Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


<Gold Donor>
So how did you avoid the insta-kill AE mechanic? We had to use Censura's tank limit break.

This is after the rock hiding stuff.
Like Krassus said, we still had 3 rocks up at that phase allowing me (monk) to 2x limit break her down. Still though, with all the pug groups I joined before the last one - we never had any stones up. Shit got rough haha.


<Silver Donator>
I'm running into serious mana issues as a WHM. I'd swap a scholar in for that personally. Better AOE heals.
Actually Medica is better than Succor in most cases. However, I can probably spam Succor for 20secs straight and still end up at full mana 5secs later, so at the moment it is kinda superior because of that. Contrary to what the original assumptions were on the Scholar role, atm I'd say Scholar is superior at tank healing and WHM is better at aoe healing(assuming you have a BRD feeding you mana). In 4man I think Scholar is superior in all cases pretty much, I don't really see anything WHM can do that matters. In raids you'll want both because of I assume SCH shields not stacking, and still it's nice to have the improved Protect from WHM and having HoTs on top of SCH shields is the best.


<Gold Donor>
Dat racial diversity.
That shit is everywhere now. Have you seen any TV lately? Almost every sitcom has them all covered. Indian, Black, Asian, White, oh and a gay thrown in just to cover that base too. Shit even when my kids are watching the Disney channel, its the same shit. Fucking PC bullshit.

Beef Supreme_sl

That shit is everywhere now. Have you seen any TV lately? Almost every sitcom has them all covered. Indian, Black, Asian, White, oh and a gay thrown in just to cover that base too. Shit even when my kids are watching the Disney channel, its the same shit. Fucking PC bullshit.
Don't forget the oblig kid in a wheelchair.


Molten Core Raider
Originally Posted by Naoki_Yoshida ??????????
Regarding access restrictions

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FFXIV:ARR Producer/Director Yoshida here,
I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to all the players due to the login restriction and new character creation restrictions currently being placed for the last several days. Please let me explain the situation.

Regarding current amount of simultaneous connections

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The other day we announced the halt of download version sale, and as predicted, that same night during midnight hours in Japan greatest amount of simultaneous connections reached up to 218,000 connections. FFXIV is serviced throughout the world, and due to different time zones the peak time varies. If we measured all time zones as one it would be about 300 to 350,000 simultaneous connections.

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As all of you know, FFXIV;ARR has past experience of previous FFXIV, and went through something that hasn?t been seen before in a MMORPG market where it goes through a second launch. So as a sales prediction we were predicting a lighter start. Fortunately we started off with extremely large amount of customers which are playing a lot. In order to make sure we can deliver a stable game play to our customers we have placed a login restriction so it barely doesn?t go over the server capacity. This has caused inconvenience to everyone. The sale prediction, and server capacity prediction was my own decision and is my responsibility, I deeply apologize.

Why the login restriction is needed.

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In FFXIV ARR the amount of simultaneous login characters for one world is structured around 5000 people (not the amount of characters created, but the amount of players that can play during that time). Once the amount of characters logged in goes over this amount, it can cause the server to go down, or cause issue during the login. If this happens, it will next lead to login rush once the server comes back, leading to issues for ID (Instance Dungeon) and in the end it will affect all worlds.

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If that does happen, we will not be able to offer service so, we by placing the login restriction we were able to avoid this. However, we don?t have the restriction placed at all times, we have someone monitoring the worlds 24 hours and if there is even any space available for that individual world, we are carefully removing the restrictions.

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The peak time in your region is from around 9PM to 0AM (local time), during this time it is more than likely to have the restriction in place. This login restriction will be resolved with by increasing additional worlds, and/or balancing out the stress load. We would like for your understanding and support until the all worlds gets into stable operation.

Regarding character creation restriction

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As mentioned earlier, we are assuming the amount of simultaneous connection in one world being about 5000 people, however the amount of characters you can create is about double of this amount. Although the amount of players that can play simultaneously is 5000 people but if everyone in that worlds spreads throughout different zones, it will be able to accommodate all.

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Specially right when the game starts, everyones character class levels are low, and everyone ends up concentrating in low level areas. If extreme amount of low level character concentrate in one spot, it will lead to no monsters (not enough mobs to cover everyone), and also causes high stress on the zone server leading to problems.

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Depending on the individual players play environment the playing hours, class level will vary greatly, once players class levels and play hours spread out, just like the login restriction, we will be able to gradually releasing the character creation restriction.

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We are monitoring individual worlds population for each area, and class level 24 hours, and placing/removing restrictions as needed. Unlike login restrictions, character restrictions requires some more time until the players start spreading out, but this also will gradually be released so we hope for your undrestanding and support.

Additional worlds and plans for load distribution

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Servers are high end PC?s, and one world is made up of many of these server machines. When we add a new world, we need to physically prepare this server machine, install the program, and do internal checks, and it is released once it?s confirmed to be working correctly.

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Using the numbers from open beta test is not a good reference since in this test anyone could participate, therefore we used the results from the Early Access which happened before the official service start, the decision was made to increase the servers, and on 8/25, while Early Access was still going, we have started preparing large amount of worlds.

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Currently the server machine preparation is pretty much done, it is now going through the process of program installation and checks. With this world increase, it will make it possible to allow much more players, which should majorly ease the login.

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Also in parallel, we are currently working on optimizing the control method for the Duty Finder management server to greatly lower the stress amount.

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There are currently 50 worlds and this is split into two data centers with 25 worlds. Currently the Duty Finder matches from these 25 worlds within the data center, but with the world increase it will go over the amount of process it can handle, for that reason we will be grouping some of the worlds within the data centers together, by doing this it will be possible to accommodate much more people.

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Development/Operation team is currently concentrating all costs in these two tasks, and right now we are looking into addressing this matter by end of this week, beginning of the week. Then later we will perform final tests quick to be able to deliver a smooth service to everyone. We are working in full, so we ask everyone to be patient for some more time. We will announce this through Topics once the data is confirmed.

Addressing AFK characters

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We have been receiving requests to add a feature to automatically log out characters that login to the game but going AFK without playing.
We are looking into implementation, but please understand that we are currently concentrating and prioritizing to resolve the stress and increasing above mentioned worlds.

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Also, once these matters are address, we are looking into addressing the support as well, such as by extending the free play time by few days. We received much more popularity than expected and resulted in putting on restrictions on the play hours. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience this is causing to the customers,

This is from reinheart translation. Official translation should be later.


"The sale prediction, and server capacity prediction was my own decision and is my responsibility, I deeply apologize."

Well, I can at least respect someone who can admit their failing. No PC BS excuse there.


Still sucks that I've paid for a game I can't play yet simply because the server my friends are playing on hasn't lifted the restriction period. I highly doubt there are as many level 1-10s right now as there were when the restriction went into place. Time to lift that thanks.


Still sucks that I've paid for a game I can't play yet simply because the server my friends are playing on hasn't lifted the restriction period. I highly doubt there are as many level 1-10s right now as there were when the restriction went into place. Time to lift that thanks.
Yeah. Admittedly, I'm PST so different perspective but leveling up alt classes the n00b zones are WAY emptier than they were. It is the 20-35 stuff that is pretty packed now.


How are you guys finding your login now on Gilg and Marl ? I'm on Exodus and seem to be getting straight into a queue (that's admittedly into the upper 100's and larger ) but no 1017 , or rarely at least. Didn't know if that's across the board or more server specific trend.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't think he understands how much an auto afk kick feature would help this situation. That should be a huge priority and not on the backburner.


How are you guys finding your login now on Gilg and Marl ? I'm on Exodus and seem to be getting straight into a queue (that's admittedly into the upper 100's and larger ) but no 1017 , or rarely at least. Didn't know if that's across the board or more server specific trend.
Still having to autohotkey marb.


Well screwed myself by saying no 1017 for a couple days then suddenly had to fight it for a while.

Btw there's also tinytask that let's you record mouse clicks and movement and loop it easily.

It gets me into the queue every time no matter what res or computer I'm playing from as I just record the first login attempt and then loop it and walk off till gets me in.


I don't think he understands how much an auto afk kick feature would help this situation. That should be a huge priority and not on the backburner.
His perspective is skewed (not a slant-eye joke) because he is in Japan which is a superior culture where each member of society has instilled within them a code of honor dating back to the days of the samurai. They wouldn't intentionally stay logged in when not playing, unlike white pigs who think only of themselves


Yeah. Admittedly, I'm PST so different perspective but leveling up alt classes the n00b zones are WAY emptier than they were. It is the 20-35 stuff that is pretty packed now.
When all these people hit the max level in a few days, how many players do you guys predict will be sticking around for a while? I'm not sure how SE is with releasing new content, but I have a feeling it will be slow coming. It seems like people are chewing up the content pretty fast, and this being a leveling treadmill, how is endgame looking?

His perspective is skewed (not a slant-eye joke) because he is in Japan which is a superior culture where each member of society has instilled within them a code of honor dating back to the days of the samurai. They wouldn't intentionally stay logged in when not playing, unlike white pigs who think only of themselves
Brought to you by the same players that wait in orderly player lines for hours just to kill a mob.


Still sucks that I've paid for a game I can't play yet simply because the server my friends are playing on hasn't lifted the restriction period. I highly doubt there are as many level 1-10s right now as there were when the restriction went into place. Time to lift that thanks.
I've still yet to be able to play a minute of this game, even when I am willing to go to a server alone that is a gameplay dead-end.

"Unlike login restrictions, we believe that character creation restrictions may take slightly longer to be removed, as there are still great discrepancies in the distribution of characters across Worlds, and we thank players for their patience and understanding in this issue."

Makes no fucking sense to me - are they really that strapped for character storage space that they can't still allow creation with a queue? That explanation makes no sense, the only one that does, is gross incompetence in programming a functional queuing system.

Doesn't sound like we'll be playing anytime soon.