

Lack of tutorial and pve content have been some of the largest complaints voiced. When the patch lands I would be interested to hear thoughts on the additions


<Gold Donor>
Not only that, while resource mining is fun, there really isnt anything to craft other than better thumpers and med packs or so it seems. There should be implants, gadgets for your guns, better ammo, shit like that. Instead they made better armor and guns and jetpacks part of the PvE progression. What they should of done is have unlocks with progression and then crafting the unlocked items if that makes sense. Again if there are items like this I have yet to discover them, again I only played for a couple of hours.

Maybe they have all this in the plan, and maybe this beta is jut a really early version. I was running around last night, killing shit and resources were dropping, etc. But there is nothing to do with those resources, or so it seems.


Completely true mkopec. I know when I play I was always impressed with the complete lack of anything of value to me in a list with that many things. Having said that, our crafting team has heard the external / internal feedback and are working changing that entire system as well this next patch.


<Gold Donor>
Its definitely a good base to build upon. I like the setting, I like the gameplay. Im eager to check out the next patch. BTW, when is that supposed to hit?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not only that, while resource mining is fun, there really isnt anything to craft other than better thumpers and med packs or so it seems. There should be implants, gadgets for your guns, better ammo, shit like that. Instead they made better armor and guns and jetpacks part of the PvE progression. What they should of done is have unlocks with progression and then crafting the unlocked items if that makes sense. Again if there are items like this I have yet to discover them, again I only played for a couple of hours.

Maybe they have all this in the plan, and maybe this beta is jut a really early version. I was running around last night, killing shit and resources were dropping, etc. But there is nothing to do with those resources, or so it seems.
Yeah, I am not sure about it, but a few people were saying that in the future you would be able to unlock schematics and use higher value resources to make better guns and stuff. If that is the way it goes, I would be completely happy with it, because I really like thumping as it stands right now. Add an attainable grind to thumping, with weapon and/or skill upgrades, and I would be all over it.

It is awesome to hear that a patch is on the way...I look forward to it!


Trump's Staff
The gathering/crafting system is in and working right now. How the system works right is once you unlock a piece of non-accord equipment on a Tier 2 battleframe, you can then craft a version of it off that unlocked base template. Crafted equipment is based on the stats of the resources you use to make it; with different resource stats affecting the final product in different ways. The higher quality the resource (the better the stats on it) the better the cfated gear ends up, essentially just like SWG did.

The problem is that all this is confusing, unintuitive, the UI is awkward, and you can easily miss the system because of how abruptly this changes and the game doesn't really give you any clue that it did. You are halfway through the tech tree on a T2 battleframe and suddenly this whole new system comes into play with no real way of telling you that it did.

The overhaul is supposed to fix these problems. They are also adding SWG style durability decay so that crafted gear will be taken out of the system, thus always requiring new resource inputs. I really hope they get this right, because I really miss the SWG resource/crafting system, and this game has the potential to have at least some resemblance of an actual economy.

The game needs plenty of work, especially on the PvE side. Right now the only thing that matters in PvE is DPS, which will come back to bite them, so they need to work on their NPC design in order to fill out group roles in combat.

I am a jaded, bitter old fuck that hasn't really enjoyed MMOs since Vanilla WoW... but I saw enough promise in one open beta weekend to throw $100 their way for the top founders package. So take from that what you will.


<Gold Donor>
I am a jaded, bitter old fuck that hasn't really enjoyed MMOs since Vanilla WoW... but I saw enough promise in one open beta weekend to throw $100 their way for the top founders package. So take from that what you will.
I agree with you. From what I saw there is alot of promise, but lets see if they can pull it off.


Golden Squire
From a competitive pvp standpoint, the game should be taking a drastic turn for the better on the 22nd. The changes that they've announced are all very, very positive.


<Silver Donator>
Wow it's like they have no fucking idea what they're doing and just remade the entire system yet again, this time worse than the previous one somehow I think by copying dota-likes, down to being able to buy frames for real money instead of grinding, LoL style. At least the other changes looked decent enough, I think I'll check it out again at some point see what's going on and if it's fun to play now, but I wonder if they'll ever finish this game what with the remaking the game every 6months thing.


Golden Squire
Wow it's like they have no fucking idea what they're doing and just remade the entire system yet again, this time worse than the previous one somehow I think by copying dota-likes, down to being able to buy frames for real money instead of grinding, LoL style. At least the other changes looked decent enough, I think I'll check it out again at some point see what's going on and if it's fun to play now, but I wonder if they'll ever finish this game what with the remaking the game every 6months thing.
Coming from someone with a ton of high end competitive FPS experience, I'm going to say that this particular patch is one of the most exciting things I've seen for FPS games in ages. The idea of fusing dota-style abilities into a skill based shooter and doing itwellis genius. Everything in the patch log is way, way more promising than anything FF had at any point previously.


Trump's Staff
Wow it's like they have no fucking idea what they're doing and just remade the entire system yet again, this time worse than the previous one somehow I think by copying dota-likes, down to being able to buy frames for real money instead of grinding, LoL style. At least the other changes looked decent enough, I think I'll check it out again at some point see what's going on and if it's fun to play now, but I wonder if they'll ever finish this game what with the remaking the game every 6months thing.
You're kidding right?

Firefall already had fun core game-play but was lacking in frame/ability and NPC behavior design. This led to a fun game with little longevity and balance issues.

The recent patch notes indicate a VAST improvement over the most glaringly weak parts of the game. There is certainly plenty of room for improvement, but this is a huge step in the very right direction.


So now that the new update is out and the game is just as bad as before but with the latest popular gaming trend awkwardly shoved in (we MOBA now, esports was so 6 months ago) can Firefall officially be declared vaporware? Their next great idea is to bring Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day to promote their 'game'

These people are basically obsessed with doing anything but making a good game. It really needs to just be taken out back and shot at this point.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Actually, I would subscribe to the game at this point. I really like the changes that they made, and I am glad I paid for the founders package. What would you like to have seen different?