Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I really need to complete the last two challenges from the last event. Ultimates are just a pain in the ass for a moderately decent accessory and maybe an augment upgrade. I got (Dark) Cecil's rank 2 crystal and just... stopped. Also hurts that I don't have spells fully ranked. Tend not to play the dailies other than XP Sunday, and Gil or item upgrades when I need to upgrade something. It's also dumb that I have around 150 Black Orbs, but 3 Power Orbs.

I've already cleared, Mastered, all the current FF XIII event, just waiting on the bonus. I really don't like how the FF XIII characters blend with each other. I tend to fully synergize my teams, and Lightning, Sazh, Snow, Hope, Vanille, and even Fang don't really mesh well together. Lightning is like the squishiest combat character, too, even with a Gold Bangle (XIII) equipped. And Snow is confusing for a tank. Having Hope and Vanille as healers can be nice. I'm also super, super, fucking PISSED after I did two 11 pulls and got 6x4*, rest 3*, zero 5*. The only XIII 5* weapons I have are the Keepsake Knife, Kaiser Knuckles, and the new year's Gun. Oh, and the Halloween pumpkin, but Hope is way better as a healer/caster.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
This game loves to fuck me on 11 pulls. I generally get to pull one 11 every other event. I was already stacked on IV gear so, this is what I got for waiting. The items were all virtually identical across the two pulls.


The Ancient_sl

I usually like it when items are identical, combines mean you have items you might actually use instead of ones that take up space for potential use.

This is not a banner I would have pulled x22 on though.


<Bronze Donator>
yeah that's still my biggest complaint with the game. you just used mythril, but that was the equivalent of $55. absurd.

this game is still the shit, tho. just gotta roll with the punches. i went like 50 items without a 5-star at one point.


Potato del Grande
I'm starting to use 3* and 4* items all the time now since I have a fuckton combined up to 5* and 6*, it's not as bad as you think to miss the 5* drop.

The FF13 characters...
Vanille and Hope are great characters, the other Black/White magic "sage" types are old man side characters whereas these two are in a modern game and so have a better shot at getting new relics and memory crystals.
Sazh is a generic support which are always useful and we all have the FF13 christmas gun for him, so pretty decent now. If you get his relic though, it's the 2nd best class of relic in the game (AoE Haste).
Fang is a Retaliate bitch like Tidus and Cid Highwind, stick on Boost/Tempo Flurry and let your Samurai do the work. She can do little else so only fits in your team if you don't need to bring any situational abilities.
Lightning and Snow are selfish characters. Lightning has all the powerful abilities but adds nothing to your team. Snow is the same as Lightning except with shitty ability choices.

You could run a Cloud/Vanille/Hope/Fang/Sazh team and have everything you need for Retaliate, doesn't meet that Lightning Mastery condition though. Fang and Lightning together only neatly fit into Dismissal teams so fingers crossed...


Trakanon Raider
I used my Mithril for an 11x pull and got the new gun for Lightning.

You folks don't seem to like her very much but hopefully a gun will be useful.


<Bronze Donator>
I would totally be stoked to get that thing, man. Maybe you can get the armor for her from her next banner too... It boosts lightning elemental damage so has huge synergy with the gun.

Plus guns are rare and useful since some of the best support characters are gun users.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I'm starting to use 3* and 4* items all the time now since I have a fuckton combined up to 5* and 6*, it's not as bad as you think to miss the 5* drop.

The FF13 characters...
Vanille and Hope are great characters, the other Black/White magic "sage" types are old man side characters whereas these two are in a modern game and so have a better shot at getting new relics and memory crystals.
Sazh is a generic support which are always useful and we all have the FF13 christmas gun for him, so pretty decent now. If you get his relic though, it's the 2nd best class of relic in the game (AoE Haste).
Fang is a Retaliate bitch like Tidus and Cid Highwind, stick on Boost/Tempo Flurry and let your Samurai do the work. She can do little else so only fits in your team if you don't need to bring any situational abilities.
Lightning and Snow are selfish characters. Lightning has all the powerful abilities but adds nothing to your team. Snow is the same as Lightning except with shitty ability choices.

You could run a Cloud/Vanille/Hope/Fang/Sazh team and have everything you need for Retaliate, doesn't meet that Lightning Mastery condition though. Fang and Lightning together only neatly fit into Dismissal teams so fingers crossed...
It is when you have literally all of the 3* items that have dropped and have already combined them to 4-6*. I have 7* items that are shit compared to some (most) of the unique 5* items. It's those Uniques that make the characters, of which I have none for FF XIII. I risked a 3rd 11 pull and got a XIII spear that has literally no special tied to it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was finally able to get Rubicante down, didnt get mastery, but all i wanted was the 5* accessory. Was sad to find out it was another +magic damage one. which i think now is 3? in a row. hopefully they release one for melee this go around.


Trakanon Raider
Was finally able to get Rubicante down, didnt get mastery, but all i wanted was the 5* accessory. Was sad to find out it was another +magic damage one. which i think now is 3? in a row. hopefully they release one for melee this go around.
The 5 star Accessory for the XIII Fang Event ultimate boss isn't very good. It's called Soulfont Talisman and gives +15 RES and moderate resistance to Blind. It's a very niche accessory.

This game loves to fuck me on 11 pulls. I generally get to pull one 11 every other event. I was already stacked on IV gear so, this is what I got for waiting. The items were all virtually identical across the two pulls.
Yeah those look like my pulls. Two 11x pulls with no 5 stars followed by a last ditch 11x pull where I get a single crappy 5 star. I had extremely good luck at the beginning of the game where I got a ton of really strong relics (Sentinel Grimoire, Lullaby Rod, Vega 42's) and they've been carrying me. But since the SB Celebration back in Septemberish my luck has been terrible. I figure by now I must have regressed back to the Mean and, hopefully, my luck will turn around soon.

My advice over on Reddit has been this. In March and April there are a ton of really high profile banners coming up. We've got Cloud's BSSB, the anniversary event with the Super Super Super Soulbreak Celebration and the Final Fantasy Tactics event. All 3 of these events are going to hit very close to each other. So my advice is to plan ahead now and plan a budget for them. We should be getting about 250 Mythril between now and the Anniversary (March 26). For their Anniversary Japan got a free 50 Mythril just for logging in. So now that you know how much Mythril is available between now and then it's important to budget accordingly.

Personally my plans are to use up an iTunes gift card on Beatrix's banner later this month. My synergy for IX is pretty good and you should never pull for a single, specific, relic. But I'm tossing reason aside and praying I get lucky and pull Beatrix's Sword. It's not overpowered or anything but she's a favorite character of mine. So my advice is to not do this. So after being disappointed that I didn't pull Save the Queen all of my Mythril is going to be devoted to the SSSSB Celebration at the Anniversary event. Our banners will be completely different than Japan's so I have no idea if I'll be pulling early in the event or late. I've got the big 3 (Wall, Haste and Group Heals) covered so I have the luxury of pulling for characters I like or just strong relics in general. In the past I've tried to keep self control and ended up spending more Mythril than I should have going after certain relics so I'm trying to circumvent that tendency by picking a single SSSSB banner and just going all in on it. If I get good results early (spoiler: I won't) than I'll probably throw the rest at the FF:Tactics banner.

With that said I think Cloud's BSSB Banner is a trap. Other than his Fusion Sword there really isn't a lot that's really good on it. Some may try and make a case for specific items but overall it's a weak banner with one amazing weapon on it. FF: Tactics is a very strong banner but a lot of people have deluded themselves into thinking they're going to pull Ramza's Platinum Sword in less than 15 Mythril. Don't get me wrong, it's a very strong banner with a lot of good items on it but a lot of people only see Ramza's Sword. There are 9 Tactics items on the banner. Ramza's Sword which is amazing, Ramza's Armor which is also amazing, Ramza's Bracer and Agrias Sword and Shield which are all very good. Then there's 4 non-sb, generic, items with FF:Tactics Synergy. These might have fairly decent stats but Japan is still waiting for their next Tactics event or dungeon which means those 4 items are going to waste. That's why I'm going after the SSSSB Celebration first and hoping for a SSB and some good gear there first. If I get lucky (again, I won't) I'll spend the rest on Tactics. My personal opinion is that it's a mistake to go all in on the Tactics banner because you're just as likely to end up with a bunch of items that have no real synergy as you are hitting the jackpot and getting Ramza's Sword with Scream on it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've been stockpiling mithril since the... 3rd SSB banner I think? Brought me down to like 40 and I haven't pulled anything since. I'm up to 210 as of this morning. Now I'm afraid that I'm going to have so much that psychological I am not going to want to pull anything ever again. I'm only up to 110 stamina so I have a fuckton of classic and elite dungeons to finish still.

The Ancient_sl

Eyashusa, you are a relatively new player who spends a bit of effort to complete events, correct? You should not be hoarding mithril. I'm sure you have a lot of RS gaps to fill and even bad pulls should be fairly beneficial to you.


Trakanon Raider
Completely agree with Ancient. Look at your Synergy and pull to fill in gaps. Keep some stockpiled in reserve for the best banners but if you're not caught up with the game you should be willing to spend a bit more liberally. I don't suggest taking all 200 Mythril and blowing through it but fill in your gaps. Here's what we have on tap:

Yuffie Event: If you need VII Synergy than Banner 1 is really good. There are a ton of VII Events and Dungeons so you really want some good synergy here. Sephiroth's SSB is back and Reno's Rod is a great BLM weapon. Banner 2 is quite a bit weaker in my opinion.

Beatrix Event: IX Synergy is becoming a bit more important. We've got a few IX events coming up and there are quite a few dungeons left as well. Banner 1 is great for melee. Beatrix and Steiner's swords are both pretty great if you lack SSBs or IX synergy. Banner 2 has a couple really nice Mage relics and Zidane gets a really good sword.

Penelo: XII synergy is something a lot of us older players don't need as much back when Danjuro was a pretty common 5 star draw. It's not a super common realm. I really haven't paid a lot of attention to these two banners. I planned on skipping it entirely (not even doing 100 gem draws).

Kefka Event: VI is another realm where you want good synergy. There are a TON of VI Dungeons and VI events seem to pop up every couple of months. Both banners are pretty strong if you need VI synergy. Terra gets a SSB and Kefka gets a couple relics which makes him pretty powerful (he's a classic character that is "meh" without his relics but really good with them).

Exdeath Event: This is a hard one. V Synergy is pretty hard to come by but after this event we won't see any more V Events for a long time (Japan hasn't gotten any since this event). But there's a number of pretty tough V Dungeons out there. Both banners are pretty solid though.

Jecht Event: X is another Realm that can be hard to get good synergy for and it's constantly showing up in Events. Jecht's featured sword is actually one of the strongest Non-SSB swords in the game. Yuna gets yet another Relic (I think in Japan she has more than any other character including Cloud). Banner 2 has her Lullaby Rod which is game breaking good.

I could make a case for pulling on pretty much all of these banners with the exception of the XII ones. By all means keep a stockpile reserved for random Lucky Draws (if I had to guess the two most likely chances would be Valentine's Day and possibly the Warrior of Light I event right after Exdeath's but that's pure speculation). And keep a stockpile for the really strong SSSSB / FFTactics banners. But I'd really consider spending some to fill in Synergy gaps too. Months ago Synergy wasn't nearly as important as it is today as content gets more and more difficult.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
My IV, VII, and X teams are pretty stacked. My VI, VIII, IX and XII are "ok". I have pretty good items, but the characters need levels. XIII is pretty decent, but I NEED MORE ITEMS and they fucked me good on this banner pull. My V is pretty lacking (Lenna is my only 50+, Gilgamesh 49), and I don't even have 50's for I, II, or III (or just barely). They never seem to have events for I, II or III, and there's only one daily that involves III.

IV, 7* harp for Edward (Protect/Regen Unique SB), Kain's 5* spear, Golbez's 5* Rune Axe, and enough Shared SB items with IV synergy for the rest of the party, including armor. Have both Cecil's second crystal broken.

VII - 6* Sephiroth's SSB weapon, Cloud's Hardedge, Aerith's Aurora Rod, Red XIII's Diamond Pin (6*), and Barrett's Gattling Gun. Would be nice if I got a magic based synergy item for Reno. I have his suit, though. And they've given us a ton of VII armor over the last year (Halloween hat, Christmas gloves(ring)). Not to mention the plethora of VII rings that have dropped in general. No real hard "tanky" armor, though. I have the Dragon Ring that has a group Protect SB, but I don't really consider rings all that defensively based (compared to shields and heavy armor).

X - Auron's Shimmering Blade and Shiranui. The last event I got three of the Thief blade, so it's a 7* for Rikku, but the SB is only a doublestrike + chance for slow. I also got two of the Variable Steel, but it doesn't have a SB. It's what Tidus uses. 7* Dusk Lance for Kimahri, unique that gives one magic spell avoid. I also have Wakka's Official Ball and All-Rounder. Rune Rod with shared SB for magic/healing. The last X event was exceptionally generous to me. I don't really have any good X armor, though. Auroch's Uniform (+Attack SB), and a 4++(6*) Wizard Armlet, and literally nothing else.

I also really enjoy how the X team meshes together. Auron Samurai, Yuna with heals and summons, Lulu for boobs, and Tidus for combat/spellswords. Rikku is also incredibly versatile, even if there's not a lot of spells for Bard, Dancer, or Thief, yet. Celerity and Support alone make her worth carrying. Being able to use Protect/Shell alternatives so I can put a summon on Yuna instead is very helpful. Only 3* Support is a bit of a bummer, however. Though if I really need heavy breaks I'll swap our Rikku or Tidus for Wakka. Kimahri was good until I got Rikku. Especially with having his 7* Spear. Dragoons just suck and always have.

I'm looking forward to more IX. Vivi was one of my first 65's, but then stopped using him because he won the world championship dirtnap competition. Getting Beatrix is also going to be cool. I only got my IX group up to level 30 on the last banner. Used non-synergy to clear everything after about the 90 difficulty. I'm also liking the fact that I have every character that's been released, and all their crystals, so getting those bonus Greater Eggs is really boosting the leveling process, though I kind of floundered the eggs from the IV event. 50+ for Rikku and Fang was nice, though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Unless they nerf retaliate meta I stopped trying for realm synergy. My team is Wakka support, With boost and tempo flurry, Y'shtola as my protect/healer. Got lucky on a banner pull and got her rod and robe. sephiroth as my ret. I would use Cloud if i could ever pull any of his weapons. did 11 pull on that banner and got 2 of his SSB swords. Tyro to cover any misc objectives for the round. also has his wall book. and cecil for shellga. I have done all the events np with the ret cheese and never had to worry about realm synergy. constant 9999x4 with soulbreak and lower to mid 9k per counter attack. So my advice is just find which meta you want to use mage or ret and just focus on the key people you want in your group realm synergy or not.


Lord Nagafen Raider
tyro usually has it, i switch it around with wakka and drop boost if its multiple objectives i need to hit in a round


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ancient and Angelwatch you guys are right for sure. My experience is largely like what Pooch is describing though so I haven't really felt the need to go for a lot of synergy. I'm sure that I'll eventually hit a wall and realize I should have been going for relics for awhile so I'll take your advice and start pulling some more banners.