Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Mr. Poopybutthole
I started with a 5* WoL, then pulled a 5* Leo during the Lightning banner, which was handy at the time but in retrospect it's super frustrating now that I realize just how close I was to pulling Lightning on my main. I originally started my memu alt as a joke with no intention of keeping it just because I was pissed about missing Agrias, so I figured by god, I was getting Agrias one way or the other. Then on my first reroll out pops Lightning, like wtf. So I figure I'll keep it to dink around with and maybe be able to sell it later. And then off a single 11 pull out pops Luneth.

I suppose if I can sell it before FF3 ends I could use that cash to make more pulls on my main, although at this point it would probably be wiser to let this banner go and save up for Orlandu.


wtf is TMR injection? Is that basically just letting some dude hack TMRs into your account?
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Trakanon Raider
I've been considering saving and then dumping everything I have by then for Orlandu once he releases. The problem with that plan though is that his banner is complete trash except for Orlandu himself. If you dump 40+ summons on his banner, and don't get him, you're going to be incredibly sad with all the worthless Oveilia and Soleils that don't even have a worthwhile TM to at least give a consolation prize.

Maybe he's good enough to be worth the risk anyway, idk.


Vyemm Raider

my current setup is
Black Cat Lid

pulled Refia and not sure who to replace her with. I don't find myself needing more healing as much as i need more DPS.

I don't have any TMs yet aside form a few from friend points.

My current TM army, yet no one is above 20%

2nd Cecil
2 Edgars

I haven't leveled or farmedTM on but on my list to

2 more Black Cats
3 Ingus
White Witch Fina


Trakanon Raider
pulled Refia and not sure who to replace her with. I don't find myself needing more healing as much as i need more DPS.

Refia would boost your dps once you level her to 6* level 85+, when she learns encourage (+45% atk/def for 5 turns). It's too expensive on mana to use on explorations and stuff, but for boss fights it's top notch. I'd drop exdeath or garland for her, at least until they get their 6* upgrade. If you want to give Refia something to do on trash fights that won't drain her mana too much, give her a copy of Bio-Blaster. It won't deal much damage on cast, but it has a high poison chance, and poison will tick for a lot on trash that survives the first turn.


Potato del Grande
Finally saved up 5k lapis pull

fran x2, edgar, sabin, shadow, maria x2, arc x2, ingus, and bedile

2 more pulls after, lani and ingus

Feels bad man.

My best healer atm is Fina, though I DO have 5 Maria's now and 5 Arc's!


Molten Core Raider
Are the red dragons the only way to get more calamity gems? I'm two away from a 6* CoD. Already got the 5 from this event.


Trakanon Raider
I found this on the Reddit board. I bought enough materials to get COD, Bartz and Exdeath to 6 star right away. Then I went and did something stupid like pulling Refia and totally screwed up my stockpile.

But our next event should be a King Mog event (the 18th maybe?) so I'll just get more materials then.



Silver Knight of the Realm
Been playign this game for a bit, not strong enough to do the Pro event right now, unsure if i should even reroll, is there a way for me to list who i have and some of you more savvy could tell me if its worth to keep with what i have or fuck it and reroll??


Mr. Poopybutthole
Been playign this game for a bit, not strong enough to do the Pro event right now, unsure if i should even reroll, is there a way for me to list who i have and some of you more savvy could tell me if its worth to keep with what i have or fuck it and reroll??

You'd just have to type out what you have, but if your account is bad enough that you should just reroll, this is certainly the banner to do it on.


Trakanon Raider
If you re-rolled on this current banner until you got Luneth + Refia, your account is basically set for a very long time. Worst case scenario you could bring a friend Cecil for tanking duties when it's required. I know my friends list is like 35% Cecils now, sigh.


Silver Knight of the Realm
5 stars:
4 stars:
Zidane,Leena,Vivi,Sabin,shadow,Krile,EdgarShantotto,Luna,Magi terra?,Amarant,Rosa
3 stars:
Edge,Mustadio,Alma,Lani,Russell,Montana,Skaha,Carrie,Ollie,Kenyu,Roselia,Cerius,Bedile,Anzelm,Clyne.cyanx3, Rydia x2,fran,Maria,Penelo,vivi,Mel,Mizell,Shiki,Sarah,Paul.


Trakanon Raider
The only units in that list that are really relevant are Chizuru, Zidane, Kain, and Lenna.

Lenna's a great healer, but now that 6* healers are a thing, she's somewhat outdated.
Kain's a great dps for 5* unit, but like Lenna, he's outdated by anything 6*, which is becoming the new standard.
Zidane is worthless as a unit, but he has the best TM in the game.
Chizuru has a great TM, is solid today as a 5* unit, and is decent as a 6* in a few months.

As a whole, your roster could be better. Rerolling is tedious, boring, and could very well burn you out and make you say fuck the game as a whole before you got something that would be considered top tier. I guess it really depends how important having the best of the best units is to you. Over time, with just normal play, you should eventually pull some good stuff from daily summons etc if you decided to stay with it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
OK, im rank 28, i cannot seem to get through pro. story wise i just got to the 4th land?
also forgot i have 2 cat lids, a tellah,hyate and fina all rank 3


Trakanon Raider
What seems to be the thing giving you trouble on pro of the event?

If you can find a high end Lightning or Luneth friend to tag along (linked to Diabolos preferably), they should be able to take out the bosses for you (especially Luneth, he's innately immune to most statuses).

Craft Bar-Blizzara (from a silver chest) and use it during the boss fight. You could also either levelup Fina or Lenna for Cheer (choose Lenna if you do this), or craft Bravery and cast it on Luneth/Lightning to boost their damage for the boss fight. I don't know if the medusa bosses use paralyze or petrify, but bring some items to cure both just in case.

Bring along your 4* Zidane to the pro mode, and use his Escape skill to run from every battle on the way to the boss. For the boss, put up bar-blizzara, give your carry friend an ATK buff, and let them do the work.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finally finished Dual Wield TM tonight, and ended up throwing it on Kefka to give him 465 MAG. It's nice to have it done, but without having Rising Sun as well it doesn't help me much. Even on my phys team I think it will do more good on Agrias to let her use Shining Splendor+Blood Sword (or Mighty Hammer) rather than throwing a shitty 30 ATK offhand onto CoD.


Trakanon Raider
CoD's naked attack is 223, vs Agrias's 108. Even if you left CoD's offhand completely empty, and gave Agrias's offhand Excalibur, CoD would do more damage with the dual wield materia. The mainhand weapon is not included at all for the offhands damage.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I guess I didn't think that through entirely. Kind of like how I'm sitting here right now looking at my Luna 60.4% done with Barrage TM and wondering why the fuck I bothered. It's barely useful on Lightning if you are only using one of her; because of how poorly Barrage chains and how well Crushing Blow chains there is never a reason to use Barrage if you have two or more unless MP is a concern. I'm sure I can find someone to give it to, but compared to stuff like Dualcast (which I need to do at least 2 of), Excalibur #2, Sakurafubuki, etc. that's a colossal waste of TM%.

I've got 3 Luna's now, so I'm tempted to just put them all in for ~3 days and just get it over with by merging. I don't see myself ever wanting more than one Barrage at this point. It's not considered a good ability at all anymore in JP.


<WoW Guild Officer>
So I'm going to setup the TM grinding overnight, and was going to do 2x ludmille, pcecil, arc, and Zidane. Should I be dropping one or two or changing some out? Should I focus more physical or more magic?

For magic specific TMs, I've got a 3 shantottos (30% mag), 3 arcs (omnirod), 3 ludmilles (dual cast), 4 almas (lordly robe), 2 BCLid (Cat Hat), and 3 lennas (magi staff).
For physical specific TMs, I've got 3 Kains (gungir), Vaan (maximillian), Zidane (DW), Miyuki (Sakurafubuki), Agrias (Save the Queen), PCecil (Excalibur), and Edge (Hanzo Gauntlet).


Trakanon Raider
I'd work on Agrias or Miyuki's TM over Arc's. Omni rod is only about 20 magic higher than the free wizard rod, but save the queen or sakura are like 30-40 atk higher than the free alternatives.

For barrage, I think everyone should get at least one copy. It's good on units like Lightning, but that's not the best place for it. Giving a unit like Cecil the barrage TM is great, since they have no attacks at all without it.
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