Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Golden Knight of the Realm
You can still mutual with him even if you have 100 followers as long as both aren't following 100. It'll kick off one of those dudes following you that aren't mutual.


Blackwing Lair Raider
still no 5*s from the lucky draws. lol.
Same, just keep getting progressively worse. Had 10 - 3* and 1 - 4* last pull. The 4* was a nice heavy armor piece that I already had 1 of so I"ll be able to upgrade them to a 5* so I guess thats something.


<Bronze Donator>
i'm actually surprisingly not too disappointed by it... i already had a bunch of good 5* relics, and i got super lucky and got a Thyrus from my only 11-pull on the XIV banner... i now have a ton of 4++s, 4+s, and 3++s. so between realm synergy from all those, and with all the characters i'm levelling in the fest right now, i'll have a lot more options for teams. i get a lot of enjoyment out of setting up high synergy teams, so i'm happy.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Clearing dungeon update right now for more mythrils to blow on stamina refreshes and Cloud's RM3 is such a nice quality of life upgrade. It's a huge power spike in the EX event battles of course but it's so nice not needing to slow-roll trash through dungeons just to build SB bars. Now I just need Tyro's RM3 as well so I can rock it on Sazh and Y'shtola/Tyro at the same time.


Trakanon Raider
I'm 3 for 33 on 5*s. But none of them are all that great. Tyro's Cyclone Tome, Tyro's Healing Tome (my 2nd...) and Selphie's Morning Star.

Selphie's Morning Star is decent but right now I don't need Mage Relics unless they are extremely good. I've now got: Storm Staff, Lullaby Rod, Sleipnir's Tail, Judgement Staff and the Morning Star. A lot of these might be made with White Mages in mind but having so many of them I can swap things around and get really good results. Storm Staff is actually my best BLM weapon but it's a staff so it's limited on who can use it being a Staff and not a Rod. But Lullaby Rod fits either WHM or BLM just fine.

Tyro's Tomes blow. His only good Tome is Sentinel and I, luckily, have that one (so yay I have all of his Tomes...). I don't ever see myself using the Healing Tome or the Cyclone Tome. The Healing Tome uses 2 charges of SB for a mediocre heal. I can use Selphie for the the same results using only 1 bar of SB or, better yet, use Yuna for a really big group heal + Heavy Regen. The Cyclone Tome is meh. If I need a non-elemental AOE I'll be using Quistis with Maser Eye. Sentinel is the only useful one of the 3 and it's brokenly good.


<Bronze Donator>
the Healing Tome is actually a step higher than most AOE heal SBs (aja rather than aga or w/e)... but since Tyro's MND stat is lower it isn't really noticeable. i use Tyro often enough that i would at least use those tomes long enough to memorize the SBs. but yeah, typically you're going to be better off giving Tyro some synergy gear instead of a tome.

Selphie rocks tho, i've gotten a lot of use out of my Morning Star.


Trakanon Raider
I pulled Locke's throwie thing and Edward's harp this round.

I don't have Locke (his MC comes out soon though), and the 100% AOE slow looks nice but Bartz and Vaan overshadow him as a thief. I have that FFXIV bow as a 5*+ with like 111 attack, so the 97 attack on this thing means it's only good in VI realm. Maybe it'll be fun to use on a ninja, but again the stats suck and some ninjas can use bows. Early game relic has 10 attack less than our current inflated drops.

Edward's harp is decent. Gives me a bona fide support relic. Since all 5* supports suck and there's no worthwhile RM for 5* supports I can't be too bummed about this one. Lots of hype around the Spoony bard - still haven't run the Cloud bonus battles to see the Full Break hype.

Have had fair luck on combining my 4* relics - good mix of synergy.

Going 4/33 on the Lucky Draws hasn't been game-changing or netted me anything that I'll use on a regular basis, but has expanded my RS widely on the cheap in ways that I wouldn't have aimed for otherwise.

The Zidane/Lulu banners may be my last mage hurrah before I begin transitioning into a physical party.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I've already memorized the Healing SB on Tyro. I would have been very excited for Selphie's if I didn't have Yuna's Lullaby Rod already. Hymn of the Fayth is just so much better with the heavy regen component. But Selphie's is still solid since you practically need someone with a solid AOE heal.

I'll pull, and be disappointed, on the last Lucky Banner. Then I'm going to try for Squall's SSB in about a month. After that I'm hoping for 3 50 pulls on the SSB celebration in late December. My math says I should be able to do it. It it might be close.


<Bronze Donator>
the only two banners before the SSB celebration that are tempting to me are the Celes/Setzer banner (just because i love Celes and Terra and there is gear for both of them on both of the Celes banners) and the IX banners (so much good mage gear).

you guys been dumping mythril into stamina refreshes for orbfest? i've dumped a ton into this Summon Orb phase so far. such a rare opportunity being able to farm these.


Trakanon Raider
Oodles of Mythril into refreshes, I'm not counting but I'm not able to spend as much as I want, so I'll end up where I end up. Phase 2 I didn't put (m)any refreshes into, but Phase 1 I did, now Phase 3 and 4 I am. Gotten ~20 mil gil so far.


Trakanon Raider
I've spent, exactly, 1 Mythril on a refresh. I did it just so I wouldn't lose any Stamina when completing the first two bonus battle for Cloud's event to get his second memory crystal.

Phase 1 was fantastic for me. I got a ton of Greater Orbs and 5 Major Orbs (4 of which were Black so that was even better). Since then it's gone straight downhill. P3 and I've gotten less than 10 Greater Orbs in total. To make matters worse only 1 of those was a Summon Orb. And not a single Major this round either. P2 I only got 2 or 3 Majors and didn't get an Earth like I was hoping for. So I decided not to spend Mythril on refreshes when my rates have been so low. The experience and Gil are nice but, for me, the real draw was Orbs. Going in my expectations where very low but they were greatly exceeded by my P1 drops. Since then I've been disappointed in them.

With that said I've gained a LOT of levels. I capped Paladin Cecil, Rinoa, Terra and Selphie at 65. Brought Edward to 48 from level 1 (I have his Harp so it made sense). I got Barrett to 52 from 1 (think I'm going to swap him back out again since I only did it so he wouldn't be instantly killed against Jenova Death when I get around to fighting her). And now that I have his MC2 Cloud is getting experience again.


Potato del Grande
By the way we are getting sooo many 3* summon orbs that Shiva is a good pick to hone to 5. There are no other cold damage summons in Final Fantasy as far as I know so you'll never get an upgrade for her. At the same rarity Ifrit is beaten by Pheonix and Rahmu by Quetzalcoatl and Syldra.

FFT (Ramza/Agrias) and FFX-2 (Gunner Yuna costume) are also coming soon the Japanese version.


Trakanon Raider
I've gotten a ton of regular Summon Orbs but hardly any Greaters. I've gotten 3 total without any Mythril refreshes and using all available Stamina. I was really hoping for a Rank 4 Valefor but that's not happening. I still need another 10 Greater Summon Orbs. Didn't get a single Major this phase either.


Potato del Grande
I got a 5*!!! Cecil's Sheild... I use Cecil but I'm thinking really hard for a use for this thing (It's just Draw Fire).

Overall I got 3, that's below the theoretical average of 5 but I can't complain getting Y'Shtola's Healing Robe. All 3 were armors though wtf, I need rods.


Trakanon Raider
5 total for me.

Phase 1: Zero
Phase 2: Tyro's Cyclone Tome and Selphie's Morning Star
Phase 3: Tyro's Healing Tome (my 2nd)
Phase 4: Mog's Heroic Scarf and Sabin's Kaiser Knuckles

Not super impressed overall but p4 was decent. I needed a good fist weapon for my Monks and the scarf is supposed to be pretty good.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Consolation 5* came out today at least. I found 5 as well.

P1: Quistis' Sleipnir's Tail
P2: Steiner's Defender, Warrior of Light's Sun Blade
P3: Lightning's Blazefire Saber
P4: Tyro's Sentinel's Grimoire (my 2nd, now a 6*)
Bonus: 100 gem pull on Cloud's event got me a Dragon Claw, generic VII fist
Consolation: Gold Sword, generic VII everyone gets

Nothing outstanding but can't beat the cost.

So I finished up phase 3 with R5 Shiva, R4 Ifrit, R4 Ramuh, R4 Valefor, and enough 4* fire/ice to R4 blizzaja and firaja (already have R4 waterja) although I don't want to blow the black orbs just yet. I'll be able to R5 Valefor in 7 more 4* summoning orbs. It's nice to finally have the hones to run a good double summoner build when needed. SUMMON ALL THE THINGS

I have about 20 mythril to try and R2 Full Break and statistically that's pretty close to the expected value. I have all the ice and lightning needed but still 10 5* power orbs short.

My levels have gone nuts. Cloud at 80. 26 characters at 65 including everyone that can get there and has an MC2 in the JP version. Everyone without MC at 50. The other 26 characters somewhere between 51 and 62. Wonder how far the rest of P4 will get me.

Between all the experience and 3* orbs I'll be able to switch from most dailies to greater black orb farming when there aren't dungeons or events. Will also end up with over 20 million gil. I've been extremely happy with this event even though they dicked us on 5* orb drops. In hindsight, even though we didn't know just how bad drop rates would be, I still feel foolish setting my sights on R3 Full Break. With current drop rates and maxed stamina, R2->R3 alone would take 565 mythril refreshes. And that's assuming you min-maxed each refresh to never lose stamina which would require waiting up to 45 minutes every refresh. There probably isn't even enough time in the event. So realistically you'd need to waste ~8 stamina per refresh on average, so 597 mythril. Lame.

Edit: Actually I guess it wouldn't average to 8 stamina loss. With 140 stamina it would be closer to 5 stamina loss assuming 9 stages takes 15 minutes. Either way, I'm done mathing for now.


Trakanon Raider
P4 gave me another single 5* draw, two 4*, and like 4 shields. The rare was Yuna's Lullaby Rod - yeehaw summoner team since I also have a 6* Thyrus for Y'shtola.

Total draws for the event were Edward's Harp, Locke's Rising Sun, Luneth's Tyrfing, and Kain's Blood Lance - three very dated relics, one spoony support relic, and one game-changing white mage rod. My synergy and 4*/+/++ fared much better than my 5*.

At almost 27 million gil now. Every character I figure to ever use is level capped.

The hype was justified. No, the 4* and 5* orb rates haven't been awesome, but they're the highest rates we've seen and since we know orb conversion is coming it's been an incredible Mythril investment. Next Orb Fest is in 6 months and figures to be 30-40% more lucrative.