Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Potato del Grande
Hanging around 10k now in arena, but man what a time investment. Every time I rank up I'm like shit, 5 more arena's.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think I might start intentionally staying around 10-15k, because the 5-7k range is murder. I'm never getting into the 3k bracket, so might as well just farm easier opponents for medals.

You can't even count on an easy win when you pick a rank 40-something opponent. I damn near got my ass kicked by one earlier today because he had Cecil, 2x Lightning, Luneth, and Elza. Elza hit my Refia with Lance on turn 1, and it ended up my Lightning with like 800hp left vs. one of his and the retard AI used Fire instead of pretty much anything else. Usually rank 40's are a joke because even if they are whales with all 6*'s they still can't do shit without TMs. Not this one, it made me wonder if he was one of the people who bought the hacked version of the app with two of every TM. Hopefully Gumi bans all those assholes soon.


Mr. Poopybutthole
oh christ black friday basket with sacred crystals? CHACHING

also lapis sale in the form of bonus lapis on the 7-50$ bundles. Curious why they didn't touch the vault, but I suppose the bonus for shelling out 100 bucks is already pretty nuts.


The daily bundles for the rest of the week are 5 of the various 6* mats where the sacred crystals are on today's bundle, which is pretty terrible.
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Trakanon Raider
Antonella trial wasn't nearly as bad as Maxwell, I one shot it with a 5 man team (for the mission to do it under-manned). Didn't need to use any rare consumables either. Going to have to go back to re-do it later for the other two missions, but low priority, it's only 20 lapis and the trial is permanent. Cecil, CoD, Agrias, Refia, friend Luneth.

Video of my Antonella kill:


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Got my Exdeath to 81 before stalling out on gigantuars, but at least he has dual meteor now. His L100 ability is pretty retarded anyway, seeing as it's not black magic.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Antonella trial wasn't nearly as bad as Maxwell, I one shot it with a 5 man team (for the mission to do it under-manned). Didn't need to use any rare consumables either. Going to have to go back to re-do it later for the other two missions, but low priority, it's only 20 lapis and the trial is permanent. Cecil, CoD, Agrias, Refia, friend Luneth.

Video of my Antonella kill:

I used 2 mega ethers in addition to the turbo ethers, but I probably could have scraped by with just ethers and turbos. But I have several megas stockpiled from Colosseum grinding before PVP went in so it wasn't a big deal.

Technically took me two tries if you count me immediately giving up the first try when I realized I brought my TM group. I took a companion because I didn't want to risk pissing away another 30 energy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Beat Antenolla easily, but I didn't try for anything fancy. Just Charlotte, Lightning, CoD, Agrias, Refia, and a 707 ATK Elza. I should have gotten the esper mission done, but I underestimated how much damage was dealt on the turn when only the flower was left alive. Oh well, not worth risking 30 nrg to get 10-20 lapis. Only cost me an elixir because the asshole completely drained Lightning's MP and left her at like 200 hp too.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not even sure it's worth repeating the trial to finish up the side missions if they're not completed first run. It's a bonus 10-30 lapis, but it costs 30 energy for the trial. Seems bad value.

I should have finished the esper one too, but same issue. Boss had like 25% life left, and 3 people hitting it killed it from that point. Sadface.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Exdeath almost makes arena bearable. Even with just one of him, I can usually kill the enemy Cecil on the first turn now, along with any 5* units they happen to be fielding. Can't wait to get the second one leveled up, but sadly I'm 5 calamity writs short even if I did get him to max 5* fast. Seems better to just wait for the next farm event rather than use NRG on the current one to buy the high priced mats.

Edit: CoD poisoning everything is fantastic too, since the dumbass AI prioritizes Esuna over Curaja almost always. Now I just need to go get the gale key and equip CoD with the petrify staff instead of pestle.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was short 3 prismatic horns to awaken Butts and I only had ~300 karma so I did a quick Vargas run to get the karma i'd need to buy the horns at 540 a pop. Got a triple metal god round with 525% event bonus and nothing left to buy except that dumbass 15% mag materia which I damn sure am not grinding another 50k karma to buy.

First world problems.


Trakanon Raider
I've got my first Exdeath to level 36ish as a 6 star. My other Exdeath is at a 4 star since I'm trying to get his Limit Break maxed. It's level 10 now and I'm dropping every burst pot I get into him. We'll see how long until I get bored and just level him but I'm having problems keeping my A-Team leveled so it'll probably be awhile.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is Bartz at 6* any good?

Right now I have 6* CoD and Cecil, 5* Chiz, Refia 5* and Kefka 5*(Arc going to replace him soon).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
His base ATK is 123 (+30% from passives), compared to Chizuru at 120 (+20%). He has almost 1000 more base hp as well. Plus his wind barrage is a 4x attack instead of 3.2x from plain barrage, and once you get your Refia to 85+ you can do the sacrifice Bartz trick to refill her hp and mp then Full Life him.

I'd probably drop the mage though. Magic really only works well when chained, so it's best to stick to either 3 mages or 3 phys with Cecil and Refia.


80 is definitely the spot for Exdeath. Duel cast meteor and mulitple weaknesses is $$$.

Whats the word on Bartz? Where is he in comparison to CoD? *NM


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, if you don't have the gear to outfit a third phys dps there's nothing wrong with a mage in that slot, especially since your phys dps are barrage users.


Trakanon Raider
One thing that annoys me is that most of the Espers are Mage and Healer oriented. Ifrit and, situationally, Diablos are good for physical damage but that's it. We really need one more, clear cut, physical esper.


Trakanon Raider
Odin and Titan are up next for espers, both are physical. Odin especially is awesome since it gives Bladeblitz (for those who need a nice aoe, like CoD), and Lance (for sustain).


Trakanon Raider
Be careful about bringing a TM farming team to the some of the boss encounters of the latest story update. Veritas on the ghost ship just wiped out my TM team in a single round...