Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, as a non-caster I will say, kiting mobs with my lowbie 31 Archer was simply awesome. Not having to stand in one spot and shoot was pretty snazzy.

I got so used to it that when I switched to try out Arcanist and started casting Ruin, I kept thinking it was bugging out before I realized like a dumbass that this wasn't cast-on-the-fly.

So magic classes yeah.. you got that laggishness a bit. Archer? Balls all day and Shadowbind like a champ.

As far as quests, dunno what to tell you Chief if you already debunked it. I just know I didn't have any problems with it at all once I got the hang of it. Maybe that's my Secret World training.. idk.
Which would really explain my aversion to the issue, because I have leveled to 20 on CNJ/ARC/THM


Wut? WoW release was plagued by ability lag and loot lag, etc.

Edit: Also, the map tells you right where to go for basically every quest.


<Silver Donator>
The most annoying part isn't really the fact you can't cancel or the fact it sometimes interupts by moving because you stopped and started casting right after(but both of these are annoying as fuck), the annoying part is when you use an off the GCD instant then start casting, and about a second later it cancels the cast telling you you can't do this while casting or whatever shit. This was so infuriating when I was playing my CNJ and would do stance dancing with Cleric Stance, like you cast Cleric Stance and Stone right after, and Stone gets cancelled halfway because you cast too soon after Cleric Stance which isn't on the GCD to begin with. Fucking stupid. I guess it's just the netcode that's still the same as for 1.0 when I assume there was no true instant abilities and everything was a slow cast with an animation and shit so they didn't need to have tight response. Now that they went WoW type skills though, it shows its limits fairly quick if you try to do anything too fancy.


The most annoying part isn't really the fact you can't cancel or the fact it sometimes interupts by moving because you stopped and started casting right after(but both of these are annoying as fuck), the annoying part is when you use an off the GCD instant then start casting, and about a second later it cancels the cast telling you you can't do this while casting or whatever shit. This was so infuriating when I was playing my CNJ and would do stance dancing with Cleric Stance, like you cast Cleric Stance and Stone right after, and Stone gets cancelled halfway because you cast too soon after Cleric Stance which isn't on the GCD to begin with. Fucking stupid. I guess it's just the netcode that's still the same as for 1.0 when I assume there was no true instant abilities and everything was a slow cast with an animation and shit so they didn't need to have tight response. Now that they went WoW type skills though, it shows its limits fairly quick if you try to do anything too fancy.
My sense of it is, all casts are tied to the actual animation. For example, you'll sometimes be hit by an area affect when you're clearly out of the zone on the client side. I notice this happens if I attempt to begin another cast, even if I immediately terminate it and move away.


Blackwing Lair Raider
...wait for it... wait for it....
sigh one read my messages

Wut? WoW release was plagued by ability lag and loot lag, etc.

Edit: Also, the map tells you right where to go for basically every quest.
No the map doesn't.
I explained that WoW didn't have the delay when there was no lag. Lag affects every game ever made obviously. This game retains the delay after lag is gone.

That's another thing, what's the fuckin deal with interrupts in this game? You never know when it's randomly going to happen. Mobs will just for some fucking unknown reason interrupt you without actually showing animation or difference in their attacks.


The most annoying part isn't really the fact you can't cancel or the fact it sometimes interupts by moving because you stopped and started casting right after(but both of these are annoying as fuck), the annoying part is when you use an off the GCD instant then start casting, and about a second later it cancels the cast telling you you can't do this while casting or whatever shit. This was so infuriating when I was playing my CNJ and would do stance dancing with Cleric Stance, like you cast Cleric Stance and Stone right after, and Stone gets cancelled halfway because you cast too soon after Cleric Stance which isn't on the GCD to begin with. Fucking stupid. I guess it's just the netcode that's still the same as for 1.0 when I assume there was no true instant abilities and everything was a slow cast with an animation and shit so they didn't need to have tight response. Now that they went WoW type skills though, it shows its limits fairly quick if you try to do anything too fancy.
All's I know is..

I am NOT putting Chainspell/Warp on a macro again. If I had a samolian for everytime I did that in FFXI... oy.


sigh one read my messages

No the map doesn't.
I explained that WoW didn't have the delay when there was no lag. Lag affects every game ever made obviously. This game retains the delay after lag is gone.
Maybe it would help if you could provide a specific example? I never had a problem finding where to go. As regards the ability thing, as I mentioned above, I think that there is some linkage to animation with abilities, which I agree is suboptimal. I'm usually just spamming the next hotkey until it goes off, which may wear out my keyboard and my median nerve, but generally means that I'm casting what I want to be.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This. I find it hard to believe people enjoy follow the arrow, or the glowing line.
It's bullshit. I agree with Sutekh! The game should also target the mob and automatically walk me to it, and then pre-select the attacks so that I auto kill it. What the fuck is up with having to navigate and press the buttons myself?

It honestly sounds like Neverwinter would be more your style. It literally walks you to the exact spot you need to be.

I personally like the system in FFXIV. Wandering around trying to find shit leads to more immersion for me. If it doesn't for you, fine, find a game that's more your style. There are plenty of choices. I also haven't noticed the lag you keep talking about. But maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Maybe it would help if you could provide a specific example? I never had a problem finding where to go. As regards the ability thing, as I mentioned above, I think that there is some linkage to animation with abilities, which I agree is suboptimal. I'm usually just spamming the next hotkey until it goes off, which may wear out my keyboard and my median nerve, but generally means that I'm casting what I want to be.
I did provide examples.

Elurin_sl said:
It's bullshit. I agree with Sutekh! The game should also target the mob and automatically walk me to it, and then pre-select the attacks so that I auto kill it. What the fuck is up with having to navigate and press the buttons myself?

It honestly sounds like Neverwinter would be more your style. It literally walks you to the exact spot you need to be.

I personally like the system in FFXIV. Wandering around trying to find shit leads to more immersion for me. If it doesn't for you, fine, find a game that's more your style. There are plenty of choices. I also haven't noticed the lag you keep talking about. But maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention.
Finally someone who agrees with me. I thought I was all alone in this thread. I stand with you brother!


Except I'm not wrong. Because the vast majority of quest descriptions don't actually go in detail about where the quest is located. I ran in to this problem multiple times, specifically with the story quest. "Go to the Feet of the Sands" or whateverthatplacewascalled. It was easy the first time because I was standing on top of it, completed, got level 20, ran off and played on a different toon, I eventually got back to the story quest did a part in an arbitrary location and got the same message "Got to the blah of Sands" and was fucking LOST because I didn't remember the initial zone or where it was, the map showed zero indication other than just a green circle with a ">" in the middle of the zoomed out map. It wasn't simply that quest either, it happened multiple times where instead of paying attention and reading the quest dialogue to find out the objective and location of your mission you had to just scroll around on the map for 5 minutes.
This was the only example I could find and I think you are referring to the inn where the blonde chick is. In fact, you are right, there is no quest symbol on the map because she's actually inside the inn, which is a separate instance. However, given that I had already been there before, and there are only 3 buildings in the area the quest describes, it wasn't particularly challenging to find it. The Waking Sands I think?

Sorry this was a deal breaker, brah. Also, the first google link to the name in the quest description tells you exactly how to find it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This was the only example I could find and I think you are referring to the inn where the blonde chick is. In fact, you are right, there is no quest symbol on the map because she's actually inside the inn, which is a separate instance. However, given that I had already been there before, and there are only 3 buildings in the area the quest describes, it wasn't particularly challenging to find it. The Waking Sands I think?

Sorry this was a deal breaker, brah.
I described the situation pretty accurately how I got confused and how anyone else would also become confused by it. This isn't the only quest it's happened in, it just didn't bother me because it was a meaningless side quest that I just ignored because I got better XP from aoeing mobs.

I've already bought the CE of the game and I enjoy playing it, but you can't deny that there's issues, that probably wont be fixed ever.


I described the situation pretty accurately how I got confused and how anyone else would also become confused by it. This isn't the only quest it's happened in, it just didn't bother me because it was a meaningless side quest that I just ignored because I got better XP from aoeing mobs.

I've already bought the CE of the game and I enjoy playing it, but you can't deny that there's issues, that probably wont be fixed ever.
Yeah, generally I wouldn't white knight a game like this, it just felt like if you wanted to find the Waking Sands you might have found plenty inside your vagina.

Edit: sorry for the hate, I'm a couple of bottles of pinot deep


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Never had any issues finding anything for a quest. Some of the hunting log mobs are listed in a general area, but it's not always right on top of where it's listed on the mini map...still, it's not like it takes a metric fuckton of searching around to find any of them. The only issue I had with the crystals and teleport system was that the "big" crystals could be destinations, but not spots you could warp from inside the cities. As far as remembering the names go...come on bro, either quit trolling or don't be a peon.


Golden Knight of the Realm
man sutekh getting corpse camped

Can't wait for this game, miss my carbuncle. Always wanted to play a summoner, but wasn't willing to put up with FFXI's bullshit to get one. Now i get my carbuncle at level 3! Everything I ever wanted I so happy.

When i first started playing my arcanist I saw an entire ocean of carbuncles and was pissed for hours, because all I saw were other arcanists and occasionally a marauder. There were a whole bunch of other classes and everyone picked mine? wtf. Then I learned that your starting city is based on class!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Also, what kind of cretinous motherfucker doesn't start keeping some wine around the house after the age of 30. You need to mellow out as you age.
Unfortunately whenever my wife and I go out, I usually order Sangria so I don't really have much room to talk.

Not only was the starting city based on class, but that was the first beta test Arcanists were in the game.