

Played the alpha of this game and knew within a few seconds this game was confused about what it was trying to be an failed at everything. Thumping was fun the first 2 times, got old quick.


Trump's Staff
Played the alpha of this game and knew within a few seconds this game was confused about what it was trying to be an failed at everything. Thumping was fun the first 2 times, got old quick.
No accounting for taste I guess? I enjoy the game more than any tab-target game since WoW, and have played it more than any tab-target game since WoW. Also, you still thump, but they added content and adjusted it so it isn't something you do a ton of. Personally I like thumping.

The biggest problem with the game right now is that non-thumping content is too easy and quick.


Golden Squire
Look, I get it. But even half that amount is criminally reckless spending, and it really all depends on their staff size. Believe it or not one time expenditures like statues, buses and PAX booths can be expensive, and incredibly wasteful, but they don't add up to a crazy ludicrous number like 130 million. In software development staff and salaries are nearly your entire cost, so the cost is almost entirely dependent on people.

Actually, if you can find some decent staffing level numbers over the course of those 7 years I can get a pretty decent high/low estimate for you. I Googled around but couldn't find anything helpufl. For 130 million to have been spent they would have had to be close to 200 people full time for most of those 7 years, or about half that number but with a per person spending atdoublethe standard industry rate.

As the staffing levels get lower the per person spending goes up and either The9 is run by such utterly incompetent people that they didn't even look at the most basic financial statements, or 130 million is high. Their burn rate would need to be close to Schilling's to get that kind of number, so there is precedent for that kind of waste, but he had to get money from the public in a way that was unethical and criminally suspect.

So, you can see why I am alittleskeptical.
They were at 140-150 for most of this last year off the top of my head. Not sure about numbers before that. I really don't think you comprehend just how remarkably inept the leadership at that company has been over the past 7 years. Seriously.


Avatar of War Slayer
This is probably the worst MMO I've played in recent memory... it's absolutely awful. Never has a game had an introduction tutorial that failed to explain itself properly as bad this.
haha yeah. And its funny, every time I look at one of the EQ nostalgia people, like Quaid is doing in the "imploding" thread. "ZOMG EQ used to be challenging, and just dropped you out in the world, without knowing what to do, or where to go. it was so great!"
no. no it really isnt. Do you see a SINGLE person in this thread, or on their forums, or anywhere, saying how great it is, this game just drops you out of that tutorial and leaves you totally lost?

I wouldn't call it the worst I've played. It gets major points for originality at least. however that idea is not fully realized. just barely. And progress is nowhere to be seen. the company is burning.


What shocks me more than anything is that this game is still around even though it's done nothing but lose lots and lots of money over the years with nothing to show for it


Trump's Staff
haha yeah. And its funny, every time I look at one of the EQ nostalgia people, like Quaid is doing in the "imploding" thread. "ZOMG EQ used to be challenging, and just dropped you out in the world, without knowing what to do, or where to go. it was so great!"
I find that hilariously ironic too.


Trump's Staff
They were at 140-150 for most of this last year off the top of my head. Not sure about numbers before that. I really don't think you comprehend just how remarkably inept the leadership at that company has been over the past 7 years. Seriously.
Oh, I think I can imagine...


<Silver Donator>
Meh, something they should have done years ago. I think I even posted that somewhere in this thread...
Yep. The PVP game was really bad. I'm not sure what was worse - their huge, ridiculous surveys that they sent out about PVP or the actual PVP.

The following sentence is coming from someone who grew up playing ROTT and calling DJANGO long distance to play DOOM2 multi. And I played a lot of QWTF and QWDM and 3wave, etc.

Firefall PVP was a twitchy, buggy mess. Not much balance - or wildly swinging balance every single patch with instant gibs or near instant gibs in a mode that wasn't called instagib. It was just terrible from start to finish. Tons of people told them this on the official forums, but we have all seen how much developers pay attention to official forums.


<Silver Donator>
If they removed all traces of the sport PVP - or hid it well, like guildwars, they'd be on to something.

Then they'd have to go into overdrive and create more than big version of Stranglethorn Vale. Do they have more than one zone in the game yet?!

Make some PVP/PVE servers. Let people fight over resources and drop meaningful items when you kill them. Make it FTP with hat sales. See what happens.


Registered Hutt
I was playing this off and on for a while until the sunken harbor patch made the game an absurd slideshow. It has some fun shit, but they really need to stop re-treading cosmetic stuff and add more content. The sunken harbor patch was basically a re-design of a city that functioned. It's better now, but /shrug. They're considering ways to improve Copacabana, the "capital" as well.

They have one big zone, 3 little pocket zones, an instance, and some now disabled PvP stuff. The instance can be fun, but it's also very easy to trivialize. A few classes can basically solo it, while the rest have to slog through with teamwork.


Trakanon Raider
Dev's fucked up a little in this game (lol, alot). The genre is screaming for a GOOD PvE shooter and these clowns have dumped far too much time into PvP and esports. If they'd focused more on the PvE world and crafting side of things the game would be much more interesting.
Well, shit... guess they finally admitted defeat?


FoH nuclear response team
Holy shit that is crazy and sadly there seems to be far to many people with that kind of attitude in control of all kinds of companies.


Trump's Staff

Now, maybe, the people left can have a shot at making the game into something. I hope Mark Kern never finds another place where he has the power to abuse people, that is wholly unacceptable.


This is the best gaming gossip since Vanguard.