Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
I'm not at the I quit stage yet, but I'm slowly working towards it. I blew 40 summons on the WoL banner, with nothing worth a shit (and no WoL). I've been playing since the first week of soft launch, so what, 3 months now or something? I've done probably 150+ summons since release, and the only unit I have with 6* potential is a single Bartz. I was gonna do some summons for Zidane, but hearing how bad the rates are, I guess I'm gonna skip. The events have been garbage too. I grinded out two gravity rods, which was tedious as all hell for a super small upgrade, and now todays event is even worse. You have to grind a shitty, long, high level exploration map at 15 energy a pop about 20 times to make complete and utter trash like burst shot, which does less damage than the free skill raging fist, or stonra blade, which is a hybrid 1.4 attack, which means it's garbo damage even if hitting a weakness, or 15% hp, which no one's going to equip over things like 10% atk or mag (once we get them soon). I mean, really? At least I can totally ignore this event and not feel any regret.

For now I'm going to have hope that it turns around somehow, but as soon as 6* units start releasing on global, if I'm still stuck with an outdated team of shitty 5*'s, I'm done too.


Trakanon Raider
I agree with a lot of what you both are saying. I don't have s ton of experience with mobile games and their Gacha systems but this one seems bad. The other mobile game I play is Final Fantasy Record Keeper (most of the people in this thread are in that one too) and I may have some issues with DeNA and their game I still think it's much better than Gumi and Brave Exvius.

I honestly think that Gumi intentionally made Zidane's pull rate absolutely terrible because of the hype around him. They'd be stupid not to read feedback on Reddit so they had to know that people were planning to spend big for him. So it sounds like they went for short term profits and made him super rare. He's a 3 star base and he's harder to pull than WOL or Chizuru (sp?) who are 4 star bases. That's not right.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had the same experience with my pulls. 9 pulls only Vivi with a 4* Cyan.

TM farming just isn't my cup of tea. If it was a higher rate per .1% I might be OK with it, but I have gone 20+ fights (exp vortex) without a rank up on a few of my characters.

I was slowly losing interest in this game, but I think between the bad rateup on Zidane and farming hero rings just sealed the deal. I will try the 250 pull until it's over or I run outof lapis before I uninstall.

Was fun for awhile.


Molten Core Raider
Well I pulled a couple more times. Way more than I meant to. Still no zidane, but I did get a 3* Lani, 3* Bartz, 3* Vaan, and a 5* WoL. Hard to be mad about that.

Im no where near burning out on this game yet. Probably cause I have been getting pretty lucky with my pulls. I think the fact that I'm taking it real slow has definitely helped. I've been leveling up with the content instead of maxing out asap. Now I'm getting to the mindless grind so we'll see how long that lasts. These kind of mobile games are never really long term.


<WoW Guild Officer>
They need to change something about TM farming... higher-rarity and higher level increase the chance to gain or something? I don't know. It's feeling stupid.

Also, the 2nd optional boss for the vortex exploration seems to be getting harder somehow? I've had no problem and now she's pushing my shit in.


Golden Squire
I find myself just saving energy now for the weekend events, with the facebook thing they have going I'm at 200 or so energy. My all bad-guy team is starting to shape up: Golbez/Kefka 5star working on Garland now. After that 2 more slots to fill (rydia and story chick atm for lack of anyone else).


Trakanon Raider
It looks like Gumi is actively trying to run this game into the ground. The next banner is absolute garbage. It's diluted with so many characters that it's hard to pull for any single one. Zidane is likely to still be extremely rare because of how good his TM is. Garnet is a 4 star base but not as good as Lenna. Yet she's going to be harder to pull than WOL or Chirizu.

I'm just going to hold onto my tickets and Lapis. I'm not even doing the half off pulls.


<WoW Guild Officer>
It looks like Gumi is actively trying to run this game into the ground. The next banner is absolute garbage. It's diluted with so many characters that it's hard to pull for any single one. Zidane is likely to still be extremely rare because of how good his TM is. Garnet is a 4 star base but not as good as Lenna. Yet she's going to be harder to pull than WOL or Chirizu.

I'm just going to hold onto my tickets and Lapis. I'm not even doing the half off pulls.
The 1/2 off pulls are just to slowly drain lapis away so you don't have people saving for 11 pulls. The best savings action you can do is to NOT do the 1/2 off pulls.
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Trakanon Raider
New patch, island, and trial is out. The new trial is a joke... I literally two rounded the boss and took 0 damage. I expected a whole lot more challenge than that... at least I now have a nice sword for Bartz.



Trakanon Raider
Beat the Trial boss as well. I still don't understand the gimmicks but don't really care either since I won't be going back again.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Running Exdeath, Garland, Lazius (the story guy who can use katanas), Lenna, and Artemios, all 5* and level 80... and I just don't like the party. What am I missing? Are there any abilities I should absolutely be making? Should I be getting hyper wrists and hero rings?


That guy
Wow that boss was easy. Three rounds with Kefka, Golbez, Tellah, Lenna, Vaan w/ guest Chizuru. Lenna is only like lvl 36 right now too, trying to power farm her through 5* levels. Focus + Full Break turns mage team into a nuclear cannon. Only reason it even took three turns is because with Vaan it takes two turns to get buffs/debuffs out.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Boss literally one shot my entire team sans Lenna after my first assault. What did I do wrong?


Trakanon Raider
If you use any magic or summons, he counters with meteor. Only use abilities or limit breaks. You can check which is which on the stats page of a unit. For example, Kefka's hyperdrive and Siren's attack song buff are both abilities, and won't trigger a counter. Fina's cheer or nukes like firaga are magic, and will make him very angry...
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Mine must have been broken. Exdeath, Leo, Cecil, Vann, Kefka, Friend Chizuru. Nuke, raging fist, provoke, full break, hyperdrive, barrage. He shielded, repeat, dead.


<WoW Guild Officer>
What did you have exdeath cast? The abilities/spells have different icons. I gave Lenna bio blaster and it's an ability, so I think I can get through this easy enough.


Firaga probably. I had a 400 or 500+ chizuru friend who barraged him past half so I think it may of triggered a script because he used defensive spells.


Trakanon Raider
I've actually had some really good luck. I've done three half off pulls Friday, Saturday and today. Results: 3 star Amaranth, 4 star Terra and 4 star Garnet. Think I'm done with the half off pulls though. I'm not likely to get anything else good and I'd rather save for the next banner.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Not sure if everyone else noticed this right away when they finally fixed it, but you can claim your last 3 Facebook friend lapis rewards now. I'm pretty sure I got them all twice too.

Not that it matters now. I have like 16k lapis saved up and will probably quit before I ever spend any of it with the way Gumi are being assholes with the banners. None of the events are any fun either. The only thing worse than endlessly spamming vortex missions is endlessly spamming exploration missions which are not only boring but also extremely time-consuming.