Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


I experienced this for the first time ever during the Odin fate on PC. I found if you targeted the camera straight down you can lessen the total models that need to be loaded to make sure it doesnt lose the NPC.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Has there been any official word from SE about the currency woes? Or at we expecting dailies to fix it?
Nope, they're pretty silent about it so far. Hence me taking my time leveling to 50 (currently about 33 Weav/Botn/Summoner). Brought to you by the same brains that decided to allow gold spam, NOT allow right click blacklists from said spammers, and lacking an afk timer on once overcrowded servers :p


You should bring this up in shout in town or a low level area and enjoy being educated on how wrong you are. It's fun!

And FATE grinding is a wonderful example of why you should instance (split) zones that are overcrowded. COMMUNITY, yay! So many fucking people in one spot the mobs won't even load, awesome! Brings back that EQ feeling of being able to walk from ghoul lord to froglok king without seeing a single mob. Good times, good times.
Trying to level in Northern Than this weekend only to have 80+ players roll up on you anytime a fate spawns, slaughter it in 2 seconds and as a massive blob all roll right back to the Aether to wait for the next fate to spawn sucked. It's beyond annoying that they didn't consider splitting zones at a certain population cap.

Where the fuck do they think all these players are going to go at 50? Behemoth was already crowded before they bumped the cap up to 7800. There is a difference between a world feeling populated and feeling crushed by a mob of players at every turn.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Its really not that long to hit 50, I fucked around a LOT (only had level 11 by the time open beta ended on a single class, nothing else) and during early access leveled multiple classes, mining, wandered around the world, etc and was still 50 within 1 week. The second 50 is ridiculously faster due to bonus and having fates as the only realistic source of XP, its probably under 30 hours for your second and further 50s.

The summer festival is live and lets you buy swimsuits. You have to do the return of the king fate in costa del sol and collect wet bombard ash. Its 30 for a swimsuit set (15 top 15 bottom), 3 for some other parts, and 96 total for every single possible swimsuit. If you leveled via fates you should have 2-3 stacks of the shit, hope you didn't vendor it. The vendors for the swimsuits are in each major city.


Unfortunately I vendored all my wet bombard ash, I had 300 of it from a couple hours in costa del sol, I guess I'll head back to farm some more up.


The whole DPS stuck in a Queue is all relative to the group size in this game. They way they have is set up is a 1:1 ratio for DPS to Healer and Tank with a group size of 4. Any idiot can figure that shit out. If they made the group size bigger we would not be having the DPS queue problem. Or not as big. Some people are reporting queue times in the hours. This shit just was not thought out properly. Most people just do not want the responsibility of a tank or healer.
They could straight up change the group sizes to 6/12/24 instead of 4/8/24 right now without needing to change anything else, honestly. Fights in this game are so painfully slow, it takes like 10+ minutes of just endlessly wailing on a boss to kill it because people do 100 DPS and the bosses have six-digit HP. It's already getting a bit boring and it really shouldn't be necessary. Seems a lot of the difficulty is focused on just making fights so absurdly long that unlucky RNG is inevitable at some point throughout, which you then have to survive. This makes for a lot of frustrating slugfests where you've perfected the mechanics and nobody screws up a single time but the fight is so ridiculously long that eventually the tank gets critted three times in a row and that's what wipes you. Even trash can take ages to kill, it feels like nobody does high damage at all because the health bars only ever move in the smallest possible increments. We need shorter fights, and increasing the party size would fix both that and the queue issue (as much as that can ever be fixed, anyway).

It's also a little bit weird that the raid size issixtimes the dungeon party size. It ought to be less extreme so that guilds don't have to adjust quite so much to going from dungeons to raids. If you want a guild that can regularly do 24-man raids, you need easily 30+ active main team raiders to accomodate schedules and substitutes, but with such a huge difference in raid vs. group size, this makes it awkward outside of raid sessions when this many players have to split up into tiny parties with two DPS per tank. I rather doubt there's a need for six tanks in a raid. WoW has that exact same problem and they have a smaller party-to-raid ratio. It should have been 1:4 instead of 1:6; hell it should probably have been 1:3, really. Has any MMORPG raid since vanilla Naxx required more than three tanks?


Toe Sucker
Haha.. fuckin furfags.

Having the mount makes things so much better now.
Going back and leveling a marauder to 8 for their dot, Archer to 6 for their dot, and pugilist to 8 for second wind. also made my gladiator a lot better at soloing lol


Potato del Grande
Naw, they said before that android version was coming a week or 2 after ios version, so I would imagine it will be out soon.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
My little 4 man crew finally hit 50, and we hit AK. That 2nd boss is pretty badass in looks and mechanics. The last boss needs to have the LOS issues checked. Several times my DPS couldnt hit that boss and clearly his hit box was in the open.