Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Adjusts rates up or down for people who spend money? I spend money now and then, usually on pay day I drop $100 or so (depending on the banner) and I have gotten several rainbows since I I assume up?


Trakanon Raider
The guys response to the question is kind of evasive, or maybe he just really has no idea, I don't know. You can see the specific question and responses here: Link


Trakanon Raider
Vaan brings fullbreak, which is a very important debuff. He's one of the weaker users of fullbreak, and Rain's 6* is inching closer to release every day. Overall, he will be a useful addition to your team as a support. Don't expect him to deal good damage though!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Vaan brings fullbreak, which is a very important debuff. He's one of the weaker users of fullbreak, and Rain's 6* is inching closer to release every day. Overall, he will be a useful addition to your team as a support. Don't expect him to deal good damage though!
So should I slot in Rain instead?

Also I suppose I should get my friends code out there. Add me please!

146, 247, 026


Trakanon Raider
Use Vaan over Rain for now. Avoid using the story characters any more than you have to. Rain will eventually get a 6 star Awakening and you'll want to have him leveled up but you only want to use him when you need him (for Full Break as a 6 star most likely).

Story characters don't have Trust Mastery rewards so it's best to use other characters to make tiny progress towards getting them. Eventually you'll want to form a team of characters just to work on their TMRs but you have other priorities right now.


I have 16000 karma, trying to figure out if I should get the Destroyers materia or Evo my CoD and attempt to kill Max which would cost me the price of metal Gigantaurs and spend the rest on evo mats for Exdeath and Barts. I already stockpiled evo mats from the last event for about 2 6* evos. I also welfared up a second Exdeath yesterday which I'll probably want to level quickly.


Trakanon Raider
Maxwell as a unit isn't anything special at 5* except for her excellent trust mastery. If we go with the assumption that the trial returns next BF banner, then you aren't really missing much by skipping it for now.

That said, if you can beat it now, you get 10% in trust moogles, potentially 10,000 bonus karma as a mission reward, and the option to work on her TM early. The dark resist materia may or may not be relevant between now and the next ~3-4 months when the trial makes a return.

I'd say go for it if you think you can beat it. Having a CoD leveled up isn't a bad thing, and there's always more cactuars and evo mats from the next event.


Molten Core Raider
I have Elza but pulled Vaan, are the breaks redundant? Still learning, and yes a LINE chat for all this would be great. So many questions.


Trakanon Raider
They don't stack. Vaan gives str/mag breaks though, which are (usually) more important. Both on a team is fine.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The other thing to note is that bosses tend to be immune to breaking their ATK/MAG much more often than their DEF/SPR so Elza is usually all you need. There's always going to be exceptions like Maxwell where breaking everything is a must though.


How long is the Karma redemption period?

I've been slacking on the TM farming so even if I got Maxwell, she'd be a second priority behind a couple half completed TM weapons and abilities like DW so I'm not really in a huge rush to lose another unit slot.


Molten Core Raider
Is there a good place to go to find out what my priorities should be as a 3 day old player? I maxed elza and have been chain running stage 2 of the event banner for karma. I have elzas passive, the Lance, and the def/mag/Apr/atk boost ability bought, and all the cactuars.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How long is the Karma redemption period?

I've been slacking on the TM farming so even if I got Maxwell, she'd be a second priority behind a couple half completed TM weapons and abilities like DW so I'm not really in a huge rush to lose another unit slot.

All currency farming events will still have their stuff on King Mog for one week after the event ends.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Really getting sick of arena, every fucking team is yet another asshat with Cecil on defense--which doesn't actually make the team difficult to beat, it just pads on 2-3 extra turns of tedium. I know I can just maintain a holding pattern and I'll end the week/month somewhere around 5-6k, but I still feel like I have to do it as often as possible because of the medals. The faster you cycle through all the grids, the faster you get the big pots that come at the end of each one. Especially the 3000 LB pot, each one of those things is practically a level for Cecil even at 6*.

Maybe I just need a better team setup, but I've got close to 300 wins and 0 losses so I'm hesitant to make any big changes now. I'm using Lightning, Agrias, CoD, Tellah, and Refia, but I guess I will make room for a pair of Exdeaths once I level them to 100. Hopefully dual-Meteor, plus the petrify staff we get on Friday will make Cecil much less of a bother.


Trakanon Raider
Cecil + 4x Exdeath will crush almost every team in one-two rounds. Unless you go second against a team of Luneth/Lightnings that chain a bunch of aoe strikes on first turn, you should always have a round with everyone alive. Cecil focus, then 4x Exdeath dualcast meteors. Since they all have the same casting animations, the meteors should chain with each other, so you're going to deal around 10,000 aoe damage, which has the perk of being non-elemental so even units like CoD won't stand a chance. Refia's will probably survive since they have like 450+ spirit, but she will be standing alone on round 2. Just dualcast osmose her with an Exdeath, and finish her up with some more meteors.

The awesome thing about a team like that is tanks can't cover magical attacks. You may need to wear some status resist accessories though if it becomes popular for teams to equip things like rune staff or that new petrify thing that's coming. Maybe Cecil could just wear silence and stone protection, with a dualcast, Vox, and Stona materia so he can dualcast status cleanse.


Mr. Poopybutthole
meh even a single exdeath dualcasting meteor will shave at least a full round off killing cecil, maybe 2


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I wish I had 4 Exdeaths, but I only have 2. It's pretty hard to justify pulling this banner just for arena fodder and the 0.5% chance of getting Gilgamesh. I could maybe use one more for normal content (chaining 3x Meteors after Edgars) but I'm looking forward to a couple weeks of no lapis spending, or even longer if the next banner after this is XIII.

I've seen people using Edgar in arena too, even at really high ranks. I didn't think it was possible to stack enough hp on them to survive losing the coin toss, but maybe it's worth looking into.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man, fuck this arena shit. I Just crashed while dealing the killing blow and now I lost. I was up to like 80+ win streak to get the stupid ass trophy and now I have to start over. I already hate doing arena cuz it's boring lol.