Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


<WoW Guild Officer>
I had to kill the game a couple of times and retry the fight to get Dark attack to stick. Still almost didn't get him down. I might try this again later before the event ends to try and Master it but I doubt I'll succeed. Most of my guys are still sub-25.
Dark Attack right away was amazing. He still lands about 20% of his attacks, but that's so much more of a relief.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Got him in one shot but it was close. Dark landed first shot and poison, but my damage output was so low blind ran out, he ended up killing Rydia and Tyro but the rest outlasted.


Potato del Grande
I've noticed a few things:

1) Having UI/lag problems? Try getting on Wifi.
2) Upgraded low level items are worse than items naturally the same level. 15/154*Mithril Helm ++ is slightly worse than 10/103*Golden Helm. Don't bother unless there is no other option or you want realm synergy.
3) Upgrading your armor DRAMATICALLY raises survivability. I could barely do the hard daily this morning, now I can comfortably do it with only 2 more levels but now fully upgraded armor.
4) Spamming dailies on HARD will easily get you all the shit you need, spent DAYS looking for 5 more Lesser Fire Orbs then got 10+ from the hard orb daily. I'm making gil from selling off all these fucking adamantites I can't hold :/ Even low level groups can just about scrape 3 hard battles for some dailies if you attack first.


Molten Core Raider
Good tips. I've found just doing the first level on dailies on hard yields the most items for stamina. Complete it once for the mythril then I just farm the first level. Same goes for high level elites. Doing the 40+ elite 1st stages nets you a lot of items and 6-8k xp. The Shinra elite with only one stage is also a decent farm for Gil and lower level orbs. You get 3k just for the completion.


Molten Core Raider
Got my core team 35-40 now and a bag full of adaminte, tomorrow I farm gil from 6 AM until I pass out and Sunday is the day of reckoning. I have I think 5 elite's left and I have only had one the entire time I've been playing I couldn't kill the first time I tried (siren but that was just a hard gear upgrade check). The last 4-5 are complete ass rape from what I read so trying to make sure I go in ready. Unfortunately I'm abit behind on orbs to do much honing as I know I need but we will see. I need like 300k to finish upgrading everything then its game on.

(Core is Rydia, Tyro, Cloud, Seph, and PAL Cecil) As soon as I get someone to 50 or complete the elites I'm power leveling DK Cecil because my best upgraded weapon is dark sword and I want to see how much damage his soul attack does. Seph does insane damage with his compared to everyone.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Are you running pretty standard gear or have you done many relic pulls and had luck with 4/5* stuff?


Molten Core Raider
I've done some pulls; best luck was 2 dark swords in a row. You can push the edge by doing some research and the bosses but gear definitely is needed on some of those elites and levels.


I would love to see a colliseum in the game 1 character only and betting items for others, wager a masamune to win someone else's 5* weapon.


Mastered all of Shinra Tower and Mt. Ordeals, and still have to go through the elite dungeons, but the hard Gil dungeon tears me a new one. Can't seem to make it past 2 rounds


I got expert which was enough for the mythril, cloud dark Cecil seph rydia white mage around lvl 28 for all.

Had to reset a few times and used dragon, got a few lucky HP potions but basically manipulated RNG to spread the damage around to my tanks and made it through, unfortunately if you rely on synergy you won't find much at this event lol luckily sephs kazikuri is a ffv weapon and I leveled up everyone else's gear yesterday so it was just enough.


Molten Core Raider
Finished all the story, events, dailies, and the first few elites but i think i have hit the pay to win wall. I am pretty much out of mythril sources and the only weapons i have pulled are 3* dancing dagger, claymore, and bastard sword. The damage just isnt enough anymore without 4/5* weapons on elite boss hp.


Potato del Grande
Finished all the story, events, dailies, and the first few elites but i think i have hit the pay to win wall. I am pretty much out of mythril sources and the only weapons i have pulled are 3* dancing dagger, claymore, and bastard sword. The damage just isnt enough anymore without 4/5* weapons on elite boss hp.
You've hit the "no content until new patch" wall.


Molten Core Raider
New content is coming if you're not up for the grind. And it is a grind. I only have 2 4* weapons. Seph does 2k dmg with maxxed dancing swords around 30, 4k with death stroke. Been doing elites pretty well. A lot of elites is farming the abilities and items to do them. 3* weapons with synergy out damage 6* without synergy. So it's definitely doable but you gotta farm those orbs and max your gear.

Edit: been staying away from spoilers and faqs but from what I understand the Japanese version has 10x the content so there's lots more coming.


There's definitely more content, I mean just look at the content we have now, most story arcs are only a couple hours into their story, some barely at all. If each story goes completely through their respective games, we will be playing this well into 2025!

Just sit back and relax, blow your stamina for some xp and whatever orbs/Gil comes with it and wait for new events and dungeons.

There was a bit of a rush with people starting a week later and having 2 events up but now you can relax and play casually, assuming you got paladin Cecil.

Edit to add: shinra tower was massive and required a ton of stamina, I still haven't gotten the protect ring and don't much care, I never leveled tidus to use dark attack so I don't see it happening right now anyways. It'll be back eventually anyways.


Molten Core Raider
You've hit the "no content until new patch" wall.
Fair enough. That is actually probably the case. It looks like the elites I want to do are probably intended to be done after some more events and levels have come out to gear up with. For example i haven't come across hardly any X gear for the synergy in those levels.


Potato del Grande
Fair enough. That is actually probably the case. It looks like the elites I want to do are probably intended to be done after some more events and levels have come out to gear up with. For example i haven't come across hardly any X gear for the synergy in those levels.
Yeah just relax about those, a challenge if you can do them but not required. There'll be lv50 stuff soon enough and these will seem like a joke.


I think that's the trick here, there's content that people feel they need gear for... And they bust out the debit card, $500 later you have a whole inventory of 3* swords and they "gacha"