Fires of Heaven - The good, the bad, and the whatever else.


Wait.. you didn't get guilded till strath? I know I have screenshots of leveling up with you in dungeon crawl guild groups.. maybe you just weren't in the guild, or it was some other troll shaman with a similar name.

There was about 6-7 of us that were higher level then the rest of the guild, during the lvl 20-35 range, that were actually doing 5man dungeons. No one had hit lvl cap yet, so we were semi 'leet' by even being that high of level. Deadhornn tanked for us till the mid/late 20s and then he fell behind in lvls due to RL stuff and grayson had caught up. Quzip! Was the cleric, finally remembered. But, sometimes he wasn't on and/or needed a 2nd healer. It was then generally Awata, but a few times it was you, I thought.

Anyway, we were showing off our awesome 'blue loot' after boss kills and then that dumb nickname came up as a joke for a couple days, till some officer (or maybe deadhornn) told me a few people got salty about it and thought we were rubbing their faces in it, lol. So, we stopped linking loot or using the nickname. Honestly, this whole thing was probably over the span of a week, but it felt longer since it was in the first days of the server and those memories stick with you the most.
I did run with a few folks while leveling but didn't app until later I think.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>



Molten Core Raider
It was kind of a rhetorical question, I'm not saying tier 1 raiders didn't move on to other tier 1 guilds but the whole point of lower tiered guilds being cautious of recruiting ex-FoH (or insert other uber guild) was that if they were trying to join said lower tier guild it was because they had issues other than just wanting a change of scenery.
At the end of the day though if you're not having fun where you are by all means try to find what it is you're looking for. I never begrudged someone who wanted something else. Never. If they were a prick about it sure they could get hit by a bus full of AIDS for all I cared but I wouldn't fault them for trying to cure their unhappiness.

It just so happens that most people who bailed tended to be in that particular category...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Best exploit in early EQ: if you pressed left-and-forward or right-and-forward at the same time, you ran faster than if you just pressed forward only. Newbie physics programming errors ftw.
This was my bread and butter as a newbie pk troll sk.

Just strafe run the hordes of newbie DEs chasing me around Nektulos until I regened enough, then turn around and beat a dozen or so down before I dropped to walking speed.


I also wonder how many remember that both necros and shamans had charm at one point.
While it was on a twink, a 50 necro could charm solo the Ghoul Lord, and it was cheat mode compared to ENC.

Charming in EQ was amazing, talk about beating the mechanics...

Sadly, whatever host I used to post screenshots in 2001, well...

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
While it was on a twink, a 50 necro could charm solo the Ghoul Lord, and it was cheat mode compared to ENC.

Charming in EQ was amazing, talk about beating the mechanics...

Sadly, whatever host I used to post screenshots in 2001, well...
I charmed Lockjaw a time or two and buffed the heck out of him with my shaman. Good times.


Molten Core Raider
Ahhh thanks. I'm starting to remember now. They were in the high 3rd, low second tier. OSW was a good stepping guild for Dragon Council who was solid second tier.
DC!! I was in that guild for quite a few years. Didnt have the best rep in the world, but that shit was cutthroat back then. lol