL isn't that far off and will be far more useful as an AE breaker. Not even sure when I will get around to leveling Ling; I decided yesterday that I need at least one more Chizuru maxed out so that's getting done first.

I had no issues pulling Jeweled Ring #2 out of the mailbox either.


Trakanon Raider
Speaking of WOL, can anyone think of a reason to keep 2? I pulled a second today but already have one plus Cecil and Snow.


Vyemm Raider
are there any items you can buy that do more than 200 damage? I don't have the recipe for Void Vessel, and assume no way to get it as that event is long gone.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nope. You can craft 300 damage items but they take an elemental tear each which are used for better things and a pita to farm anyway.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So I've had shit pulls ever since i blew that money trying to get a Zidane. This morning was the round of the usual fuckery, I'm used to it now. Checked my tickets I'm saving for Orlandu, had 25. Thought ah fuck it let use one and see what happens, prismatic crystal drops from the sky. Got Yun, still sad it wasn't Gilgamesh or another Noctis.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Now that I no longer need the Abels off of the Tidus banner, I'm seriously contemplating continuing to bank tickets all the way to the first Veritas banner. After playing on JP for a while I really understand how big of a deal the gacha change truly is. Been getting so goddamn many troll golds on my farm accounts lately and it's super frustrating. Looking at the top tier units in the near future:

Orlandu - Orlandu is the gold standard for top tier dps. Dark Veritas might be more powerful in a vacuum, but Excalibur is super easy to get compared to Deathbringer. There is finally a new dark element weapon from a 4* base on the KG banner, but that's a long way off. Orlandu is right around the corner, but his banner is truly awful. Lawrence and Ovelia have decent TMs, but Soleil is a garbage unit with a garbage TM.

Eileen - Eileen's recent enhancements put her right at the top of the game with Orlandu. Drawback is the severe lack of earth weapons. Aside from her TM there is a good earth katana and a decent earth sword from events, and an earth hammer from a TM. Sadly, her banner is pretty bad too. Soze is a mediocre dps/tank with a good TM but the other two TMs are garbage.

Tidus - Tidus is at the very bottom of the top tier. Similar scarcity of good water element weapons and to make things worse his water imperil is tied to his LB. Although his meter charges fast as hell, it still won't always be full on turn 2. He's also difficult to chain with because his attack hits so fast. That being said, he's still a top tier dps and he's on an amazing banner, particularly if you need dual wield. He shares the banner with Wilhelm, who is a fantastic draw tank, Grace who is a garbage unit with a solid caster/healer TM, some rambo looking chick with a high atk gun, and Abel, a 3* base whose TMR is an 82 atk dagger that gives DW.

Not gonna go any farther than that since that covers probably two months or longer.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I have to wonder if Gumi will keep that Tidus/FFBE banner intact, or if they will do something else with Wilhelm & co. and just make us wait for the FFX banner. Can't really see myself pulling for Tidus either way though, he'd just be a nice bonus from Abel/Rikku pulls.

Edit: Managed to get Great Nian down to <2k hp which made getting all three achievements really easy. Didn't matter which thing landed first, just had to make sure the esper had started.
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Trakanon Raider
I have to wonder if Gumi will keep that Tidus/FFBE banner intact, or if they will do something else with Wilhelm & co. and just make us wait for the FFX banner. Can't really see myself pulling for Tidus either way though, he'd just be a nice bonus from Abel/Rikku pulls.

Edit: Managed to get Great Nian down to <2k hp which made getting all three achievements really easy. Didn't matter which thing landed first, just had to make sure the esper had started.

Is there a way to get mob health displayed numerically? I had a bitch of a time pulling off the achievements with just the health bar.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, and for anyone who hasn't done it yet, don't make the mistake I did. My team was Noctis, Lightning, Rain, Cecil, Refia, Noctis. By bringing it all the way down to 1950hp I took a huge risk that could have ended the run if it had hit Lightning or Rain with a physical attack, because a counter would have killed it. Fortunately it used Preparation instead but it could very easily have gone horribly wrong.

Don't bring any Counter units if you want to drop the hp extremely low for easy 3-in-1 achievements.


Trakanon Raider
That sucks, though Charlotte's a great unit after she gets her 6* upgrade..... a really long time from now. Silver lining?

I decided I'll do 4 daily pulls for Ling, but that's it. Yesterday and today I got a gold from the daily pull (I'm on a serious gold crystal streak these past few days) but yesterdays was a 4* Gilbert (total troll), and todays was a 4* Warrior of Light (duplicate, so totally worthless). Feels bad man.

Not as bad as todays free pull though.... 3* Sabin. Counter materia's at 75% now at least!