Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Potato del Grande
I did a few S/L and other than my successful attempt it did SEEM work quite frequently... not looking forward to going again now

Thanks for the heads up.


Trakanon Raider

Did an 11 pull on the first Soul Break Celebration. I got FIVE 5* items. 1 was a garbage shield. I got a generic Diamond Sword (IX Synergy). Viking Coat with a Shared Soul Break. The big ones were Sleipner's Tail and the Lullaby Rod! I am super happy right now. I was SO pissed when I didn't get anything worthwhile from the Quistis/Selphie event and I decided not to pull on Yuna's Banner since I already had Garnet's Storm Staff. So getting both of those makes me SO happy.
That's pretty amazing, congratulations! Two great mage weapons, a light armor with SSB, and a sword!


Trakanon Raider
Parade Float ++ is terrible.

Three 5* mage weapons, plus the 120 magic RS 3*++ flail combined with two R4 Biogas (elemental weakness, so better than R4 -ja), R2 Quake, R3 Waterja, R3 Shiva, and the rest various R4 -ga spells and it's still stupid difficult with cheese aoe sleep RW S/L. Luckily the SB celebration doesn't take much time, energy, or stamina so I can dedicate plenty of time to this junkfight.


Potato del Grande
I don't know how people are doing Mage Meta for Parade Float ++, I tried it and did shit for damage. Retaliate works fine if you have a weapon.


Trakanon Raider
Their damage is insane.

Think my best weapon for retaliate in VIII is ~110 attack.

Also, part of the Mage Meta hype is the excitement over the fact that we can do it. With Rinoa reissue and breaking her level cap, we finally have a team to gather. Golbez + Tellah dropping next week should help, too; level broken MeleeMage + Red Mage go!


Potato del Grande
I was getting 3k or less hits from the AoEs, are people using single target?


Trakanon Raider
My level 54 Quistis with Faith was hitting for around 8K with Quake. MAG was extremely high with Sleipner's Tail (Realm Synergy), Wizard Armlet ++ (fake 6 star), and the Magic Armlet Accessory. Yuna was hitting for around 5K with Shiva and Faith. All 3 are weak to Bio and Rinoa was hitting for 9K with Biora and Faith. I loaded Vivi with Bio and Waterja and found that it was a wash around 8K with Faith up. It's critical to make sure your Quake user has the highest MAG possible since this is likely to be your largest source of damage. 8K damage per cast per boss is a crapload of damage.

So 6 charges of Quake and 4 charges of Shiva was enough to bring Seifer and Raijin to about half health by the time Fuijin retreated. I didn't cast either spell without Faith up first though.

Mage Meta works for this fight really well but it's VERY gear dependent. Retaliate works because you only need one high level character with good gear. The rest of your party's gear doesn't matter nearly as much since they are just there for status effects and to feed your Retaliate user. That works really well on a single target boss but with 3 bosses Mage Meta works much better if you have the gear.

As I said in my earlier post, the problems with the fight are that to "cheese" it you need to get all 3 asleep immediately. In hindsight I should have went in with an extra sleep since my Garnet was useless during the fight. I had her loaded with Faith and Diara. Just getting and keeping Faith up on everyone I only got to cast Diara once or twice (though I made a mistake in giving Garnet Faith as well since I was wrong in thinking it would make her Diara better). In hindsight I should have dropped that Diara and gone in with Sleep or Sleep Buster. The next problem is that the damage output on the bosses, unmitigated, is stupid. In the back row you can still take 3k Hits from Raijin. Seifer has double attack and group Fira. Fuijin has Wind based attacks that can also hit for like 3K. And to top it off Fuijin and Raijin have instant attacks. As soon as their Active Bar is filled they get to go. So it's not unusual to start the fight where characters have full action bars and still take hits before you even get the chance to click an ability.

The bosses actually die really fast once everything lines up properly. But it is rage inducing having all the stars line up to where you get a good Sheepskin off twice. Once at the beginning of the fight and once right after Fuijin retreats.


Trakanon Raider
On the other hand, Soul Celebration is a great change of pace - low stamina/time commitments, big rewards, and easy events. I mastered the 110 difficulty EX++ on my first try while making 3 or 4 terrible decisions, with bad gear.


<Bronze Donator>
i woke up this morning, saw that tomorrow is the last day of the Rinoa event, and decided i really wanted to beat that Seifer / Fujin / Raijin fight after all. i had read of a few different strategies that worked for other people (mostly on REddit), and the strat that seemed like it would work best for me with my chars / equipment / abilities was to just load up on as much mitigation as possible. the fight ended up taking an absurd amount of time, but looking back i'm really not sure what mitigation abilities i could have swapped for more damage...

i used:

level 61 Squall with that generic 5* FFVIII sword (forget the name), 8charge Power Break and 6charge Mind Break (might have been able to switch these two for some bigger damage abilities, but these actually do decent damage anyway...)

level 65 Tyro in the back row with Hawkeye (5* generic thrown weapon with a shared SB that has a chance to blind) all of my highest DEF/RES gear (including that 5* Gauntlet), a 6 charge Slowga, and a 4 charge Draw Fire (Draw Fire was the main trick that i picked up from the Reddit strat i mentioned.... actually worked really well since most of the powerful attacks from these bosses are single target melee attacks)... and a auto-haste RM

level 65 Yuna with her Magistral Rod (unique holy AOE soulbreak), 4charge Protectga, and 4charge Shellga.... and Slots as a RM because i wanted her to at least do a little bit of DPS. she ended up doing the least damage in the fight by far, but i couldn't really figure out another way to bring both Protectga and Shellga...

Level 65 Selphie with her Morning Star (unique AOE heal soulbreak), 12charge Curaga, and Rank2 Diaga. might have been more damage overall to use my Rank4 Diara (four more hits) but i'm not sure...

and level 50 Rinoa with 6charge Biora and 4charge Quake. i brought her for the victory condition medals, but looking back i should have just brought my level 65 Vivi because there's no way that i could have lost any less than 4 Action/Damage medals with this setup.

and a Sentinel's Grimoire RW

took a few S/L's to get an opening turn where i didn't have a character die before i got some mitigation abilities up. i took out Seifer first because his AOE magic spells were fucking me up more than anything. i took out Fujin second but i think i could have killed the other two in either order.

i ended up running completely out of ability uses just before finishing the second enemy. i ended up just autoattacking with everyone and killing Raijin with mostly soul breaks lol. was a ridiculously long fight, including the three or four S/Ls at the beginning it took like an hour. was super satisfying pulling it off, though.

there are probably better characters to put Draw Fire / Protectga / Shellga on. Yuna and Tyro really ended up being very low damage during this fight. i think if i had a level 65 Paladin Cecil and a 4* WM that actually functions decently as a melee (is there such a thing? IDK. maybe there's a WM that can use throwing weapons...) and had Rinoa leveled up to 65 i could have actually gotten the mastery with this strat.

and i just had the thought -- maybe i should have used Retaliate on Tyro instead of Slowga. it would have been the first time i ever actually used Retaliate meta, but in this instance it would have made sense and not felt as cheesy as it probably normally does.... the fight was so long that Slowga ended up basically being a waste.


in other news, my luck seems to have nearly run out when it comes to Relic draws. none of my 100gem pulls has netted me anything more than a 3*. my 11-pull on the Yuna banner netted me nothing. i did two 3-pulls on the current banner (SBFest banner 3).... first one the best item i got was a 4* FFIV robe, but then the second 3-pull was semi-decent... got Balthier's SB weapon (not sure how good he is, but i'm going to try him out soon here... i did already egg him to 50 for his RM), and a FFIV spear with a shared soul break that does single target wind damage and has a chance to slow. so at least i got some good relics for this Golbez/Tellah event that's going to start tonight. Kain with that spear in his hands actually ends up decently powerful with FFIV realm synergy.

still holding back the rest of my mythril stash for an 11-pull on the banner with Sazh's SB relic. i'm a bit below 50 mythril right now, but i should have enough by the time his banner hits.

p.s. i still love this damn game. best phone game out there. if this battle system had a real story attached, i think it would even be able to function as a full-fledged RPG.


Trakanon Raider
Tellah would've been amazing for Rinoa++.

I have a hardon for Red Mages, but the two abilities limits their versatility a lot.


<Bronze Donator>
is SG one of those SBs that requires two charges from your SB bar to use? i have a Healing Grimoire and i almost never get to use the SB from it because fights rarely last long enough for my SB bar to charge up that far.

i'll be doing a single 11-pull on banner 5. wish me luck, RNGesus.


Potato del Grande
The battle is fine, very beatable. It's no Schizo or Brynhilda but it is much tougher than some of the recent ones like Beatrix and rush before it is the easiest I've ever seen making it seem harder than it is.

Sleep Buster works like 70% of the time.
I'm an idiot, that fight was fucking hard to master. So much S/L.

Ended up with:
Tyro (Draw Fire/Retaliate)
Rinoa (Biora/Firaja)
White Mage (Shellga/Boost)
Black Mage (Thundaja/Blizzaja)
Support (Double Cut/Sleep Buster)

Egg everyone to lv65 (couldn't have done it without the egg event). S/L until you sleep Seifer and haven't been hit by AoE or one shot attack.


Trakanon Raider
is SG one of those SBs that requires two charges from your SB bar to use? i have a Healing Grimoire and i almost never get to use the SB from it because fights rarely last long enough for my SB bar to charge up that far.

i'll be doing a single 11-pull on banner 5. wish me luck, RNGesus.
SG is only one bar.

GL, let us know how your pull goes.

I grabbed Golbez's axe from the FF4 banner, and he's been loads of unexpected fun to use. I'm mostly looking ahead to FF14 (will be pulling in the neighborhood of 30+ items, depending on when it drops) for SG 2.0, the armors, and the 12% banner chance.


Trakanon Raider
Soul Break Celebration was stupidly good to me. I dumped 150 Mythril into the event on Stage 1, 3, and 5. I pulled:

5* Emerald Shield
5* Diamond Sword
5* Viking Coat (Shared Soul Break)
5* Sleipnir's Tail (Quistis)
5* Lullaby Rod (Yuna)
5* Wind Spear x2 (Shared Soul Break)
5* Golden Armor (generic armor)
5* Vega 42's (Sazh)
5* Fabled Harp (Edward)

Even though the % of pulling a 5* is the same across all banners (10% roughly) there is a much higher percentage of pulling a good relic from the Soul Break banners. There are more character ones and less junk.


Potato del Grande
Well done, Vega will be great once Clouds RM3 is out (start with a limit break bar filled). Also nice getting a Sword, Black Mage and White Mage weapon. I would use the whip with Selphie after mastering it on Quistis, then she will be a Black Mage who can cast Shellga.

I got nothing lol, however that's 5 100 gem pulls, one 11, one 3 and a 1 pull. I do nearly have two pages of 5*/combined 5* gear though so can't complain, most of it is shit even with synergy though. Can't bring myself to sell anything.


Potato del Grande
Well the + and ++ are very easy this time around, I think every time a new difficulty level comes out the previous ones get easier.

Got the +++ down the half health with a test team, no S/L and with play mistakes. Think I can take it down later with an optimised team egged to 65.


<Bronze Donator>
i got the ++ on my first attempt, but the + and +++ took a few tries...

on the + i was lazy in an early round and thought "ah i'll probably get mastery even if i miss these medals for hitting Cagnazzio's cyclone with lightning." bad idea, i must have missed Mastery by like 1 medal.

on the +++ i first tried with just Dispell, then that Reflect + Dispell "exploit," then finally went back to straight Dispell and got the mastery. using Reflect for the extra exploit damage ended up not being worth swapping out a damage ability. (for my team at least)

no new events soon, Soul Breakfest is done, and i've mastered everything in the current event. maybe i'll finally be able to clear all the story mode elites!


Trakanon Raider
Still giving the Dark Bahamut fight some thoughts. The first time I went in I lost 3 characters to Megaflare. A level 50 Sazh, a Level 57 Quistis and a Level 65 Vivi. So yeah... I fucked that up. I knew he cast Megaflare right at the start but I underestimated how much it would do. I was expecting everyone to take 2Kish hits and was way off. I know it can be mitigated with RES gear so I need to re-evaluate things.