Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
The Tyro banner will be around for a bit so I'm not pulling just yet. On the banner itself I already have a Genji Blade and a 6 star Fairy Flute but I wouldn't mind Terra's, Leon's or lightning's relic. I'd even settle for Cloud's since I don't have a unique SB for him yet.

As far as the choices go, I'm leaning towards Vanille's group cure for CMs. Arc's and Leila's relics are intriguing for rare realm synergy but I don't see myself pulling more than once. Ramza's armor is useless to me with Shout for all the reasons above.

I'll see how I do tomorrow on the Lucky Draw. They tend to hate me so I'm not holding my breath. Then I'll decide if I want to pull on the Tyro banner or not.


<Bronze Donator>
Firstly forget the Protega, you are casting Shout on turn 1 and SBs cast longer, so basically a turn 3 Protect... yeah you'll have your healer/paladin casting that turn 1.

having a medica on a non-white mage is the appealing part to me, i would be interested in it still even if it was just a medica SB and no protectga. my native wall is on Y'Shtola, but right now i usually bring one of my other white mages with a medica and use wall in my RW slot... which works fine except on long battles where having more than two Wall casts would be nice. having Ramza's medica might allow me to bring Y'Shtola instead of a Medica wielder. i'll just bring another protectga aside from Ramza's, which i was already doing so its not a big loss.

i think i just talked myself into it. going to wait a bit before i pull tho.


Potato del Grande
having a medica on a non-white mage is the appealing part to me, i would be interested in it still even if it was just a medica SB and no protectga. my native wall is on Y'Shtola, but right now i usually bring one of my other white mages with a medica and use wall in my RW slot... which works fine except on long battles where having more than two Wall casts would be nice. having Ramza's medica might allow me to bring Y'Shtola instead of a Medica wielder. i'll just bring another protectga aside from Ramza's, which i was already doing so its not a big loss.

i think i just talked myself into it. going to wait a bit before i pull tho.
For that you want to bring Shout as RW and just focus on casting the heal with Ramza.

Again a white mage is going to drop a 75%+ heal though with AoE Curaga and you may be dropping a breakdown which would allow you to need less healing.

You could have Ramza cast Shout, Y'Shtola cast Wall and bring AoE Curaga as RW...


<Bronze Donator>
yeah bringing medica RWs is something i haven't played around with much. the only fights that really require AE healing typically only need a cast or two of it once the boss hits his low health state, so medica RW could work.

for shits and giggles, here's my generic A-Team lately:

Squall -- Armor Break / Lifesiphon -- damage SSB, damage RM
Sephiroth -- Power Break / Lifesiphon -- damage SSB, damage RM
Agrias -- Shellga / (Lifesiphon or Banishing Strike) -- ATK/MAG debuff SB, SB charging RM
Ramza -- Magic Breakdown / Full Break -- Shout SSB, turn one SB RM
Penelo -- Curaja / Protectga -- Medica + Holy DD SSB, SB charging RM

Wall RW

i've got a few medica options, but no stand-out ones... Porom's Medica + Hastega, Rosa's Medica + Raisega, and some older, dated ones... Medica + High Regen would be ideal for me, perhaps some day.


Potato del Grande
yeah bringing medica RWs is something i haven't played around with much. the only fights that really require AE healing typically only need a cast or two of it once the boss hits his low health state, so medica RW could work.

for shits and giggles, here's my generic A-Team lately:

Squall -- Armor Break / Lifesiphon -- damage SSB, damage RM
Sephiroth -- Power Break / Lifesiphon -- damage SSB, damage RM
Agrias -- Shellga / (Lifesiphon or Banishing Strike) -- ATK/MAG debuff SB, SB charging RM
Ramza -- Magic Breakdown / Full Break -- Shout SSB, turn one SB RM
Penelo -- Curaja / Protectga -- Medica + Holy DD SSB, SB charging RM

Wall RW

i've got a few medica options, but no stand-out ones... Porom's Medica + Hastega, Rosa's Medica + Raisega, and some older, dated ones... Medica + High Regen would be ideal for me, perhaps some day.
Looks decent, that is fine as it is I wouldn't worry about using your Wall unless a fight required 3 casts (I've never used 3 casts, usually there's a part of the fight you can survive without it).

I'd focus on improving your DPS and debuffs, 3* breaks are not ideal so look into Support SSBs or any BSBs.


<Bronze Donator>
yeah definitely good enough, the only fight in recent memory i didn't beat was U+ Kuja, and that was quite awhile ago. things can always get more betterer tho.


Trakanon Raider
Easiest cid mission to date? I'd say so. Terra as a white mage with shift synergy was totally fine, I didn't even get a chance to use the shared medica on either fight because they were over too quickly. I used PCecil, Vaan, Ramza, Terra, and for CM's Tidus, then WoLight. Vids: Braska's Aeon -- Golbez & Garland

I think I'm going to have to settle for only rank 2 Saint's Cross from this event. Going from 1 to 70 major holy orbs would take too much mithril that I can't really justify it. Rank 2 should be good enough for my current needs (hopefully).

I'm probably going to pass (or at least hold off) on the Tyro's select banner. None of the selection relics are super standout (I already have Ramza's armor, though I've never used his shared medica even once). I might pull on the banner at a later date specifically for one of the medica's for a CM I can't otherwise complete, but none of the relics on either the choice or the banner itself are especially great. Gilgamesh's sword would be about the best thing for me, mostly just for the high regen part of the SB to help with CM's, but I won't pull just for that.

Next banner (FFT) is another I think I'm skipping. The CM will be as faceroll as this one was since the only requirement is to bring 2 members that are already on my A+ team, and I have both shout and Agrias's mitigation strike (the 2 best relics on the banner). Delita's bonus lightning damage sword would be awesome, since that can be combined with Kaiser shield on a spellblade or dragoon using lightning attacks for +40% bonus damage, but again, it's not worth me pulling on a banner chasing 1 specific non-meta relic.

FF13 banner is probably worth at least one pull. It has a mote dungeon boss, and I'd like some good mage weapons, such as Hope's BSB. The FF13 banner is the last banner before they supposedly get an overhaul and become a lot more powerful, so maybe I should skip that one too, then start pulling again starting with the FF5 banner. Guess I'll make that decision after I try the 13 CM.


Trakanon Raider
There are banners I'd like to pull on (XIII and X since my synergy isn't as good for those realms) but I'm going to try and hold out until guaranteed 5 stars gets implemented. Nothing is more soul crushing than blanking an 11 pull.

Chaos Dissidia was really easy. Cecil's BSB just tore things up. Chaos doesn't look to be any worse with Shiroth's BSB. Nice easy events and Mythril. I'm just thankful we're out of the content dry spell. One new event every 8 days with no filler got really boring.


Trakanon Raider
I have all of Ramza's relics, and I've never done the Lifesiphon thing with him. FB + MBD, opening with Shout and refreshing Shout. I know some dudes on the Reddit are all about Shout/Lifesiphon/Medica but that requires a second support with a good loadout and I don't have one of those. I take only one of Pro/Shellga and rely on a stacking ATK/MAG break instead.

Worked for me so far.


Trakanon Raider
Went 2/11 on the lucky celerity banner. Lightning Steel (Tidus) and Blazefire Sabre (Lightning). Both are very outdated relics, but I guess it's not all bad since I have shitty synergy for both X and XIII, and had no relics for either of those characters previously. Not going to be working on the nightmare dungeons until after orbfest though. Think I'm going to do up to 25 refreshes in this phase, but cut it off there. The lightning steel sword for Tidus is at least a +thunder enhancement stat stick, which seals the deal on me passing on the FFT banner, since I don't need delita's copy of it anymore. Will still do 100 gem pull on each, so who knows, I could luck out anyway.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Biffed on the lucky banner which I guess is what I get for getting 3 last time, so used few gems I had on the BSB pull and got Shantotto's Jupiter Staff so not total waste.

Edit: fucking lul did one more with the last 300 gems I had and got Bartz Ragnarok, I don't even.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I had great luck with this lucky banner. Orichalcum Dirk (Vaan), Murasame (Kain), Rising Sun (Locke), and Dancing Dagger (Leila).


<Bronze Donator>
my girlfriend just started playing a few days ago... she pulled Tidus' and Zidane's BSBs on the Lucky Draw banner. i don't have any BSBs yet. she was pretty excited, think that might have fully hooked her, =p


<Bronze Donator>
On the last Lucky Banner I got 10 3*s and 1 4*... Won't have enough mythril for this one for a few days.


Golden Squire
I'm ok with the disappointments occasionally, though it was quite frustrating going 3-4 11x pulls without any 5*. Thank goodness the guaranteed 5* is coming! Even if you pull shit, it's at least useable shit for synergy (kinda).


Trakanon Raider
Went 3/11. Saw a bow, a Tidus sword, and a dagger.

Fran's Wallbreak, Tidus SSB, and Vaan's BSB!

Mastered the XII CM with ease between ghetto wall (Basch ATK/DEF buff + Penelo 30% ATK medica) before picking up these relics--4*++ stat sticks galore carried me with 5* ability uses--but I'm happy to get another Chain/Charge user to full potential and Vaan's BSB is obviously ace. Vaan getting to level 99 (and 5* Thief's Raid) with crazy stats soon, too.

First lucky draw that felt lucky!


Trakanon Raider
I've been using the orbfest spamming to try to fill out my roaming warrior list with some variety for CM's. I now have about 35'ish walls, around 12 shout, about 20 random BSB's (mostly for clearing dailies on lower characters), and a few medicas. I want to add 4-8 or so of Edward's mage shout, but in this whole event, I've only seen a single Edward RW to add to my list. Isn't he the best RW for a mage team with haste + 30% mag? Strange I can't find barely any to add...


Golden Squire
Just wait a little Krile's sleep song is coming is and also adds strong regen, and is on a really good banner. People are still hooked on shout meta, which should be seeing a change soon