Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


<WoW Guild Officer>
Lucky nightmare draw gives me 2 5*.... awww yuss!

Wait, Last Judgement Grimoire and Fran's bow. Damn it. Well, XII synergy I guess?


Golden Squire
Just tried the Support Abyss, that was pretty fun and really required you to have proper timing and a good plan going it. I hope they release more of these type of fights (as opposed to straight up gear check).


Potato del Grande
I got Edward Magic/Haste harp so I guess my mage team gets a full support now? Could be better using Eiko's haste and haloween hat though and have an extra mage. Also got sazhs original haste/shell gun so I've got haste in 4 realms for CM now, not bad!

Abyss just queue up Power/Armor Breakdown then Break Fever at the start of P2. Refresh Break Fever immediately when haywire wears off, you'll need it honed once. I used 4 supports and tyro healer/dancer but you can get away with 2 supports - just don't bring aoe SBs.


Trakanon Raider
Lucky draw was a bust.

I'm targeting Fran's BSB as my next chase item. I need V synergy and Fran's one of my favorite characters. Unfortunately, I can't stop pulling anymore even though I don't need any relics. Not sure how much Mythril I'll have stocked up in six weeks.


Golden Squire
You're talking about Faris right? Fran is the bunny girl from FF12. Though you can be excused for mistaking them they basically serve the same function and have similar SBs for the most part.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got a ramza sb, but the wrong one, his armor. But still my first 5* support relic so he'll supplant red xiii in my a team. Also got Gordon from ffii's flame shield, seems like it could be good, does damage and reduces attack and magic so it should stack with all other breakdowns correct? But Gordon doesn't have a mc2 yet? If it was in an event I missed it and it's not in the hall of rites.


Trakanon Raider
This is the first Lucky Draw I'm skipping. I already have a ton of Support Relics including the grand prizes: Platinum Sword and Sentinel Grimoire. Plus Lucky Draws hate me so I'd rather keep the 25 Mythril.


<WoW Guild Officer>
This is the first Lucky Draw I'm skipping. I already have a ton of Support Relics including the grand prizes: Platinum Sword and Sentinel Grimoire. Plus Lucky Draws hate me so I'd rather keep the 25 Mythril.
just go pull it already


Trakanon Raider
I went 1/11 on lucky draw, got Traitor's Bow (XII), Fran's SSB. I'm happy that I now have a high attack power bow to put on Cecil for ranged fights more so than about the SSB on Fran (Ramza w/ relics kind of makes all other supports obsolete). I just finished up mastering the last of the non-final nightmare dungeon battles, and man that was like christmas. 20 boss battles, each one awarding multiple master orbs, with some mc1/mc2 crystals and 6* trinkets. I mastered the combat nightmare boss demon wall too since I have tons of 5* combat users, but haven't tried the other nightmare bosses yet (need more prep).

Next few days are gonna be spent farming dailies for the special event. I got almost 12,000 gyshals in a full daily clear earlier.


Trakanon Raider
You're talking about Faris right? Fran is the bunny girl from FF12. Though you can be excused for mistaking them they basically serve the same function and have similar SBs for the most part.
Yes. Pirate Faris with pink hair.

At night without my glasses, the two names look the same I swear!


Trakanon Raider
Official site (not the best but here for completeness):

General information site (events, dungeons, relics):

Current and upcoming Relic Banners:



Potato del Grande
Beat FF8 CM 1+2, slow is king in both fights. Seifer Magic Lure and Major Lightning resist is great in fight 2.


Trakanon Raider
Melusine as a CM was really easy. Leviathan is giving me fits though. The wave mechanic isn't as bad as the IV fiend but it's annoying having to gimp party composition to account for it. I'll give it another try tomorrow when my head is clear.


Trakanon Raider
I barely managed to squeak out a win vs omniscient with my terribly low magic hones! I have the stuff to make more magic spells, but I'm such a scrooge I'm hoarding my orbs until I absolutely must use them on skills. With my half-assed mage team, I won with literally 0 uses left on nukes. Team:

Ashe -- Waterja r3 -- Carbuncle r1 -- no SB
Celes -- Thunderja r3 -- Thunderga r3 -- no SB
Relm -- Diaga r3 -- Slowga r1 -- medica SB
Edward -- Requiem r3 -- Bard Shellga r1 -- mage shout SB
Tyro -- Curaga r3 -- Dispel r1 -- no SB

I used a Rinoa burst mode roaming warrior on Ashe and Celes and let them use the "free" spells from the burst mode while it lasted. Then I went through every single remaining nuke available on the team, which only got the boss to around 12% life. I then used my single use of Carbuncle on Ashe, and sat there waiting while the boss kamikaze'd himself for the last few % of his life, and then the reflect saved me from his final death Flare.

Mastery achieved, orb bank preserved!

Now back to my shout team for the ultimates...


Trakanon Raider
And now both ultimates mastered! Melusine was fairly basic with my standard shout team. I completely ignored her barrier mechanic by going all physical aside from a token fire skill for mastery. It was slightly rough because her immunities meant I couldn't use my usual stuff like banishing strike and 4* spellblades, but still not much of a problem.

Leviathan was a little more challenging, since with all the requirements on lightning, I couldn't fit my full suite of multiple layers of stacking mitigation. I ended up skipping protect, and putting squishier members like Ramza in the backrow with a harp. Still had some close calls from his physical hits, but no one died. It felt like Leviathan had more HP than usual for the final ultimate boss, but since he spends a lot of turns wasted in his water bubble thing, his outgoing damage wasn't severe.

Setup I used for Leviathan was:

Cloud -- Armor Break r4, Thundaga Strike r3 -- Fenrir BSB
Gilgamesh -- Banishing Strike r3, Lightning Jump r3 -- no SB
Agrias -- Life Siphon r3, Shellga r1 -- Cleansing Strike SB
Ramza -- Magic Breakdown r3, Full Break r1 -- Shout SB
Relm -- Curaga r3, Thundaga r3 -- Lakshimi SB
Roaming: Wall

Even though mastering the ultimates is a decent accomplishment, it still feels like I'm cheating by not doing it cid mode. I have a bunch of FF12 units leveled up, as well as a few FF12 soulbreaks, so I'm looking forward to our next FF12 event since I have a real shot at going cid mode for that.

Kind of wish I had recorded my omniscient fight. He actually gave me more trouble than both of the ultimates, lol.


Trakanon Raider
Leviathan with my A-Team was pretty easy. I think I can do the CM especially since I just have to beat him. I was trying to combine a Mastery run with Cid's Mission and that was a mistake. I also, vastly, overestimated him countering physical hits. On my run he only countered me once.