Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

The Ancient_sl

I guess he's being a smartass.

The Knight's path is going to be very tough to master. Even with Shellga and Sentinel Grim, the constant AoE adds up to screw you out of medals. You have to get a bit lucky that the dragons use their single targets a lot.


Trakanon Raider
I'm holding off tomorrow to do the Knight path one. I agree that it looks really tough to master. The one strat I saw basically involves a lot of S/Ling until you get a lot of things to line up correctly. Tifa is still below level 20 and I want to abuse Sunday's daily to get her some levels. I can level up Josef a bit too. I really need his RM but there have been other priorities first.


Potato del Grande
Yeah it's very hard to master, I'm one medal off so far.

You need to Magic Break both heads, one I used was the 3* and the other the 4* (honed once). I don't think anyone is going to have two 4* breaks and seems like a waste of orbs long term. Then you need to cast Shellga. Finally Sentinel Grimore is going to be required, but wait a few turns so the first one is still active when you kill the first head. Refresh all buffs after a head dies since it dispels. You will take very little damage with all of that up.

I'm going to farm Josef RM2 since it's a game changer in Retaliate Meta, will make my healer not be totally useless after casting Shellga with the permanent Double Cut. I'm just not killing it fast enough at the moment.


Trakanon Raider
Yes they do. SG is flat damage reduction so it stacks with buffs that increase defense or resistance


<Bronze Donator>
this Mage path in the Tifa event sure is rough without the ability recharge RMs... i think i'm going to have to do some hardcore EXP grinding in the daily tomorrow.

The Ancient_sl

Yeah it's very hard to master, I'm one medal off so far.

You need to Magic Break both heads, one I used was the 3* and the other the 4* (honed once). I don't think anyone is going to have two 4* breaks and seems like a waste of orbs long term. Then you need to cast Shellga. Finally Sentinel Grimore is going to be required, but wait a few turns so the first one is still active when you kill the first head. Refresh all buffs after a head dies since it dispels. You will take very little damage with all of that up.

I'm going to farm Josef RM2 since it's a game changer in Retaliate Meta, will make my healer not be totally useless after casting Shellga with the permanent Double Cut. I'm just not killing it fast enough at the moment.
I believe it only dispels from the head that dies, just to make sure it's deathblow hits like it should.


Trakanon Raider
Lightning is here.

Started with 100 gem pull, to get things warmed up. 4*... wizard bangle. I have some terribad armors, so not bad.

Go ahead with a 50 Mythril pull. I see 6 3*, 1 4*, and 4 5*. First 5* is a Genji Shield (POS). Second 5*, that Glove/Bangle. Third 5*, the rod. Fourth 5*, Lightning's sword.

Hunter's rod has fairly lackluster stats for a 5* rod, and the SSB sacrifices some damage for the chance to Paralyze. Sanctum Gloves deals magic non-elemental damage to one target, might be nice to put on Yuna.

Lots of XIII RS gear, and finally some regression to the mean for my pulls. Will probably try another 11-pull before the event is over, because I want that gun.


Trakanon Raider
My pills were better than during the VIII event. My 100 gem pull got me a 2nd wizard bracelet to combine. I did an 11 pull and got two 5 stars seven 4 stars and two 3 stars. I got a second, terrible, emerald shield and the Sanctum Gloves. In my 4 star pile I got a third BLM rod to combine up to a fake 6 star.

Overall I was hoping for character specific gear like the sword or gun but I wasn't too disappointed this time around. I'm keeping the shield for when the add forging and I got some useful gear out of my pulls.

The Ancient_sl

Everyone is has been talking up this banner, but outside of the gun I don't see anything great about it. Don't get me wrong the gun is really good, but every other boosted 5-star seems pretty bad, comparatively.


Potato del Grande
Three 11 pulls got me a 5* FF13 Fist and a 5* FF13 Armet! Fuck. Hopefully will get enough for a 3 Pull before it's over, but I got a shitton of combined gear.

Everyone is has been talking up this banner, but outside of the gun I don't see anything great about it. Don't get me wrong the gun is really good, but every other boosted 5-star seems pretty bad, comparatively.
*Top Tier Defense Relic.
*A Gun making several support characters more viable (Irvine/Balthier/Sazh/Barret), Lightning can equip it too for ranged Spellblades.
*A Sword for retaliate.
*FF13 equipment which with FF8 and FF10 is a mostly gearless game and so a little rarer to get Synergy gear for.

Which banners have been better than this?


Golden Knight of the Realm
2x 11 pulls and the 100 gem pull. Got Vega (also first natural 5 gun), my first natural 5 rod, my first natural 5 staff (judgement), and 2 of the golden bracers that are great for anyone's DPS. I've been playing since the beginning so this is definitely my good luck streak to make up for all the bad. My mages needed it sorely and Sazh's is only my 3rd character relic. The gun also doubles up as my back row ranged retaliator for XIII on Tyro as I don't have any swords, katanas, or daggers for it so he does the most damage. Pretty fucking stoked!

The Ancient_sl

Three 11 pulls got me a 5* FF13 Fist and a 5* FF13 Armet! Fuck. Hopefully will get enough for a 3 Pull before it's over, but I got a shitton of combined gear.

*Top Tier Defense Relic.
*A Gun making several support characters more viable (Irvine/Balthier/Sazh/Barret), Lightning can equip it too for ranged Spellblades.
*A Sword for retaliate.
*FF13 equipment which with FF8 and FF10 is a mostly gearless game and so a little rarer to get Synergy gear for.

Which banners have been better than this?
Everyone has a sword. Which is the top tier defense relic?


Golden Knight of the Realm
The only defense the gun has is shellga which is on a heap of shared SB gear. Top tier relic that includes some defense but not a top tier defense relic. The knife however is one of the only, if not THE only, weapon slots with defensive stats on it making it a top tier defense relic. Protectga on it, especially now with 4 SBs and learned SBs, is just icing at that point.


Potato del Grande
Haste is damage mitigation in that the boss will be taking less moves relative to you. It's no Sentinel Grimore but it's second best, especially when we get Cloud RM3 which starts you off with a Limit Break.
A knife with defensive stats sounds great for Retaliate though, since there weapons are usually wasted slots for it.

Finally Mastered Schizo+ in the Tifa event, had to eek out every bonus I could:

Gear for max resistance on all characters except Cloud/Sephrioth who need max attack. I had a 4* FF7 Katana, this will probably be the minimum required. You will need to Save/Load until you get up your defensive spells before you are hit by AoE, if the boss spams AoE/Quake you may need to restart. Magic Break both heads and reapply debuffs every 50%, reapply buffs when the first head dies.
*Cloud/Sephrioth + Self Sacrifice + Retaliate&Double Cut
*Healer + Double Hit + Shellga&Boost
*Tifa + Magic Break&Double Cut
*Support 1 + Magic Breakdown&Double Cut
*Support 2 + Sky Pirate's Pride + Armor Breakdown&Double Cut

Most of these need to be honed once, twice for most Double Cut and Retaliate.
*RW Sentinel Grimore

I used Garnet, Wakka (Limit Break used once) and Red XIII.


Golden Knight of the Realm
All DPS is defense then as the boss will be taking less moves. If you look at it that way, every single relic in the game would be considered a defense relic. It's irrelevant either way. Both items are amazing.

Grats on Schizo. If you have decent resistance and HP the same strat but replacing SG with Advance works a little easier if anyone else still needs to finish it off. Don't need to worry about timing. Just break/down, shellga, and blast away. As long as no one dies you'll master it.