Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yes my big pulls suck but at least one of the two event 100 gem draws has given me a 5* so far this year.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone else feel like the Relic draws since the New Year have been actively fucking you over? I've gotten one shitty non-unique 5* (FFVII) dagger out 6 pulls of 11x draws...
Yeah that's pretty terrible luck. I know the feeling too since I've had very similar results in the past.

I had pretty good luck on the first IX banner a couple weeks back. I did 3 11x pulls and got 5 5 stars. Only one character relic though and not the one I wanted (was trying hard for Beatrix's sword. My first pull was 1 5 star, second pull was zero and my last was 4 and that's when I called it for the event). I actually got a character 5 star on the first XII banner. It was Fran's bow which was the worst of the bunch but I will never complain about a 5 star from a 100 gem pull.

Mostly though I'm in savings mode for the Anniversary and Tactics. I'm just shy of 175 Mythril right now and that's all going towards the SSSB Festival and / or Tactics.


Potato del Grande
Vossler is one of the hardest bosses so far, it's been a while since stuff like Brynhilda and Seifer/Rajin/Fujin so would find it hard to rank it. I would probably put it at the hardest (other than the broken Parade Float) because you need good character relics to master (or even beat) it.

Some tips:
If you don't have your own Sentinel Grimore/Stoneskin II then don't cast it until the adds are dead and Vossler is at ~95-90%, remember to rebuff it ~45-40%. The fight is long and you need three casts for the entire fight plus adds.
If the adds die before their third turn you don't need to bring Shellga, there is some leeway here with luck and slow giving you extra turns. Took me 4 turns.
Bring Full Break and Power Breakdown/Steal Power. I didn't start casting Full Break until the adds were dead but Power Breakdown needs to be up the entire fight.
Be ready to hit Dispel as soon as the phase changes, this happens about four times. If you have time you can dispel Reflect too to waste a boss turn.
You'll probably need an AoE Heal to heal up after the adds, I cast a second at the end too but it probably did more harm than good.
Bring DPS, I had one each of Double Hit and Tempo Flurry bouncing off Cloud, with Cloud having his own Tempo Flurry.
Remember to slow at least one add and hit Vossler with Black Magic, I used a VII Wizard Bracelet to have Cloud cast the shared soul break black magic attack on it.
Egg Paladin Cecil to 80 and give him max defence, his Draw Fire relic helps too as it buffs defence. Keep him at 100% health during the last half of the battle, even Quadstrike can only do 190 x 4 damage to him properly set up.
Don't bring mages their low health is a liability and of course my White Mage died at 1%, my first failed attempt had two White Mages and two AoE Heals - you can't heal up the damage as it's so focused on one character - fight is about mitigation.

80 Cloud - Retaliate/Tempo Flurry, Wizard Bracelet SB, Dragoon's Devotion RM
80 Paladin Cecil - Boost/Dispel, Sentinel SB, Double Hit RM
80 Wakka - Full Break/Armor Break, Status Reels SB, Ace Striker RM
65 Balthier - Tempo Flurry/Steal Power, Self Sacrifice RM
65 Eiko - Curaga/Protega, Emerald Light SB, Dr. Mog's Teachings RM

Geared Cloud for Attack, everyone else for Defence. Actually used a lot of 3++ synergy stuff and had a 6++ Sword for Cloud and a 5* synergy Shield for Cecil. Mastered it without RNG being an issue, it does take skill so you will S/L to learn the fight.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm still leveling up P. Cecil before I take this on but I'm curious, why Dispel and not Banishing Strike?


Trakanon Raider
It's not enough to just dispel Vossler. You are required to use the specific ability Dispel for a Mastery condition.


Potato del Grande
Oh some things I found out about later:
*Remember that "Defend" button we haven't used ever? Yeah. Although Paladin Cecil is doing zero DPS defending, while Double Hit gives you ~9-10k a turn via Retaliate so I wouldn't have done it anyway.
*Remember how they screwed up the stats on the Haloween gear? Pumpkin Ball gives 100 Evade if you want to rely on RNG (this was amazing on the solo Yuffie missions), I should have given that to Wakka...

Anyway I was considering what to put my Mithril stash into (200 so far) and the options were:
*Thyrus banner during SSB Festival
*FF Tactics banner.
*Cloud BSSB banner.
All these are happening in a couple of months.

This fight showed me that you will eventually NEED your own Stoneskin II as sometimes more than two casts will be required, like Vossler. So I'm pulling on the next Thyrus banner, fuck Tyro!


<Bronze Donator>
hitting defend for the first round while you get all your mitigation lined up isn't a bad strategy. also after dispells and whatnot.


Trakanon Raider
Anyway I was considering what to put my Mithril stash into (200 so far) and the options were:
*Thyrus banner during SSB Festival
*FF Tactics banner.
*Cloud BSSB banner.
All these are happening in a couple of months.

This fight showed me that you will eventually NEED your own Stoneskin II as sometimes more than two casts will be required, like Vossler. So I'm pulling on the next Thyrus banner, fuck Tyro!
Wall is game changing. I still think Tyro is better off with Wall but, in the end, either is fine.

Of the 3 events you listed I think Cloud's BSB banner is a trap. There is, exactly, one good weapon on it and that's Cloud's sword. The rest of the stuff isn't bad but, let's face it, if you draw on that banner you're trying to get Cloud's Sword. I call it a "trap" banner. A lot of people are going to drop a lot of Mythril / Cash on the banner and a lot of people are going to be disappointed.

The Tactics banner is great but it's all luxury for me. I'm planning to spend a bit of my Mythril here in hopes of getting any of the character relics. But so many people are planning to go all in on the banner trying for Ramza's Platinum Sword (Scream SSB with Hastega and ATK +50%) that finding RWs for it won't be hard at all. I have it on my Japan account after rerolling over and over until I pulled it on the Support Lucky Banner but I'm not really caught up to the point where it's game changing yet.

SSSB is where I plan to spend most of my Mythril stash. I've got great Support relics but I really want a SSB, some physical damage stuff and / or a universal mage rod (still missing it). I'll just pick the banner that looks strongest for me and just dump a ton of Mythril there.


Trakanon Raider
Maduin was trivial. Next three realms are probably my worst synergy.

Mythril stash going into FFT/Anniversary stuff. Theif's Raid + Saint's Cross for my orbs.

Lightning SSB has been nice, but when I use a +ATK RW (or even those Christmas boxing gloves) it starts to show its potential. Poured all my Rosetta stones into Peacemaker, which makes Sahz more deadly as my support, or allows Lightning to do her thing from ranged.

Black Magic Abyss dungeon is coming up. I've great gears for it, but have procrastinated on my mage meta hones ever since R2 Meteor.

Thancred getting Thief 5 cannot come soon enough. Unless I pull Locke's SSB.

I stopped playing my JP account - Vincent's SSB gun (he's my favorite FF character), Scream, and Bartz BSSB was too much for me. No way I get those game-changing relics on my global account, and I'd be bummed playing without them.

I was burned out on the game a bit. Missed an ultimate or two because I hadn't kept track of dates, think I mastered everything else, but I was only logging in to run events not even daily rewards. Lots of goodies in the pipeline has me excited, though my $1 pulls are still a drag (haven't gotten anything since Sephiroth's OWA during celebration banners way back) and my mythril pulls haven't netted me much either (Lightning SSB being the exception after pouring mythril into V and X banners and not getting any synergy). Celebration + Tactics is pulling me along, hopefully I don't bust.


<Bronze Donator>
yeah i was burnt out for awhile there too, but i can feel myself getting sucked back in, especially with the global launch anniversary coming up.


Trakanon Raider
I'm still really enjoying the game a lot more than I ever expected to (especially for a mobile game). I've been burnt out in the past due to really bad Relic Pulls but I've gotten over them and I've gotten better about tempering my expectations.

Maduin was stupidly easy for me but I had to kill him twice for Mastery. Both times I killed him without a S/L but the first time I brought Terra with a Fire and Ice spell but forgot Lightning. In my defense I'm so used to having Rinoa on my main team and in my head I was thinking (OK, Firaja, Blizzaga and Rinoa's SB to hit the Mastery conditions).

For the V event I decided to go ahead and do an 11x pull since my V synergy was pretty bad. I'm really glad I did. I ended up with four 5 stars. A non-SB Dark Gauntlets (IV) from the shared generic pool which made me pretty happy since my IV synergy needs work too and it's a really good armor piece. I also got Gaia Gear (V) which isn't very good. My last two were character relics. Brave Blade for Bartz which was Number 2 on my wish list from the banner (Exdeath's rod was #1) and the Aevis Killer bow for Faris. Of the two bows for Faris I got the one I wanted more since this one reduces DEF and RES. I'm always going to be breaking Power and Magic with abilities but a lot of times I can't fit Armor and/or Mental breaks into my lineup.

After today's Quest revamp I've got just over 230 Mythril so that gives me a good chance to pull something decent between FF:Tactics and SSSSB.

The Ancient_sl

I've definitely had a bit of burnout, I basically took a week off and let Vossler go unmastered. I'm not raging at the game or anything, but I think the fact that I've spent about 600 mithril on relic pulls over the past few months without a single good relic is just kind of a downer.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I've definitely had a bit of burnout, I basically took a week off and let Vossler go unmastered. I'm not raging at the game or anything, but I think the fact that I've spent about 600 mithril on relic pulls over the past few months without a single good relic is just kind of a downer.
110 item draws since the new year and not a single 5*. I've submitted several complaints wondering what the fuck was going on and each time they give the same sterile response. "We're sorry, we hope this doesn't discourage you from playing, and we'll pass this along to the developers." No you fucking won't. Like, I've got pretty good items as it is, but not getting literally any of the new items is bullshit. I'm tired of getting shit I can't use. If I get another Wyvern Claw I might smash my phone into something... and 4* upgraded to 6* that I already have a better base 5* in that same synergy is really a punch in the dick. I also seem to have stopped getting any Armor items. I have no problem mastering basically everything already, so Relic draws are almost my only way of "upgrading" at this point (besides getting from 60-65 on some characters). I should probably trash all my 3* to 5++ items, if I wasn't such a pack rat. ...400 inventory spaces......

I skipped Terra's L2 crystal I've been so frustrated.

Also, today's patch adding "Cid's Missions", which wiped out the original missions which apparently makes it impossible to get characters you've missed (not that I'm missing anyone except a few Crystal characters), unless it was moved somewhere else and I'm completely obvious... and the "new" rewards are basically shit except a few extra Mithril. The Stamina Refill->Overflow is a very nice feature, though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Who do people use as their rw and how many times are you summoned? I guess it takes a couple of days after you switch your rw for them to show up for other ppl, because I was using cloud's sb that paralyzes, but I was running into a bunch of holy weakness guys so I was using cecil's 3 holy hit sb which I also have so I swapped my rw to that and the first couple of days I had nothing; whereas before Cloud would be summoned 5-10x. Now the last two days I've logged in I've been summoned like 51 and 53x.

I know the amount of gold is inconsequential, but its free gold so why not try and get more?


Trakanon Raider
I use Tyro with Sentinel Grimoire. On new content days and the day after I'll get 20 to 30 hits but on off days I'll get less than 10. I consider changing to Leon with Hand of the Emperor every now and then but I figure people followed me for a reason. I may do it though since it's such a rare buff.

Anyway Necrophobe down on my first attempt. I simply applied mitigation, blew up the blobs, reapplied mitigation and then finished off Necrophobe. Was one of the easier fights for me.


<Bronze Donator>
^ i think the world could use more HotE RWs actually angelwatch. SG RWs, while invaluable, are pretty common.

i usually set my RW to Amarant's Aura unique SB... Shellga + High Regen. tho i will sometimes change it depending on the event.... i.e. if, say, there's a FF8 event going, i'll swap in Squall since i have his SSB item.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I swap mine out for the best synergy that I have for the current event, and if I don't have anything particularly useful or powerful, I'll just use Sephiroth and his 4x meteor, 7* katana, 400+AD, guaranteed 4x 9999 on anything -- and he'll only get summoned maybe a dozen times over a few days. Except on new event releases, then it'll spike to 30/day the first couple days. If you get a new item ability it will usually spike your summons up, too. I have two of Auron's weapons, and just swapping to the weaker ability during the last FFX event got me quite a few summons, even though his other ability is more powerful. Still, it seems to be quite finicky.