

Spend 20$ on this.

A rape by Budos + Nirg,


<WoW Guild Officer>
What's the word on this game? I see people talking about it sometimes. Is it like WoW Arena meets TF2 or something?

I was curious, since Steam has a special offer for it: "Purchase Forge by 10am Pacific Time on Dec 18th and receive an additional copy of the game for free!"


Golden Knight of the Realm
What's the word on this game? I see people talking about it sometimes. Is it like WoW Arena meets TF2 or something?

I was curious, since Steam has a special offer for it: "Purchase Forge by 10am Pacific Time on Dec 18th and receive an additional copy of the game for free!"
It's a class based (so sort of like TF2 in that aspect, though I'd say more like the oringal Guild Wars), 'death match,' or WoW Arena type game. The maps currently allow for 9v9 or 10v10 iirc. It's a little twitchier than the aforementioned games and plays like a faster version of GW2.

There are lots of LOS abilities (most of them actually) and a few little quirks you have to figure out, not that all pvp games don't have them, but this game being in alpha, I'd say there is quite a bit.

Some of the features that I remember listing on the MN thread:

-5 classes currently: Shaman (healer), Pathfinder (WoW Hunter / Ranger), Pyromancer, Warden (tank w/ stuns & shouts), and Assassin (stealth dps)
--Each class actually has some pretty sweet abilities I haven't really seen before, i.e.: the assassin can pull someone into a 1v1 situation for a few seconds that removes both you and them from the rest of the chaos so they can kill you alone.
-Shaman are the only means of healing except for the 'cow' shrines that are around the map.
-The maps are all balanced (read: mirror images for each side).
-You start with all abilities and such -- 'leveling' gives you sideways progression options (i.e.: remove one resist for another, or remove lots of a resist for more mana, or run speed and vice versa). Also armor looks, skill foci, titles and emotes being the other perks for getting more levels (currently only the titles are implemented, aside from the stat swapping). This reminded me of the Zhen progression style he championed in other MMO threads.
-The 'social' aspect right now isn't fully functional. As it stands you have to type a friend's name in and you can try to join their server, this wouldn't be much of a problem if matches didn't fill so quickly -- usually people only leave the game between rounds / matches, so it can make teaming up with bros difficult.
--That said, guilds and friend lists are in the works -- the option for them is in the menu already, just grayed out currently.
-There will be 12 total classes when it's all said and done.
-Currently they're working on adding a 10+ vs 10+ map, the 'Ravager' class (which I assume will be a dual-wield melee dps that's a little less tanky than the warden) and the social stuff I mentioned above.
-The physics of abilities are pretty spot on imo (for launching abilities, etc.)
-You can block with the right mouse button -- results in 50% greater dmg reduction and 50% slower run speed.

I can get into more specifics if you're curious about anything in particular.

Also, the game's site is:here


2 Minutes Hate
Animations and spell effects are horrible though. It's very difficult, for some classes, to get any feedback that you are attacking. Pathfinder and Assassin are big in this.l


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah, the melee attacks firing can be a little spotty, and ranged attacks can get blocked by your teammates.

I do think the animation for getting up from knockdown (pathfinder trap) is a little too long.

Personally, I haven't had any problems with the Shaman abilities at all.


This has about 0 to do with WoW arena, I'd have any similarities stricken from the record.

They are adding an Arena mode, however, where if you die you stay dead until the next round. But I'm going to say that's much more like counter strike.

I like that allies can get in the way of abilities (no friendly fire though) and haven't had any problems with melee.

It's worth 20$ all day son.


Golden Knight of the Realm
That guy is mostly just using his base attack and not his best abilities :/

Never cast firewall once.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Dev Update:

As some of you have mentioned, Forge was released with a lean feature set. We held off on allowing people to split between different servers based on gametype as we knew that though being forced to play Random could be frustrating to some, it paled in comparison to the frustration of playing on servers that seemed empty. Until the number of players grew to a level we were comfortable with, it was vital that we keep everyone playing together. There are several updates coming your way. Some of these are likely in the month of December, perhaps all should testing continue to go well.

Unlocking the Arena gameplay mode

Our first iteration of the Arena gameplay mode will be pickup randomly join friendly and will not be rated. You have one life. Once dead, you stay dead until the next round. After 10 minutes, if neither team is victorious from having defeated all players on the enemy team, a tower spawns. Winning control of this tower wins the round. The tower is put in place to avoid stealth class stalemates. Conflict is required if you hope to win.

This mode will be available as an option you can select alongside Random.

Introduction of Steam Stats and Steam Skill Rating

You can read more about our stats system and upcoming skill rating here:

Our servers listed on the Steam Server browser

Our servers will be listed in the server browse found in the Steam Client under View->Servers. Select Forge in the game filter drop down when this feature is enabled and you can select the server of your choice and take advantage of all other Steam server browser functionality. We opted to move forward with this method as it provides a well tested and stable server browser with lots of useful functionality inside an environment you're already familiar with.

Skins! This includes, the Founder skin reward for all 5 starter classes and the level 99 skin for all 5 starter classes

It's important to point out that what will be used for the level 99 skin today will not be the level 99 skin forever. As we are able to add skins, we will constantly add them to the top of the level list, pushing the older skins down until the one provided for level 99 becomes the first skin you unlock. This provides something to work towards at the highest levels, without ruining the surprise of what level 99 will look like in the end. I've taken screenshots of several skins. Note that with lighting and VFX, it's hard to capture a single shot that shows off the change. The general rule is: Level 99 are black themed, and founder skins are snow themed.

A new map, Den of Fenric

The skin screenshots were taken at a location on this map. It will get its own update soon!

The ability to select between the first two sets of ability focus options that you've unlocked

We will start by releasing two sets of ability focus options, the first two sets you unlock while leveling, for you to try. This means every class will now have 3 options per ability slot if you've reached the required level to unlock them. We'll provide a special update on each of those soon.

Small tweaks to gameplay balance

Shamans are getting a slight nerf to healing via a resource cost increase to Blessed Aura. Wardens are getting a slight nerf to Protect Allies amount of protection offered, a very slight increase to the maintenance cost of both Protect Allies and Raise Morale, and a slight buff to the damage increase per Vengeance.

As you can see, our time spent since the release has not been wasted or in leisure! We care greatly for this game and have the deepest respect for those of you that have decided to spend money that you've earned to play it with us. We strive, we have since the very beginning, to make good on our end of that agreement by doing our best to ensure that the money you spend rewards you with tremendous value. We felt strongly that the game we released was worthy of the purchase price, but that we could continue to provide even more as time progressed to further increase that value until the question could barely be raised.

These first three days have been amazing. Outside of Far Cry 3, which released just a few minutes after we released, we were able to surpass all other titles on Steam on the Top Sellers list for two days, and have reached the top 5 every day since. Those of you that purchased are not alone. Our player numbers grow every day and new faces are flooding in. We hope to have many of these features mentioned above in your hands very soon. If you ask those that have been around with us since the days of Alpha, they will tell you that we do not sit idly. Updates are frequent. Updates can be extensive. We want this to be the best game it can possibly be as quickly as it can can be and wake up with that goal in mind every single day.

tl;dr - lots of stuff in this game being fleshed out


So is this like a call of duty with typical MMO classes?

Pretty much queue up for a 'warzone' type thing?

General consensus seems to be that it is worth the price of admission?


So is this like a call of duty with typical MMO classes?

Pretty much queue up for a 'warzone' type thing?

General consensus seems to be that it is worth the price of admission?
I see this game getting real big. Might wanna get in and level up before the skill curve gets too steep.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So is this like a call of duty with typical MMO classes?

Pretty much queue up for a 'warzone' type thing?

General consensus seems to be that it is worth the price of admission?
That's a good comparison. Except you die less easily.

Also there is 0 queue, you join instantly and are playing.


2 Minutes Hate
This game won't get real big any time soon. But it's worth $10 if you can find someone to split it with. It's fun, but it's really rough around the edges.


I see this game getting real big. Might wanna get in and level up before the skill curve gets too steep.
That's a good comparison. Except you die less easily.

Also there is 0 queue, you join instantly and are playing.
This game won't get real big any time soon. But it's worth $10 if you can find someone to split it with. It's fun, but it's really rough around the edges.
Cool, thanks for the info.

I have finals that are going to gauge my asshole about 4 sizes in the next few weeks, I'll probably snag that two for one Steam deal prior to then though.

Can we roll out in groups? IE, can we have a premade group and queue up?

I'll jump in with you guys in a few weeks if that is possible


Golden Knight of the Realm
The premade groups / guild functionality is still being made.

Maybe by the time you start it will be in? You can still join friend's games, you just can't queue up initially together, so sometimes you have to click the button to join them over and over. Finding a game with 2+ spots doesn't take too long if you try for a minute.


<Silver Donator>
Looks nice, didn't even hear about it before(but I probably missed the previous threads on foh and mn). Few years ago there was a game that tried to replicate GW PvP a bit similar, name's escape me b ut it was australian, released very rough too and I ended up skipping the release, only played beta for a bit. Anyway I might try this, but later, with Darkfall around the corner, I'll have my dose of mmo pvp anyway. After that's done though I'll check it out inbetween dota2 games. I see in the thread linked about basic info though that it has content you have to pay for, which I assume means lol champion stuff since they differentiate from skins. That I'm not too fond of, guess I'll see what's it about later.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Looks nice, didn't even hear about it before(but I probably missed the previous threads on foh and mn). Few years ago there was a game that tried to replicate GW PvP a bit similar, name's escape me b ut it was australian, released very rough too and I ended up skipping the release, only played beta for a bit. Anyway I might try this, but later, with Darkfall around the corner, I'll have my dose of mmo pvp anyway. After that's done though I'll check it out inbetween dota2 games. I see in the thread linked about basic info though that it has content you have to pay for, which I assume means lol champion stuff since they differentiate from skins. That I'm not too fond of, guess I'll see what's it about later.
Pretty sure all the pricing stuff is non-existent since it actually released (not 100% sure). That post was made back in October, basically all of the other game info is legit though.

Dev updates and leveling explanation


I started playing League of Legends very early into season 1 and I could tell from the system in place at the time that it was going to catch on and do very well. The skill shots and ease of play / learning compared to DoTA were early indicators for me that would take off. I do get very much the same feeling with this.

It needs the other game modes opened to be specifically played and the final pieces of ability customization and guilds finished and its very, very strong. They acknowledge this, are so open to feedback and are more interested in the community than any company I've seen in such a long time.

Thinking about this game with 12 classes, ability customization, skins, the new maps and guild play makes my mouth water.