Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
Anniversary banners are out: 2nd Ann Fest

Banners 1, 2, 3, 5 are easy skips for me. One, maybe two good items each, but the rest I either already have, or is meh. Maybe I'll do one pull on banner 3 hoping for Raines bsb.

Banner 4 is amazing for me. I have Ashe and Orlandu's burst, so their OSB would pair with it perfectly. Agrias is an A team member with her debuff SB, but I wouldn't mind her burst or OSB. Eiko's BSB medica is good for phys teams, and I still need Alphinaud's BSB. The rest is meh.

Looks like I'll be dividing my saved 400 mithril between ultros banner and banner 4.


Golden Squire
Got Papalymo's staff to further overkill my FFXIV synergy and Gafgarion's BSB, pretty decent since they also have small elemental boost.

Edit: Just saw the Anniversary Banner. Same thought - banner 4 for OSB goodness, but I already have most of the great relics there. I will probably do 2 extra pulls on Ultros then for OK BSB and I guess some of the OSB, preferably Tidus.
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Trakanon Raider
Banner 2 is my best. The Bursts are great. Yuna's BSB is particularly appealing to me even if it's not a true healing BSB.

Banner 4 is my second but that's primarily because of Eiko's burst and Yuna's SSB. I already have the two grand prizes: Cid OSB and Alphinaud BSB.


<Bronze Donator>
2/11 on the infusion lucky, Basch burst and Hope burst. I almost have a complete Hope now.


Potato del Grande
Oh my god where are the Healer BSBs? Was hoping for multiple on a banner. Maybe... banner 4... but I have half that stuff already and im drowning in duplicates.


<Bronze Donator>
Do you still not have a healer BSB Chris? Damn.

FWIW I have two of them but often end up RWing Yshtola's OP BSB anyway.


Molten Core Raider
Alphinaud, Rydia, warrior of light bsb, plus 2 ssb i cant remember. Feels good man. My mage team is pretty stacked now but it feels so clunky to use compared to my beast phys. I think it is because i cant figure how to optimize my breakdowns and mako might/dr mog. Wrath just feels crappy compared to lifesiphon.

Fuujin BSB
Alphinaud BSB
Krile sheepsong
Onion BSB
Aerith BSB USB
RW wall

I can swap in tyro for wall or Faris for imperil wind. Just doesnt feel as strong as my phys A team.


Trakanon Raider
For me, mage teams are all about using a roaming warrior's BSB for nuking. Raines or Maria are the general purpose RW for damage, or when you're targetting a weakness you RW stuff like Ashe, Papalymo, Quistis etc, depending on the needed element.

Using the RW to go directly into burst mode without having to rely on the weakness of mages poor soulbreak generation, mage teams can do explosive damage right out of the gate (use mako/dr mog on your buffers like Onion or Krile). Then if the boss is still alive when the roaming BSB wears off (which is rare), by then you've built up some soulbreaks, and then you unleash your mages OSB or whatever to finish the fight.

With the above, you can also use record materia like devotion or scholars determination for even more damage, instead of 0 dps record materias like battleforged for SB gen.


Golden Squire
ok banner 3 actually looks pretty good upon a 2nd look - Relm burst gives guts for nemesis, and it has refia + raines burst are top notch plus sheep song (which I wouldn't mind for torment CM). Guess mythril will be split between these 2... and potential FFXI banner for ayame / curilla goodness.


Golden Squire
Got Firion and Relm burst! That's guts and wrathable mblink for nemesis, really happy with the pulls, though my motes and MC3 crystals stashes are feeling a little light.


Trakanon Raider
Went 1/11 on BSB banner, got Master Monk's burst. Supposedly it's good for pure physical dps, but meh, it's not something I wanted.

Hopefully got my bad draw out of the way before tomorrows good banner!


<WoW Guild Officer>
4/11, all new to me.
Lightning's sword, Lulu's robe, Ashe's rove, and Y'shtola's circlet.

Pretty pumped about the circlet, as I have SS2 on her already, so I can bring shout, wall, and then have BSBs on both of them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yshtola's circlet was in this lucky draw also?
I didn't notice, is yshtola's circlet on any of the upcoming banners? Or was it only in one time pull lucky draws? :(


Trakanon Raider
Her circlet is a burst, so yeah it's in the BSB only pool. It's also on the ultros banner tomorrow, which is arguably the strongest banner of the anniversary (depending what you have or don't have).

Tomorrow's banner is free to pull once, then you can keep pulling, but at full price.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Her circlet is a burst, so yeah it's in the BSB only pool. It's also on the ultros banner tomorrow, which is arguably the strongest banner of the anniversary (depending what you have or don't have).

Tomorrow's banner is free to pull once, then you can keep pulling, but at full price.
Where's the pool information? I'm really short on mythril now... I might have to earn some today to pull twice on it if it's that good.