Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Potato del Grande
So for farming exp today, should I be doing the easy/medium/hard events as many times as possible today? Or just once and done? These are the best I can do right now.
Do each dungeon once for the Mythril, then get back to finishing the current event as far as possible and all of the classic dungeons. You'll get a better mix of exp/characters/gear/orbs by doing events and dungeons than farming for specific things. If you have no dungeons/events left you can manage then maybe then do the daily to get your first team to 65.

I've noticed that most vocal players on reddit give terrible advice on things like farming, aoe magic and overprepartion. Only once your established in the game, you spend all of Sunday farming exp.

All you need to do is get Retaliate and Boost for your DPS, with Double Cut/Tempo Flurry as a bonus. Get Protega, Shellga, Power Break(down) and Magic Break(down) and friend people with Tyro's Sentinel Grimore for defense. Then you can clear pretty much everything other than bonus battles with Samurai/White Mage/White Mage/Support/Support.


<Bronze Donator>
i think the sunday daily is the only daily worth doing early on. i never did it, and i hit a wall in story mode where all the dungeons i hadn't cleared were too hard for me to clear. ended up having to wait for sunday basically so i could level my team up enough. that was before roaming warriors were released, tho, so that would have changed things...

or maybe i just have a MMO mindset =p i think "levels, then gear" and i use my max level team to farm shit haha.


Trakanon Raider
I agree with the idea that Sunday is the only one worth farming for new players.

I think Reddit's problem is a lot of people over there are established in the game. They don't remember what it's like to be in "catch up" mode so they prioritize things differently. Personally I think a brand new player should bite the bullet and just not even bother with the first couple of events available to them until they've had a chance to knock out a good chunk of Classic Dungeons to get some Stamina. Stamina is the most underrated thing by a lot of Reddit people. Again, they're established so they forget what it's like to struggle with only only 30 or so stamina available. But other orb daily dungeons can be ignored until you get caught up. As suggested do them once for the Mythril but you'll gain a lot more power from completing dungeons.


<Bronze Donator>
idk tho, re:events... unlocking new characters is also pretty important for new players. remember how much it sucked trying to clear content with a Cloud/Tyro/Kain/BM Core/WM Core party? =p

random memories thinking about when i first started.... remember the collection-style events? i think Aerith's event, Celes' event, Terra's event, and Lenna's were all collection ones? those were a bummer as a new player (i started like three or four weeks after launch, which at the time actually felt like a huge gap)... i didn't want to lose the chance to get those characters, so i ended up grinding the Medium difficulty event stages for days. the current model for events is much more forgiving for new players. though, now that i'm established, a collection event here and there would be cool...


Potato del Grande
i think the sunday daily is the only daily worth doing early on. i never did it, and i hit a wall in story mode where all the dungeons i hadn't cleared were too hard for me to clear. ended up having to wait for sunday basically so i could level my team up enough. that was before roaming warriors were released, tho, so that would have changed things...

or maybe i just have a MMO mindset =p i think "levels, then gear" and i use my max level team to farm shit haha.
Yeah if you think you'll hit a wall in the next 6 days which higher levels will solve then it could be worth it, I guess if you are finding the game difficult now then farm the daily otherwise skip it!

Prioritise usually unobtainable things like characters, crystals and gear from events you can clear though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Do each dungeon once for the Mythril, then get back to finishing the current event as far as possible and all of the classic dungeons. You'll get a better mix of exp/characters/gear/orbs by doing events and dungeons than farming for specific things. If you have no dungeons/events left you can manage then maybe then do the daily to get your first team to 65.

I've noticed that most vocal players on reddit give terrible advice on things like farming, aoe magic and overprepartion. Only once your established in the game, you spend all of Sunday farming exp.

All you need to do is get Retaliate and Boost for your DPS, with Double Cut/Tempo Flurry as a bonus. Get Protega, Shellga, Power Break(down) and Magic Break(down) and friend people with Tyro's Sentinel Grimore for defense. Then you can clear pretty much everything other than bonus battles with Samurai/White Mage/White Mage/Support/Support.
I did story dungeons for the like the first week before I realized what dailies and events even were... that's what minimal sleep and a newborn will get you, but also lets me basically play the game 18 hours a day it feels like. I feel like I'm half asleep most of the time I'm playing.

I was leveling up Cyan but some reddit post, right or wrong, basically said he was garbage so I dropped him for some other melee I had... Snow I think. All my guys just got to level 30.


<Bronze Donator>
i think most of the Cyan hate is a layover from before he got buffed. he could still use a better skillset, but statswise he's alright now. my Cyan is level 64, i pull him out once in awhile.

The Ancient_sl

This was without a doubt the easiest +,++, and +++ battles they've offered yet. You have a 3 boss rush, with one of them vulnerable to instant KO, the ++ boss wasn't challenging and the +++ boss could be poisoned, slept and paralyzed the entire fight. I did it with an average party level of 47(+Realm Synergy).


Potato del Grande
I need the ++++ fights to arrive, I'm smashing everything since Full Break arrived and getting it honed will only make it worse.


<Bronze Donator>
i can't even remember the last time a +++ was challenging to me. Sanctuary Keeper, maybe?

oh BTW with the dungeon update last night i finally got back up to 50 mythril (blew a ton during orbfest)... did an 11 pull on the banner with Soul Saber and Enhancer.... got myself an Enhancer, finally! been wanting one since the very first Terra event. i really was hoping for a Soul Saber too, but i'm definitely still happy with just one.

didn't want it because its OP (which it isn't), just wanted it because i love Terra and FFVI is my favorite FF.


Trakanon Raider
The last bonus fight that gave me trouble was the VIII one with the 3 goons. Since that fight I've had zero issues.

I'm currently just over 80 Mythril. Right now I plan to chase the dragon that is known as Cutting Trigger (Squall's SSB next week). After I'm disappointed there I'm just going to save for the Super Soul Break Celebration. My back of the napkin math puts it mid to late December which means I'll have enough for 2 pulls there and possibly even 3 pulls (that's going to be super tight but my math says it's possible). I really wish the banners became available for data mining though because I like to plan out my pulls well in advance.

By the way, for those needing Mage Gear you want the Zidane banner. There is a crap load of mage items on those banners. I won't say no to more good mage gear but I'm pretty set in that department so I'm passing.


<Bronze Donator>
i'm really looking forward to the upcoming event where you get an 11-pull, and then get to pick a 12th item, guaranteed to be a 5* SB item. there's only one item from each game on the list, though. one of the items you can choose is Y'shtola's robe with Medica II on it (at least it was there in the Japanese version). since i already have a Thyrus, that is definitely what i'm going to get when the choice is given. Y'shtola with both Stoneskin II and Medica II memorized.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...


Trakanon Raider
I've finally had a chance to catch up with Dungeons. Right now I just have one Elite left. The VII dungeon where you fight Ultima Weapon 3 times. I'm not looking forward to it.

Some of these dungeons are just getting stupid. The Jenova DEATH Elite was particularly dumb. I had to S/L like 5 times before I finally got a start where I was able to get mitigation up. The first try was Tropic Wind followed by Tropic Wind before I could even click an action on my dudes. Tropic Wind will hit for nearly 3K so back to back hits is a full party wipe without mitigation up. I'd have loaded after the first unmitigated Tropic Wind but as soon as I saw the second one start to cast I couldn't close the app fast enough. I also went back and finally finished off the last VIII Elite with Seifer followed by Edea. That was just as brutal in it's own way but required less S/L. VIII bosses are just so resistant to damage that it's a slog to get through.

The upside is I'm now at 143 Stamina even with 113 Mythril. I can get one last shard and 1 last Mythril. My current plans is to pull at least once on the VIII event next week. I'd love a Cutting Trigger but, honestly, I'd be happy with any of the 4 character specific relics. Depending on the results of my first pull I might pull a second time. I figure I'll get another 100 Mythril before the Rift of Recollection ends and possibly upwards of 150. It all depends on when it actually starts, how many dungeon updates we get before now and then (1 for sure I know of and I'm thinking a 2nd in there as well) and if we get any additional "bonus" Mythril. They tend to give out 5 free Mythril at the start of a season and with Christmas coming up we might get some more. Again I'd love for the official Super Soul Break Celebration banners to get data mined so I have a better idea of how I want to spread out my Mythril.


Trakanon Raider
I take it back. The Ultima Weapon fight is a breeze compared to the Jenova DEATH fight. It just looks scary. But none of the bosses have many hitpoints since it's spread out over 3 fights. So it's more a matter of just conserving abilities to make sure you can reach the end.

I'm officially caught up with all Dungeons now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Guess I won't be running out of content any time soon then, I'm at 104 stamina and many dungeons are already giving one or none stamina shards so I must have another 200 or so dungeons to clear.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm sort of stuck... I'm burning through the regular dungeons (and haven't done a ton of elites), most of my party is in the mid40s with a couple 50s, but I get rocked trying to do heroic daily dungeons. Do I just farm more mithril via events to try for a 11 pull and hope I get a decent 5*? Am I missing some crucial skills?

Also there's a bonus quest today for Selphie.


Trakanon Raider
Basically it's gear and honed abilities. Levels really help but the first two will really be what let's you get further. Right now you're on the wrong side of the hump. Once you get over that hump and can clear stuff the game will open up and everything will be much more accessible. So keep hitting the dungeons and as soon as you have 50 Mythril you should do a pull.

As far as abilities go the ones you should be focusing on right now are a full stable of AGA spells rank 3 (or better). All 4 breaks (Power, Magic, Armor and Mental). Most melee characters can use the breaks so they're easy to swap around. Spellblade abilities are really useful but you can hold off on them if you're still missing the other staples. With that said I think the best spellblade is Drain Strike. It won't hit for a vulnerability but it does really good damage and it takes pressure off of your healer. Retaliate and Double Cut are both worth having as well. Google Retaliate Meta and that might help get you over the hump.


Potato del Grande
Do Mithril pulls until you get full 5* gear for one team. 11 pulls are better value but not needed.

Samurai (Cloud)
White Mage (Lenna)
White Mage (Paladin Cecil)
Support (Wakka)
Support (Vaan)

Characters can change for realm synergy/having their weapons/not having access.

Armor Break/Breakdown

Friend Tyro players for Sentinel Grimore (like have almost ALL of your friends list be this). Y'Shtola works too with Stoneskin II.

Get these abilities honed once and Retaliate honed twice and you are good to go. Bottom Priority is Double Cut/Tempo Flurry/Josef Double Hit RM these are not required like the others but make it better. I just beat the hardest boss in the game (Necrophobe in the FF5 Event) with this stuff and almost every other boss too.

Drain Strike is terrible, you shouldn't be taking damage in the first place as you lose medals.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Hrm, I've got the following:

Cloud lvl 50
Cyan lvl 43 w/ unique 5* katana
Wakka at 24
Paladin Cecil at 12

Should I just toss in someone else (Aerith? Tyro?) for white mage?

Bard is at 48
Rydia at 43
Sephiroth at 50
Terra at 34
Celes at 25 (with memory crystal)

I've got boost to lvl4, lvl2 of the 3* GA spells, lvl2 retaliate, lvl 2 curaga, lvl2 powerbreak (and lvl 1), and a few lvl 2 double cuts.