Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


I want to do that as well to be honest - how does one go about cancelling the free month? Any idea's?
Looks like you do it with gamecards? Wouldn't risk cancelling a free month due to account management shenanigans.

Apparently currently game cards are EU only or something. Won't work with NA accounts.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
NA live chat option isn't showing up although EU is. Probably hard coded to only let you in the queue during phone business hours.


Blackwing Lair Raider
NA live chat option isn't showing up although EU is. Probably hard coded to only let you in the queue during phone business hours.
Wouldn't doubt it, going to wait 2 more hours when the service is supposed to go live and if it's still MIA will just use google phone to call these faggots.


<Bronze Donator>
tl;dr version for people thinking about this game: it reminds me a lot of rift and tera. mechanically very, very similar to every other MMO.does a few things in a weird way that makes it fun for now, will be supremely tedious after a few weeks.a few cool features (from ff11) like jobs (one char can do EVERYTHING eventually). Just like tera and rift, in 3-6 months almost everyone will stop playing unless square is the single MMO developer in the world who can release quality content on a regular basis (yeah right).
Enjoyable for a few weeks to months though. If you are currently playing an MMO, it is very unlikely you will like this (unless you are a final fantasy/anime nerd), you pretty much have to have that MMO-craving from being unsubbed for months or years to enjoy it.
Servers are all fucked during prime time so don't play unless you are ok logging in at like 10am and staying logged in all day.
Curious about this part?

and I think what makes it different than rift and tera is final fantasy and all that it entails. same thing with wow(in this sense). that is a seperating factor from a generic fantasy to familiar fantasy curious world

i mean i just like hearing the level up "sound" (tune?)


I'm in the same boat. Gonna start spamming the support call center in an hour and a half. Chat option is stupid as fuck as I've waited multiple times for 2+ hours only to be told there's not a representative available. With the huge loss they reported last year, they must've cut a shitload of their support.


FPS noob
Theres just a million little things that individually don't really matter much but it starts adding up. It doesn't really affect the game now either, just I could foresee it getting really annoying later down the road. things like:

- can't kick anyone in dungeon finder. guy afk or can't understand what to do? too bad, gotta disband. you have 90 minutes for every dungeon too so time is a factor always
- can't turn in quests while mounted
- cant mount while your fighting chocobo is out
- i don't like the tank mechanics, as a warrior/mrd anyways. I feel like I am just sitting around waiting for TP to regen after 30 secs, and its stupid that mrds don't get a taunt, at least you can glad to 22 to get one (but then "burn" a x-class ability)
- the dungeon/boss fights are ok, lets face it if you've played MMOs for years theres nothing new there anymore. I don't really enjoy the 2.5 gcd combined with 1-second reaction time fights though. Want a fast paced game, fine, have a faster GCD. Want a slow paced game, fine, put longer timer on boss big moves. Slow GCD and fast boss casts just suck.
- fates are just zerg fests that are dumb and only enjoyable right now because they give so much xp for so little time/effort

I could go on for a dozen more points but you get the idea, none of them are really "game breaking" and many are subjective and some will consider them not bad points, but they are all things that make me wonder how much longevity there can be.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Anyone using a non standard 3 monitor setup? I have 20/30/20 and want to span across all three screens. I can do this in windowed mode in game, but I want full screen. Anyone get this to work?

In response to Spronk. Agree with everything you said. My biggest beef is the GCD in relationship to MOB abilities. If I miss a shield bash it's not because I don't see it coming....its because it's on the same timer as most of my other abilities. I need to wait for the GCD, and by then it's too late...mob gets the ability off. I've had to pretty much stop my "rotation" and wait on abilities from mobs. It sucks.

My second biggest beef is the quest turn in on mounts. Soooo annoying.

ALSO! Are they selling race change or feature change vouchers yet?

Is the dungeon finder cross server?


Anyone know how many skill points you get for your Chocobo? I am trying to figure out if you can only fill one skill tree or multiples.


Anyone know how many skill points you get for your Chocobo? I am trying to figure out if you can only fill one skill tree or multiples.
I stopped using mine until they rethink how summoning the stupid thing works. I shouldn't have to dismiss him as a pet to use him as a mount.


Golden Squire
I'm not sure why they made low armor GLD/MRD gear a thing, but holy shit. Two groups in a row for Brayflox now where the tank was made of paper and took 30-40% of his life per hit from the first boss. All because they were too stupid to equip gear that's actually tank gear.


Anyone else notice the pathing issues with other characters? Like if they are sprinting or on a mount, they stutter.
I see it too. I think it's just a side effect of the game's movement prediction. Maybe it doesn't update player positions from the server as frequently as other MMOs? Might have something to do with why it runs pretty well with huge groups of players?