Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ok, I'm leveling through the game, I did the XP dungeon the first day and the materials dungeon today (don't think awakening dungeon is worth it yet)... but what do I do? I haven't used my friend pulls yet (sitting at 30). Just pull those and fuse them away? I guess I don't know how to progress much past the battles themselves.


Trakanon Raider
Awakening dungeon is the only reliable source of sacred crystals, which every unit needs to evolve to rank 4 and 5, so you will have to do it eventually. All other awakening materials are very common starting on the second island.

With the addition of the second island materias (bio blaster, steal, cura, etc) the value of friend units is basically zero. All you need is 2 rare summons + the 3 storyline characters to make a team that's better than any possible friend unit. That said, they still have some uses for other reasons.

If you find yourself short on gil, put 4 friend pull units into a party together (leave the 5th slot empty) and bring them to the INT exp vortex. Bring a max level rank 5 friend to solo the dungeon, and that will level all 4 of the friend units to level ~12-15 depending on their rank. Then sell all 4 of them for about 20,000 gil. Repeat as needed to always have enough gil for whatever.

Most importantly from friend units is their trust masteries. Some of them are useless, like Aim, Store, etc. Other trust masteries from friend units are amazing, like dragon killer, aqua killer, stone killer, camoflauge, etc. Any time you summon one of the good trust mastery friend units, fuse them together for +5%. Over time you will easily get a bunch of the strong trust masteries for your real team.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Holy crystal is pretty much vortex-only too and you need that for 5*'s.


<WoW Guild Officer>
So how do the trust masteries work? I missed that part.


Trakanon Raider
So how do the trust masteries work? I missed that part.
Every unit has a trust mastery (viewable on their stats page) that is unlocked at 100%. Trust mastery raises in a few ways:

After a dungeon or exploration, everyone in your party has a 10% chance to gain 0.1% trust mastery.
Fusing duplicate units adds their trust masteries together and adds a flat 5% bonus to the total.
Fusing a trust mastery moogle adds a flat 5%, 10%, or 20% mastery to the unit. These are not yet available on global, but we should get them soon.

Once the mastery reaches 100%, it's added to your inventory, freely equippable to anyone on your team. Masteries can be various things such as equipment, spells, or passives.

Also worth mentioning, each unit in your party (except the guest) has a % chance equal to their current trust to "find" bonus loot after a dungeon. If you theoretically ran a dungeon with 5 units with maxed out trust, you would get 5x bonus rewards guaranteed every run. Trust mastery bonus loots are usually pretty good, and include really rare stuff like sacred crystals, elemental tears, etc.


Vyemm Raider
OK then, that escalated quickly. Two bundles available now, One for $25 the other for $75. I think most of the equipment in there is obtainable for free if you are patient enough? Definitely not jumping on those.

Also, hopefully you saved all those friend points. Starting on Monday you can summon cactuars with them for a limited time.

Anyways my Friend ID is 835,531,934. I am just starting out again, but I do have the mighty ExD and will be leveling it as quickly as possible.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Those bundles are retarded as hell. Mythril gear is obtainable, golden is not. ATK +10% you can currently get one copy of, 20% doesn't exist afaik. Still, that shit's about 10x overpriced. They put up a new iron chest too, this time blue 'cites for Siren... except you can only buy two of them when normally it's 5.

Also, the FP event is great for *collecting* FP (run the 1 energy dungeon until your eyes bleed) but I recommend against using any during it. Jumbo Cactuars are extremely rare, and all the other shit is a huge waste because using FP for getting trust masteries is much more important.


Bronze Squire
So I was never really ain to the whole rerolling stuff that a lot of these games do but I am curious if it is necessary? All I have currently is Rain, Laswell, Shantotto, Maria and Edgar. Only on the 2nd island as well. Is it worth rerolling to the pull the noted overpowered stuff or can I still do everything fine?


Trakanon Raider
It really depends on what you want from the game. You can beat everything storyline related easily with the story units and some free friend units. There's only a few "hard" challenges available currently, which can mostly be beaten with free units and some strategy/luck:

White Dragon (farplane boss) is very easy with the 3 story characters maxed at 5* and a few casts of bio-blaster (craftable materia)
Europa (colosseum BGN S5 boss) can be beaten with bar-thundara materia, a backup healer, and the blind status
Rank 2 Espers (promotion fights) are for the most part trivialized by bringing a Vaan friend for full break, with poison and/or silence statuses.
Frost Dragon (colosseum INT S5 boss) is the only one that's maybe out of reach with only storyline units + friend point characters. As we get more content, and we have stronger gear available, even this one can be powered through without rare units.

Eventually, we're going to be getting harder and harder content available to us. I can't really speak to how viable it will be without top tier units, since only japan has it right now. I do know we get more free story units as the campaign progresses, and they all evolve to the max rarity, so even with 0 summons, you eventually can run a full team of 5* units (eventually 6*).

If you're willing to go through the tedium of re-rolling over and over again for the "best" units, everything in game will be a lot easier/smoother. If you wanna be the best there ever was, beating the latest hard fight on day 1 of it's release, you probably will need a meta team. If you just want to enjoy the game for what it is without going all hardcore, you don't have to worry about rerolls at all.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, it's about opportunity more than anything. If you just stick with whatever you get on the first try and wait for events to use all the lapis/tickets you get in the future you might get the best units anyway. Or you might never get Exdeath, CoD, and Cecil at all. Plus the very best units in the game are VASTLY more rare--even during their events--than the current best ones. If you want Lightning, you have to first get lucky and roll a rainbow (5*) crystal and then it has to choose her. Rerolling is just a one-time chance to start with exactly what you want, limited only by how much patience you have and the units currently available. If you roll up a good team now, then you can save all your future tickets for units like Lightning, Luneth, Chizuru, Gilgamesh, Majin Fina, Ace, etc. as they are added. Assuming you're even still playing then.

I'm rank 35, have a 5* ~250ATK Firion with all the best shit currently available, but that's about it. I've got Edgar who is probably the best 4* by a decent margin (ignoring the fact that he doesn't get a 5* once we get more JP content), but the rest of my 4*'s are mediocre (Kain, until 5*) or trash (Clyne and no-dual-wield Penelo). I can beat everything currently in the game easily, but if someone offered me an account with Exdeath, CoD, and one other 5* I'd start over without a second thought. I don't really want to start over though, so I'm making it a point to not try to roll some new accounts now.


Trakanon Raider
I finally figured out the whole rerolling thing and it took me about 4 or 5 attempts to get something I was ok with. In the end it was only a 5 star Exdeath and some junk units but I was sick of rerolling at that point. I also ended up with a 4 star Kain and 4 star Shantoto. Nothing else really worth mentioning. I figure I have enough to get started and I'll just save additional Lapis and Summon Tickets for future rate up events.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Rerolling is pretty fast if you use 4+ Nox clients. You could probably even script it if you really wanted to. The only slowdown is having to reinstall the app each time, but even that only takes a few seconds. Might be slightly more annoying now if you can't download the APK first and have to get it from Play Store each time, I haven't tried since release.


Got drunk and did my 10 summons. No Exdeath, which I'm led to believe tilts the assessment toward automatic failure. In truth, I got CoD in 5* form, so that's alright, right?

The rest:
Kain x 2, one 4*
Vivi x 2
Luna 4*

Probably shoulda waited for a rateup, but 5* Cloud of Darkness makes it not a complete waste, correct?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
CoD is the second best unit currently available for sure. Maybe even the best while we're stuck at 5*, when you take Fina's buff into consideration. Only thing I don't like about her is how long Barrage takes to animate.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Just pulled a 3 bartz 3 firion and some assorted meh troops. The 3* is kinda lame, but I may just be too tired of rerolling just for exdeath.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Got tired of rerolling. Ended up with a couple accounts with just enough to keep it. One with 3* Bartz, 3* Firion and a mix of other mediocre units. Then another with a 5* Bartz and a 3* Bartz. Ugh... Not sure if the 5* is worth making it my main account or if the Bartz and firion is better.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Got tired of rerolling. Ended up with a couple accounts with just enough to keep it. One with 3* Bartz, 3* Firion and a mix of other mediocre units. Then another with a 5* Bartz and a 3* Bartz. Ugh... Not sure if the 5* is worth making it my main account or if the Bartz and firion is better.
You'll eventually get the 3* to 5*, so I'd go with the firion... though I've been blowing my summons to try and get a bartz [again].

So what's the fast/easy way to level? Feeding trash seems to just cost gold without a ton of gain.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'd keep the Firion+Bartz account over 2x Bartz too. Firion is very good now, and gets even better once Global gets 6* upgrades.

So what's the fast/easy way to level? Feeding trash seems to just cost gold without a ton of gain.
Chamber of Experience ADV. Use a maxed 5* friend unit if you are trying to level a bunch of low levels at once, or if you want to just bring 1 to get all the XP (about 30-32k).


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'd keep the Firion+Bartz account over 2x Bartz too. Firion is very good now, and gets even better once Global gets 6* upgrades.

Chamber of Experience ADV. Use a maxed 5* friend unit if you are trying to level a bunch of low levels at once, or if you want to just bring 1 to get all the XP (about 30-32k).
Nice, I'll drop in. Can you clear a spot so I can add you? FL was full yesterday.