Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As a dps sitting on the side, I ignored non-big adds, since cannons took them out with no issue. Only time I stopped dpsing the big dragon was to help kill off the big adds that come every so often(like the turtle).

After seeing the end of the main story, I must ask. Did Whedon write this?

So much death.... Do we really expect Yda, Papalymo, Thancred and Y'shtola to be really dead though?
I don't expect any of them to be dead. I think Yda/Papa were arrested/captured if they didn't escape. Thancred/Y'shtola probably saved by Minfilia(Have to have a reason for the mother crystal to message her and make her go back).


Vyemm Raider
That strat is great with a premade but way too complex for DF.

All you need to tell people in DF is this:

One: make sure your MT, Healer (prob WHM) and DPS are up front near the dragon mouth or at the same position but to one of the wall sides (this is also a good spot for casters if they don't want to be in the main clump since the mobs wont run out of range of the cannons). Make sure they understand to clump up the mobs as close to the front of the dragon as possible. Tell them if they are back by the tail they are too far back, casters love hanging out there and then end up dragging mobs there. (again tell em to go to one of the walls near the sides of the dragon mouth if they are worried)

Two: Put one of the healers on the cannons (one with the least healing potential) and the weakest dps. They do there cannon and chaining as above, however once the dragon does the cone you have time to fire a couple shots then leave before it goes off. Also ensure the cannoneers know to use the slow and interrupt abilities on the cannons.

Three: Make sure someone is on the dragonkiller. Ensure they know to wait till he is chained before firing.

Thats it, using this should allow you to easily kill it before the last barrier even falls.

The key is just making sure as many mobs are being hit by the cannons as possible by clumping up together as close to the head as possible so the cannons can maximize DPS. Once that happens all the trash mobs will be easily wiped out by each barrier and hopefully the main mob too. (IE turtle). Then your DPS just wails on the dragon waiting for the barrier to fall.
Also having one of the healers on the cannon frees up alot of DPS and the cannoneers should take little damage regardless.
I wouldn't bother using the two other cannon abilities. Every second you spend using the useless slow or interrupt is a second you spend not hitting every enemy for 2k damage.

As for server choice, is it Gilgamesh or bust?
IMO, yes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Only time I would use the stun cannon ability is if you can catch the big turtles huge AE stomp.


<Silver Donator>
As for server choice, is it Gilgamesh or bust?
Gilgamesh will be a mess at the expansion release though. But it is the most populated non japanese server I believe(there's another I forgot the name of, bahamut maybe?) which makes it nice to find PF and stuff.

I was wondering if I should server transfer to it but since I actually want to play the game at release I think I'll stay on Ultros, it's a medium pop server so with the expansion it should become decently full again for a while.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wouldn't be shocked if they placed the forced afk kick back in for first few weeks of expansion. But yeah, there's already queues for Gilg , can't imagine what expansion will be like. Will most likely be "if you can't get on before primetime, GL".


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wouldn't be shocked if they placed the forced afk kick back in for first few weeks of expansion. But yeah, there's already queues for Gilg , can't imagine what expansion will be like. Will most likely be "if you can't get on before primetime, GL".
I should probably avoid that server, then.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Gilg is going to be a clusterfuck when the xpac releases. I'm pretty much consigned to either afk-botting or logging on during supreme off hours. After the month it should cool down a bit, but I expect the release to be horrible in every way imaginable.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I've never played this game, figured I'd try it out. Is there anything worth discussing or looking up before I start or is it usually MMO stuff. Any thing I should avoid?
Standard MMO stuff. What you want to level will depend on what job you want to do. Any plans?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I visited a couple servers, including a US one (Excalibur, it's a legacy server) and they are all packed full. Plenty of people everywhere I go, the cities look like Tokyo on peak hours.
I play on EU Zodiark and it's really populated as well. As dps the queues are atrocious (30+ minutes) as healer it takes usually 1 minute.

Tech question from a newbie: do dots (and hots) tick every 3 seconds? Tooltips report only the duration, but it seems in multiples of 3, so that was my guess.

I'm attracted by casters, still undecided which to "main", I like them all, but I'm still a bit low level. I wish I had more time to grind this game the way it deserves. It's a piece of art.


<Silver Donator>
It's likely a lot of the servers will be decently populated for the expansion regardless. As to what's populated now, not too sure, you can make chars on various servers at prime time and see which ones are blocked and that'd be a decent starting point. Then you can go and check the auction house areas in the capital and the auction house itself see if it has many listing of high end stuff(check the artisan crafter armor stuff for example).

There's some japanese census thing too based on the achievements from the lodestones but that's not that accurate obviously.

I believe the first big number is amount of characters over 21 that have had an achievement changed compared to last snapshot(so active players). Anything at like 35k and higher should be fine.


<Silver Donator>
I wish the extra retainers were a 1 time fee.
They mentionned something about extra retainers in the expansions I think I remember reading. I don't mind it cause the sub is less expensive than a normal mmo(with a 1char limit), so I add a 3rd retainer, and it's still under 15$ that wow asks for iirc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm, I should switch to the 1 character sub, I don't think I will ever make a alt for this game(no reason too really). I completely forgot about it, since I really didn't pay attention when re-subbing and just blindly clicked the 14.99 like I do for every game.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I had no time this weekend, but I don't even know what is available.
All that really matters is your first class as once you hit like level 15 you can swap that. So its just whatever you pick at first you're stuck with till then.

They have like monks, white mages, black mages, couple tank classes, the standard fair. As you hit higher levels you can get a subjob by leveling a second class to like 10 or 15 as well. Its all pretty straight forward for the most part. Just pick what you wanna play and if you hate it, don't sweat it you can switch later.


I had no time this weekend, but I don't even know what is available.
There is some kind of guide that tells you how to 'quickstart' your classes around what role type you want to play (not sure where) but FFXIV isn't really the kind of game where you pick one class and then run straight through to the end due to cross-skill classing. There are some classes you want to take a few levels even if you have no real interest in playing them because they make leveling faster and some classes that you want to take many levels in because some skills they have will be mandatory at endgame. Some examples are:

Conjurer to Level 2 to get a basic heal (Cure). 8 if you want Protect which is a buff damage mitigation.
Puglist to Level 4 to get Featherfoot (15% evasion buff for 10 secs). 8 for Second Wind (free no cost heal)
Archer to Lev4 to get Raging Strikes (20% dmg increase/20 secs).
Gladiator to Lev6 to get Fight or Flight (30% physical dmg buff/20 secs).

Those are some basics but really it depends on what role you want longterm as to what second/third classes you will level alongside of it and to what jumping-off point down the line, but they will give you a good idea of how each class plays. Ones like Lancer and Maurader people play but they don't really have good cross-classing skills early for other classes until much later on (like 30+) so you don't have to play them first unless you're sure you want to be a Dragoon or Warrior endgame.

Once you hit 30 you'll evolve into your main job (if you last that long) abandoning whatever one you started with, since basic classes in this game are never played at endgame or even after 30.