Finding a body


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
From the way you described them I'm actually kinda surprised the cops kept looking after the dogs didn't find him.

I guess it's a relief that your friend wasn't as dedicated to researching how to make your body vanish as I was lol.

Yeah, I don't know all the details, obviously the sheriff is less than forthcoming, and I'm not gonna hassle his dad.

I'm sure I'll find out more at some point. I don't think the cops were looking, sounds like they had a small S&R team, from what I gathered.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Wanna make it worse, I'm 99% certain Borzak also dropped out of the rat race a week ago.
Our Borzak Borzak ? What makes you say that? I know he mentioned severe health issues in the past.

Edit: Oh, I see his last post in the health problems thread. That’s a shame but at least I can understand being fed up with serious health issues.

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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Check his last post on health and hasn't been on in over a week or replied to people's mentions
Yeah saw that after I asked. Sucks if true but at least his pains gone. Has anyone confirmed with moonarchia moonarchia if he got his stuff or not?
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I've often thought that about online communities. People disappear from them all the time and we often don't know anything about them, including their names. I'm sure over the years at least a handful of folks have driven into a tree or in some other way died and we will never know whether they died or just found something better to do with their time.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
I've often thought that about online communities. People disappear from them all the time and we often don't know anything about them, including their names. I'm sure over the years at least a handful of folks have driven into a tree or in some other way died and we will never know whether they died or just found something better to do with their time.

Dunno if I ever wrote up one of those early just in case wills if I can put a note in there to log in and make a post saying what happened or something.
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<Gold Donor>
Dunno if I ever wrote up one of those early just in case wills if I can put a note in there to log in and make a post saying what happened or something.
We need an opt-in emergency contact list. Either as part of the forum or a trustworthy person through DMs.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Bruuce Bruuce will hear about my death through his ex wife and I’ll hear about his through my wife. Everyone else should pick someone and we will start a buddy system like him and I have.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Fuck me, this thread :(
It's like the version of the Shawshank Redemption script that was rejected out of hand.

Sorry for your loss Cutlery Cutlery . I concur with everyone else: this is the wages of Clown World, and it needs to be stopped.
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<Gold Donor>
Up this thread to a hat trick.

Being more honest, lost my best friend to covid, cause I guess italians have -10 roll against it or something. Feel for ya man. All we can do is be here and fight on.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
His dad sent me a message again.

He was found with a dog, they've had a S&R dog team out there for 3 weeks.

3 weeks, with a dog, to find him. That fucker was WAY off the trail. Dental records came back today, so positive ID now, sheriff department released the report finally.

As George Carlin said...If women truly want to achieve equality with men, they're gonna have to start killing themselves in greater numbers.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Bruuce Bruuce will hear about my death through his ex wife and I’ll hear about his through my wife. Everyone else should pick someone and we will start a buddy system like him and I have.
mine wouldnt tell me and shed come to your funeral and act like you guys were best friends
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
mine wouldnt tell me and shed come to your funeral and act like you guys were best friends
I’m counting on it. She can read a poem about how close we were and post it on the gram.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Well, let's bump this one more time so I can write this shit down and not forget the details in my old age.

There was basically nothing left when they found him, after a month in the heat in the woods. Scavengers and nature took their course pretty quick. The medical examiner initially refused to rule it a suicide (weird, how do the Clintons manage to get them all ruled like that?) because they didn't have enough to go off of. They literally fucking proposed that he could have been shot by someone on the trail off to his side. Uh huh. Yeah, totally reasonable. The only reason the fucker relented is because his hoodie was still in good enough shape that it had detectable powder burns on it, meaning it was close range. They found the shell casing, couldn't find the bullet. Bullet passed clean thru the skull from right to left. They didn't even have enough brain tissue to analyze, so there really wasn't much of anything left of him by this point.

He was in a spot just north of Afton Alps, in a ravine, and the gal that was leading the search team caught a whiff of something when she was closer to the trail, let the dog off the leash, and the dog went down and found him. It was surrounded by rock faces 5-6 feet high, and she actually broke her leg getting down to him. So it's not like I was going down there with my bum knee anyway.

The cops are real hung up on the fact that he had 10 rounds in one mag, 13 in the other, and the spent casing, making 24 out of the 25 rounds in the box. I thought about it for a minute and realized...oh, Hornady Critical Defense? Silver casing? "Yeah." There is no 25th round. I bought that box, determined Critical Defense groups worse than Critical Duty in my gun, and since he didn't have any defensive ammo, I gave it to him. That 25th round probably went into my range pile after being chambered and unloaded a dozen times in my carry gun before I made the swap.

So, now I gotta live with the fact that I gave my buddy the round that killed him. That's sweet, totally not gonna bounce around in my brain for the rest of my life. Cool beans. I mean, I guess on the bright side, we always wondered if that Hornady stuff was any good, turns out, pretty good penetration, and an obvious result. Reckon I'll keep using it in mine.

He never had a girlfriend. His dad said he was extremely modest and would need to be pursued extremely hard for him to have any interest in a woman. So yeah, exactly what clown world has wrought. Some self esteem issues coupled with no driving force to keep going, and just had nothing to live for and felt like he had no one to talk to. Didn't talk to his parents, wasn't talking to us, had no one else to talk to. So, another bright side is that there's absolutely nothing that any of us could have done to stop this. Can't help someone who doesn't want help...someone who's too ashamed or too embarrassed to talk about his problems to anyone. We as men don't do a good enough job stressing that you've gotta talk to SOMEONE about shit. It doesn't always have to be your partner, but you do need to talk some shit out so it doesn't end up eating you up.

So, that's about it. He bought smokes at 1030am. Smoked 2 of them in the parking lot of the gas station. His last text to me was a meme of the fucking pope playing basketball that I didn't understand at 1130, and they found him with a couple bottles of vodka, a couple bottles of coke, and 18 smokes. So he probably was dead 12 hours after that picture at the gas station.


That's it? That's your last word? No note, no nothing. Just peace out on a Pope Francis meme that ain't even that funny.

I guess go out with a question mark instead of a period.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I don't want to do the long form that others would do, but try to focus on objective logic that he would have had the same result with some ball if that's all he had. If anything at least it was a good job if he was going to do it anyways that didn't leave him half alive for a few hours or anything.

Some people are broken subtly and of course someone's ya it makes more sense in hindsight, but without any sudden red flags we arnt wires to go around trying to analyze everyone we know on whether they are on the brink
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Log Wizard
Men not having an SO used to be uncommon not all that long ago. Now it is common. I know of 6 or so that simply can't be bothered anymore. World is becoming weirder and weirder by the day.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I second the recommendation to talk to someone. All the highly successful people I count as friends talk to a professional regularly in order to work through childhood trauma and generally improve themselves. More than half are men. We have to take care of ourselves guys.
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