Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


<Bronze Donator>
even with everyone in my party at level 65 that initial Megaflare was taking like 75% of everyone's lifebars.

there's some better strategies on the Reddit, but here's what i used for the mastery:

- Paladin Cecil w/ the best defense / IV synergy gear i had (used a Genji Shield and a Gauntlet on him), Draw Fire, Magic Break

- Kain w/ a full suit of good IV synergy gear... wouldn't have used him if i hadn't pulled a sweet 5* generic IV realm spear the other day. his attack ended up being like 380 with Realm Synergy!... gave him R4 Power Break and R4 Double Cut, but really whatever strong melee abilities you have would have worked, Power Break wasn't important with Draw Fire up on P.Cecil

- Tyro w/ One-Winged Angel and some good gear for increased attack... Protectga and Shellga

- Selphie w/ her SB relic (AOE heal), R5 Curaga and R3 Dispell

- Vivi w/ Hunter Rod, R4 Comet, and R2 Bioga. would have worked out a lot better if i'd had orbs stocked up to hone Bioga higher.

and a Sentinel's Grimoire RW

Tyro had my haste RM, probably should have given it to Selphie tho so i could get all those heals off before the second Megaflare while still squeezing in a Dispell...

immediately after the first Megaflare i hit Sentinel's Grimoire on whichever character got a turn first... Curagas from Selphie, Power Break from Kain, Draw Fire from Cecil, start unloading Comets on Vivi.... Protectga first then Shellga from Tyro... Magic Break from Cecil sometime after the counter hits 3... repeat Sentinel's Grimoire / Protectga / Shellga after ever Megaflare... some people say they beat him before the third Megaflare, but i ended up having to use P.Cecil's Rampart SB as a third ghetto SG for the third Megaflare... finished him off right before the fourth Megaflare went off.

in case anyone doesn't realize, that Dispell you got from one of the earlier stages in the event is absolutely essential to beating this encounter. you will get WRECKED by Flares if you don't dispell his Reflect.... and since he bounces his Flares off himself using Carbuncle isn't even an option.

i really recommend using those Major Eggs from SBF5 to get some of your best characters up to level 65. i egged my A Team to level 65 after SBF1... wasn't sure at the time if it was a good idea, but i have no regrets. yeah, i'm "wasting" some EXP when i use them to clear stuff, but i don't really care.


Potato del Grande
If you are taking both Power Break and Protectaga with another character having Draw Fire, why not have Tyro with Draw Fire and Retaliate instead? You take even less damage from physical (you'll take zero), your healers can DPS off him and you can take something more powerful than Power Break for DPS.

I got it down third time. Went with Tryo (Draw Fire/Retaliate), Rydia (Bioga/Valefor), Sephie+Garnet (Shellga/Dispel - Curaja/Reflect) and Wakka (Boost/Armor Breakdown). Tyro RW.

Start with Draw Fire and Curaja on Tyro so you don't get someone randomly one shot and need to S/L. Do Reflect/Dispel on Dark Bahamut after each Megaflare so that Reflect/Flare is predictable and cast only on itself.

FF14 next! Since it is months early, I wonder if the difficulty level will be significantly higher for us? I heard on Reddit is was an easy event in Japan so maybe not.

The Ancient_sl

Soul Break Celebration was stupidly good to me. I dumped 150 Mythril into the event on Stage 1, 3, and 5. I pulled:

5* Emerald Shield
5* Diamond Sword
5* Viking Coat (Shared Soul Break)
5* Sleipnir's Tail (Quistis)
5* Lullaby Rod (Yuna)
5* Wind Spear x2 (Shared Soul Break)
5* Golden Armor (generic armor)
5* Vega 42's (Sazh)
5* Fabled Harp (Edward)

Even though the % of pulling a 5* is the same across all banners (10% roughly) there is a much higher percentage of pulling a good relic from the Soul Break banners. There are more character ones and less junk.
Wtf I hate you


<Bronze Donator>
If you are taking both Power Break and Protectaga with another character having Draw Fire, why not have Tyro with Draw Fire and Retaliate instead? You take even less damage from physical (you'll take zero), your healers can DPS off him and you can take something more powerful than Power Break for DPS.

I got it down third time. Went with Tryo (Draw Fire/Retaliate), Rydia (Bioga/Valefor), Sephie+Garnet (Shellga/Dispel - Curaja/Reflect) and Wakka (Boost/Armor Breakdown). Tyro RW.

Start with Draw Fire and Curaja on Tyro so you don't get someone randomly one shot and need to S/L. Do Reflect/Dispel on Dark Bahamut after each Megaflare so that Reflect/Flare is predictable and cast only on itself.

FF14 next! Since it is months early, I wonder if the difficulty level will be significantly higher for us? I heard on Reddit is was an easy event in Japan so maybe not.
i just don't like running retaliate. feels cheesy and all the targetting is annoying or something.


Trakanon Raider
Can you go back and complete the previous parts of this event? If so, how?
The Forbidden Treasures event? No you can't. And the last one ends tonight at 9pm est.

Beat Bahamut finally. Used a hybrid strategy of heavy mitigation, retaliate and dispel with a Black Mage to nuke.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Ya, the Forbidden Treasure event. I guess I can't go back and use my unused tablets to claim the Phase 1 Xp Eggs. That is kind of silly.


<Bronze Donator>



Potato del Grande
Fuck youuuu, I even own the damned staff in FF14! Congratulations, Y'Shtola is an awesome White Mage and apparently Japan just had an event where you could get her 5* AoE Heal robe for free. Going to dump all my Mithril into this over the the next week or so.

Tonight we get the FF14 Bonus Battles and tomorrow we get the Zack Event.


<Bronze Donator>
on the last day of this banner i'm going to dump all my mythril in to it... hoping i might get enough for another 11-pull before it ends... really want to get her robe too. then i'll be saving all of my mythril to pull on the Enhancer-rerelease banner that should hit next month.


Trakanon Raider
I dumped a lot into this banner. My drops before the price fix were good (2x bow, 1x bangle, 1x dagger, 1x heavy armor from IV), and then abysmal. After 300+ total Mythril I pulled another 5*, a Thyrus.

When they announced they were moving the event up, I started running stories like a madman. I went from like 107 stamina to now 128, and for the first time since like ever saw my orb counts below 100 as I honed up Dispel and Reflect for that last bonus fight.

Stamina is underrated. Having well over six hours worth is such a luxury.

Orbfest on my JP account hasn't lived up to the hype, but then again my super casual team (with 5* relics out the wazoo) can't do the EX difficulty. As much as I anticipated throwing Mythril at stamina refreshes, I'm not sure anymore.

That IX banner looks like it's full of great mage gear, and I'm lacking on IX synergy. Might be saving til then.


<Bronze Donator>
getting really close to maxxing out my stamina... sitting at 129.4 right now. Yamikazo is right about how underrated it is, i wish i had devoted more time early on to getting Stamina Shards.

cleared the FFXIV event quests and Mastered the +/++ fights. for some reason at first i thought you needed to Master the stages with 4 characters in order to fulfill the quest objectives.... turns out you just need to clear, and can then go back with a full 5 person team to get the Mastery. made the boss rush a lot harder for myself that way, but Ifrit was pretty easy with that knowledge.

how's everyone else doing?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Free to play but have bought all the 100 gem pulls (24 bucks I think currently). Played since the first Cecils event so pretty close to the beginning. This game just went easy mode for me in the last month or so.

I have Tyro's Sentinel Grimoire and Y'shtola's Thyrus both from their recent banners. Sazh's Vega 42s from their first banner a little while back. Sephiroths' One Winged Angel from its first banner. Natural 5* for retaliate in 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13. Seph OWA for the rest. Can run a good Tyro ranged retaliate for ranged only bosses with the Vegas. I have a full mage team with natural 5* with 3 black mage weapons for 4, 8, 13, a red mage weapon for 14, and a white mage weapon for 5. Bracers are pretty much the best armor and I have 4 5* with 1 7 (edincoat, best bracer), 2 13, and 1 4. Tons of other random synergy.

Have every character to 50 or 51 if level broken. About 10 level 65s. Autoattack through all the heroic dailies with random groups that are 51+ that need leveled. 90% advantaliate through anything "challenging". Have almost every other option available to me if I want but it's the simplest. All dungeon content finished. 2x copies of all 3*. Have 2 R5 double cuts and 3 R5 tempo flurries for maximum retaliate strats. All the 4* abilities with good honing and plenty more orbs banked for whatever. Probably going to blow 50-100 mythril on the orb festival coming up. And probably an 11 pull on Auron's banner just to get some FFX synergy.

I've lucksacked my way to feeling like a play to win account.


Potato del Grande
That is pretty lucky, I'm also a 100 gem player. Got a fair few 5* but nothing crazy, even my Wakka Ball is lackluster now.

I have almost every character to 50 level broken or not, with 4 at lv38 being worked on today, 1 still at lv1 and then 6 lv1 cores I'll have to level eventually since some are getting RM soon. I have 10 at lv65 and enough eggs for a couple more.

Most good abilities at R3 and 5 R3-4 Double Cut/Tempo Flurry.

All dungeons and events complete except the first Parade Float, that missing Ice Ring is becoming more painful even though it's useless.

The Ancient_sl

90% advantaliate through anything "challenging". Have almost every other option available to me if I want but it's the simplest.
This is why they need to break advantilate the way they did Vit0. It's actually stronger and renders strategy in almost every fight in the game pointless.


Potato del Grande
I actually found the hardest boss in the Zack event to be Schizo in the last Elite Dungeon because I took Advance and it wasn't suitable for the guaranteed 3+ AOEs you take, I Sentinel Grimore'd everything else and it was the easiest event for me including the weak Ultima Weapon.


Trakanon Raider
I'm also a 100 gem player and my luck isn't nearly as good as your guys' seems to be. For the longest time I didn't draw any 5* then I hit a good streak and now I'm on another bad run.

I've been getting enough relics to where I'm combining and forming 4*++ and 3*++ all over the place, it's a bit crazy to have all the GOLD choices for equipment even if they aren't natural 5*.

Like Enob said, the game has felt super easy the last month or so, after that Rinoa ++ stupid cheesefest really.

Still a bit behind on stamina (thanks, dungeon update!) but I've been catching up after going so hard on dailies for so long. Being short 3 stamina is totally a mental thing - even 6 stamina lost per day is not a big deal, and I still can set the game down for 6.5 hours and lose none at all. Haven't run the Zack bonus battles yet - just procrastinating, as I expect to run through them with ease.

We have a good set of events coming up, with cool and useful characters to look forward to.

I'm totally hooked. Part mobile game (addictive elements), mostly classic turn based RPG (nostalgia); game's a winner.

PS - I'm in the nerf-Advantaliate bandwagon. It's cheese at its finest. I don't blame people for using it, but it's game-breaking and silly.

The Ancient_sl

Yeah Zack's event was stupid easy. FFXIV wasn't too hard either too be honest.

Best boss they've designed was that Dark Bahamut. Thing was tuned perfectly and I mastered it with very precise mechanics to make him flare himself to death. I know they can't make every fight like that, but with something in the game like Advantilate it's a big question why they would bother.

Hand of the Emperor is a great very fair Soul Break that results in a big buff but doesn't turn one of your team members into a zerker hitting 8x a turn for near quad-9 damage. Sentinel Grimoire is way better than most Soul Breaks but still requires that you think about strategy. Advantilate results in the same strat for every fight. It's hardly a game while that ability is in effect.


<Bronze Donator>
i've been doing great without any form of realiate meta. never used vit0 while that was active either. i've got like 6 level 65s, a lot more that are 50+, 131 stamina, lots of 5* gear. there's no need to cheese this game.