Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


^^^And you gonna white knight this disaster? They xould not eben figure out how to do accounts efficiently.

Bullshit. Name another game which launched like this in the past 5 yrs. At least I have not played one that had these issues.


GW2 is the only one I remember that didn't have a single issue. And even then their AH was down for the first week, they had major issues with the over flow servers and guesting wasn't in until way later.

Rift had issues on early release, TSW did not, i think that's it for the last 5 years? I remember swtor having issues as well, 5hr + queues, characters stuck in zones, and issues for the early access. They even staggered the EA and still had issues.

I mean, obviously this could have been done better, but besides having more servers, which is just as bad, you are always going to have issues.


GW2 is the only one I remember that didn't have a single issue. And even then their AH was down for the first week, they had major issues with the over flow servers and guesting wasn't in until way later.

Rift had issues on early release, TSW did not, i think that's it for the last 5 years? I remember swtor having issues as well, 5hr + queues, characters stuck in zones, and issues for the early access. They even staggered the EA and still had issues.

I mean, obviously this could have been done better, but besides having more servers, which is just as bad, you are always going to have issues.
GW2 had tons of SPvP and TPvP instances not being found and rewards not being distributed.


Trakanon Raider
^^^And you gonna white knight this disaster? They xould not eben figure out how to do accounts efficiently.

Bullshit. Name another game which launched like this in the past 5 yrs. At least I have not played one that had these issues.
True, but name another mmo in the past 5 years who had this many people who want to play it? With servers shared between a console and PC?

I do not know the actual number of people who are playing this at the moment, but I actually suspect it is the largest number of people trying to play a mmo at once since WoW. And WoW was so much worse. So, so much worse.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol mkopec. All these years and you still rage and cry come launch day. You should just give up playing anything the first 2 weeks, you are obviously not able to cope with it anymore.


I remember Archimonde being down the first four days of WoW's release. When I finally did get to play it took 3 minutes to loot each mob and my character would float around the ground in the kneeling position..

Yeah, Square is obvious unprepared for the interest they received, but game has been very playable for me other than story quest instances being broken. It could be a lot worse.


Molten Core Raider
I guess newegg ran out of mmo servers after they switched all their production resources to GDDR5 for the ps4 launch! bahaha ;P

I think square had no idea it was going to be this popular given how badly the last version flopped.


Molten Core Raider
GW2 also had multiple multiple hour long downtimes for some servers in the first 2 days.

This is a networking issue, there is nothing wrong with the game itself.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
sux i bought 1.0 and now cant get EA

o well at least i get 2 weeks free


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
You'd think with their 2.5 second GCD there'd be much less strain on the server per user. Compare that to, say Rift where its 0.5GCD for some classes plus 200 people all in one spot for an invasion, each having 20 different proc/dot/reactive the server has to track.

GW2 had much fewer issues at launch. But the majority of us only got it for WvW while wearing our DAOC rose colored glasses. GW2 ran smooth because they only rendered like 12 people max in a WvW fight :p

/I know it's not the same thing, but it was still ridiculous.


plus 200 people all in one spot for an invasion
I was doing the fate earlier in the hog area around hawthorne hut. There had to be 500 people on my screen at once. So many infact that every time I took 10 steps the entire pack around me phased out and another 100+ Phased in. This is easily as packed if not moreso in the 20-23 areas right now.


Did anyone get to the point where thousand maws is unlocked? I'm hoping all the instances aren't gated by story quest. I'm 26 ATM and still on level 23 story quests because I stop for fates and do most of the side quests.

Not really that big a deal but I usually like to jump into dungeons right away for a break from the questing.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Compared to the 3012 bullshit last weekend today has been fine. They're trying to fix the issues, we're gettingsomecommunication and the parts of the game that work are working very well. I've been in a few ultra zergs and had very little if any slowdown. You don't get stuck casting one spell for 30 seconds, you aren't glued to the ground for 5 minutes after looting, etc.

Is it acceptable in 2013 for a company with the resources SE has to have their instance servers crash and put in multiple hour+ maintenance periods? No, but we've all seen this shit before.

The people who can't get on their servers because of the lockouts have a legitimate gripe. Although I see what they were going for with it and I think it will be better for us in a week or two, it certainly sucks for people who have casual friends/family members that can't on their server because they didnt want to wake up at 5am or hawk over their computer trying to log in after a maintenance. They shouldve kept the lock outs but put in something like the World Pass from 11 and make it somewhat expensive for new players (5 or 10k per). Not sure how they'd make that work on Legacy but I don't really care.


Potato del Grande
First off this is nothing like last weekend where people couldn't log in for days. I have played like 5 hours today already and didn't even start until 5 hours after servers came up. They are handling this exactly how people wanted it to be handled last week. If there is some glaring issue, take the server down and fix it. Would you rather they just let it roll like last weekend and have people locked out the whole weekend? I give them props for being prompt now. I'd rather have a few hours of downtime for everyone than days of major issues for half the subs. And launch day downtime is nothing new to MMO's. It still happens on new ones to this day. Hell doesn't WoW still have weekly maintenance? Get real people. 100% uptime MMO on a large scale (not 1999 100 player servers) is not going to happen.

Yeah the server lock thing sucks, and wasn't the best way to handle it, but it is what it is. I'll take that over SWToR's kneejerk of opening 100's of servers that become ghost towns a month later. And keep in mind, it really sounds like the ONLY issue people are having right now is the Duty Finder, which is what they are fixing right now. It will probably be smooth sailing after this fix.