Fondest Memory of MMOs


Trakanon Raider
On Veeshan the Fires of Heaven and Celestial Tomb had just moved on Kunark, so we had a night, the scrubs, to try and take down Nagafen.

My friend, player name Ernie Powers, put the raid together and told a few people he wanted the CoF if it dropped. Well, the pickup raid had like 50 toons on it. Naggy was killed, Ernie looted the cloak without my knowledge, and told me to GTFO now. I ported us out and all hell broke loose on the OOC. He ninjad it.

Before it could be deleted, big Ern handed me the cloak and a fungi, which we used to PL a warrior to 50 the next week after GMs deleted his dwarf ass. Ernie's new character lived on to rival Furor with raid gear towards the PoP expansion before everyone started quitting, but it was always cool to remember how he got his start


A Mod Real Quick
I've had a lot of great moments in raiding. Only two really stand out for me, both from the same WoW guild. We were a band of "rerolled" scrubs on a fresh brand new server. We hit 60 quickly and headed to farming for MC. We destroyed MC within a couple weeks and moved on to BWL. A couple weeks later and we stood before him: Nefarian. The tank died near the beginning, and as second tank I had to take him on. First tank called "wipe" but I said "I got this." Stance-danced my way to the final 5%, popped shield wall and everything else and gloriously shouted "HIT IT WITH EVERYTHING!" Down he went, our first kill and our MT had nothing to do with it. My headphones nearly exploded with the screaming. I felt like the fucking man. Should mention we were horde, so there was no fear ward.

Second was the night we took on Huhuran. We prepped for weeks getting NR gear before we went to AQ40. First night in and we blew through the place, and once again there we were in front of a fabled beast. We had heard horror stories. Raid leader says "let's do a practice attempt and see what happens." So we get in a triangle formation of tanks and go to town. Quickly we're at 25% and people start dying left and right. We had gotten that far with no flasks, no DPS maximization, nothing. We go full-on next attempt and blow her straight out of the water. Two-shotting Huhuran was incredible. They gave me the piece for that scarab shield, so I felt cool.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
While I had played Meridian 59 for years and UO before EQ, EQ is where most of my fondest memories are from.

And most of them were about the world itself. I started in Qeynos, and one of the my first wow moment was in Qyenos Hills and finding the Blackburrow entrance with the gnoll's head marking the entrance of the cave. It was the first time I really felt that I was actually in a fantasy world.

Then going to the Karanas, and seeing my first hill giant...holy fuck, it was actually gigantic, I was tiny beside it...and the way it moved, and the sound of it's just was so impressive.

Then I saw the chain bridge, and that was it...that chain bridge between the Karana was probably the single most awe defining moment for me for some reason. I just walked around it, looking at it from all angles...for some that moment, I totally believe I was living in a fantasy world. I was sold.

The rest is mostly just more of the same, first time I saw things that I've been reading and dreaming about for years made "real".

So my fondest memories really are just the "first" in EQ1. I had played a lot of single player RPG, and Meridian 59 and UO...but no games at that time had made me feel so much part of the world as EQ1 did.


2 Minutes Hate
I remember waking up at 6am and getting my first bronze key from the cyclops in Tele-Arena 3.0 back in 1991. Also getting my first green rune by killing the stygian dragon.

Random screenshot:


First Fear raid and getting Soulfire for my Paladin (there was some shit that made it way more epic than it probably was for most). Also, falling off the boat in OOT, swimming for hours in fear of being eaten and losing all my gear. Also also, running to and exploring Velious with a friend way underleveled and not knowing where the fuck we were, just hoping for the best.

Basically EQ?


Lot of good memories in EQ, especially early on. Running from Qeynos to Freeport was amazing. Hopping on a boat with no clue where it went and then dieing because zoning dropped me in the middle of the water. Farming HQ bear pelts as a noob in everfrost to sell to people for like 10plat, and then proceeding to get lost in halas and the tunnel to it at night because it was pitch black. Trains in fruwhbone with Dvinn at the zone in, so much fun.

Funniest thing was in PoP. Decided to blow all my dkp in PoT on the pouch that summoned shurikens as a rogue. Our most active monk was a rl friend, so I jad to do it. I spent the next week or so of raids just uaing throw on my rogue with those and messing with his pulls whenever escape was up.


In UO, back in the when you could use moongates, recall stones, and boxes/bags of flour to break into houses, forges, and keeps. It provided many options for entertainment. You could break in and loot the place. You could break in an slaughter the owner and, if lucky, get their key and gain a new property. Or, in the case of keeps, break in, kill a few people, log out, repeat. Exploiting, sure. But the animosity it garnered was delicious.


Trakanon Raider
In UO, back in the when you could use moongates, recall stones, and boxes/bags of flour to break into houses, forges, and keeps. It provided many options for entertainment. You could break in and loot the place. You could break in an slaughter the owner and, if lucky, get their key and gain a new property. Or, in the case of keeps, break in, kill a few people, log out, repeat. Exploiting, sure. But the animosity it garnered was delicious.
Or marking rune spots for the bare area that Castles left so you could recall into the walls. There were only a limited number of places to place them cause they were so big, so if you were dedicated you could have 15-20 runes to all the castles.


Battle of Titty Rock in ESO Beta Weekend. You had to have been there.

Project M event in EQ (Got to play as a monster for a little bit, ganked noobies as a beast ass fire beatle)


Molten Core Raider
The drama, son. I barely remember the fights themselves, but some of the drama will always be with me I hope. Good stuff. Was fun to care about it.


Vyemm Raider
When the rest of Veeshan decided that "if FoH can do it with 12, we can do it with 90" and formed a huge zerg ball to rush the Plane of Fear gate. We then CR'd them with two groups. Standing on the ramp buffing to go in with all of those naked players gathered around was just priceless. You may have seen the old screenshot from a similar incident - Furor (Kartak?) standing in Fear surrounded by corpses saying "oh my dear god." I believe this was the birth of Celestial Tomb.

Plane of Sky literally being tuned while we were inside of it. Mob hits for 400, zone goes down, zone comes back up, mob his for 900. Levitate blocked, buffs stripped on zone in? Nice try, but exploits will find a way.

Early AV guild runs, where we'd walk into a stinker and turn the tide. The long stalemates, broken by (Hobbun? Behemoth?) grabbing a shredder and pushing from the center all the way to their bridge, where the fight would stay until the middle of the night when horde numbers dwindled.

The Onyxia raid catapulting raid design out of the stone age. The dragon makes strafing runs and the goddamn floor explodes!?

And of course.. the day I experience a new MMO, and the day I quit that MMO.


Vyemm Raider
Pretty much all the time I spent exploring even the most mundane zones of EverQuest I see as fond memories when looking back with those huge rose-tinted glasses, but even hearing the music nowadays still brings back chills and feels.

But if I had to pick three stories that I particularly enjoy remembering from EQ..

When I was a level 22 rogue in South Karana in a small group not far from Aviak City, I was pulling for the group when I suddenly hear a flapping noise. I look up and see some kind of weird flying horse and I throw a knife at it and run back. I never realized it was level 30 (it was Quillmane of course). So the tank gets wrecked, the rest of the group dies shortly after, and I'm kinda edging around the group because I don't want to get raped too by a flying horse.. when suddenly the mob's AI decides it's time to run away, so I ran after it and stabbed it to death eventually, and got the Pegasus Feather Cloak back when it had unlimited charges, still got it to this day!

The other funny story took place in Burning Woods on a guild run on Ixiblat Fer (big ass fire elemental). Dude drops a nice shawl for rogues and monks only, and there's only one rogue (me) and like 4 monks. The guild leader says to roll a 2-222 (that was back when people thought 1-100 could be haxed!). So I roll first, and bam 222. Ventrilo was silent as hell, I could feel the murderous glares on my virtual back, but I got that shawl!

Finally the funniest story wasn't a loot success, but just a silly prank on an Avatar of War run. Our guild was farming it on Povar and there was another newbie guild trying to get Vindicator nearby in the arena. So we kill AoW on our side, and that was when Necromancers had a spell to revive a dead mob's body to act as a pet for a limited time.. so the Necromancer and I get into a duel for the prank, and he resurrects AoW's body and sends him after me.. and I run towards the other noob guild while yelling TRAIN OMG RUN! and they all scattered and got stomped by Vindicator.. still, fun times!

Been playing WoW for 10 years now, and while I can say I enjoyed it all, none of my WoW memories come close to those EQ days that popped my MMO cherry.


Ultima Online Abyss Server, also looting peoples houses/corpses and escaping.

The Realm, scamming a rare spell book worth 200 million gold

Everquest, opening screen music, the game just felt so fucking epic.


Someone already beat me to it but the first and funniest memory I had of EQ1 was when Dvinn was a one mob wrecking crew against about a 100 players.

First time I approached Crushbone on Day 1 of release I noticed a ton of players at the GFay zone line and I thought it was odd so many players were just standing there. I zoned into Crushbone and was promptly insta gibbed by Dvinn at the zoneline. I noticed bodies lying everywhere with Dvinn claiming a new victim every few seconds as someone else zoned in.

This lasted for well over 30 minutes. Dvinn would never reset because someone new would keep zoning in. The server's first "zerg raid" was an impromptu attempt to organize all the gearless players to all zone in at the same time and try to take down Dvinn.

Even the zerg raid wiped and people started wondering if Dvinn was being controlled by a GM. I don't remember how long it eventually took for us to finally kill him but I do know there was a zone wide celebration.


Trakanon Raider
While I had a lot of fun in Velious doing NToV and Kael and what not (still some of my favorite raiding ever) I think the funnest I had was leveling up. I was in this all Troll guild and we used to run around with a pack of 5-10 trolls at any given time and we'd travel to crazy places like Halas or Queynos and have all sorts of newbs gawking at us.

One of our early mainstays was Upper Guk because we'd farm the spiders for shields and tunics and the croc for the leggings. At the time I think trolls only had Shaman, Warrior and SK classes. Anyway one of the GMs used to show up quite a lot and steal peoples pants. It was actually really funny, he'd invis in, put your pants into your bag and then when you noticed he'd uninvis and shout laughter. Crazeco on Saryrn if anyone remembers.

We also used to farm the quest armors: totemic, crafted and whatever the SK one was. OG Cazic Thule was always pretty interesting and good for a lot of trains. I remember getting the rubicite BP while we were farming SK quest drops and being so fucking stoked. We also had a couple of crazy runs to Permafrost for crafted (boot?) pieces.

Lastly, we used to keep Najena completely on farm for days sometimes. We'd load up new recruits on bronze armor and the terror spine whips (I think the spine was a armor quest piece too), and I'm pretty sure every shaman in our guild had a pair of hollowed bone bracers.


Trakanon Raider
Breaking all of Lower Guk camps as a paladin, and keeping the whole Lguk castle area mob free for about 8hours while we grinded towards 50.

First Trak kill on RN, what a rush. also my first fear planes break same thing, I still remember sitting outside of fear portal for hours, while we waited for the cleric to log-on =/

Worked like crazy towards my Fiery Defender quest, I never got the damn thing the fucking books never dropped from Vox/or the other white dragon that was in Kunark my paladin still has the burnt book burning a hole in his inventory, one of these day's I'll log on and finish it.


I would say mine was right after I joined FOH in EQ and we went to kill vox for my first time and I somehow got the killing Blow, then there was always training KC.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Breaking Fear for the first time definitely sticks out as a memorable moment, just because of how fucking scary it was at the time.

Rescuing the #2 guild on the promise that we could have the zone for another week if we got their corpses back was fantastic too. I dont know why no other zone in any other MMO has copied that zone-in design. It made for such a tense experience, and breaking into the zone was nearly as hard as the final bosses.

For some reason I also remember the Fungi Tunic camp with those damn mushrooms at the bottom.... That shit was hard to break too, and my Druid just SUCKED compared to other healing classes, so it was a pain in the ass...