Fucked up Dreams Thread


Shit Lord Supreme
Liked this Thread so, I'm recreating it.

Last couple of months my dreams have been getting extremely vivid and real. Sometimes when I'm driving to work I feel like I'm still in a dream because of how difficult its becoming to tell them different.

Had a dream about an ex, and how a dragon came looking to find her on account of her being the "dragon lady" and he being one of the last dragons needed her protection. Come to find me, and not her and while trying to protect 'em a bunch of bandits or whatever come upon us and kill him. Time later, what I guess are an army of her guy friends come along and they all assumed I was the one who killed the dragon, so they started fighting me, and I killed like 15 or 16 of her guy friends.
-woke up and was like...really?

Had a dream about my friend's girl, and I was in bed with her and apparently my friend too...and I rolled over while I was sleeping unaware and she was naked and trying to get with me lettin' me feel up her boobs. My friend was clearly pissed but he was like "just c'mon and get it over with" or whatever.
-100% sure that she got a thing for me too, but I won't ever touch her, I could have banged her back when they weren't exclusive but I knew my friend had a thing for her. Dream was creepy, very real feeling.

Had another dream about a possessed dagger that would take over people's minds and cause them to hurt themselves, People would take the dagger from me (as a kid), become possessed by it and start killing other people or themselves. Somehow I felt connected, and every time it happened I remember experincing extreme guilt. I remember distinctly the dream ended as I went to a farm and saw a kitten and went to pet it, some bald white Kang showed up with his home boys. Noticing that I wanted the kitten he picked it up and kiiled it, he then took the dagger from me and killed his men and finally himself.
-super guilt striken' through the entire dream

Last dream I had I'd apparently stole something valuable and framed it, As well as a murder (that I can't remember if I committed), on someone else. He was gonna get life in prison, and I felt terribly guilty all through out the dream.
-I remember waking up and feeling relieved that,that person (the one who pinned the crime on someone else) wasn't me.

Pretty much all of my dreams have been in regard to guilt, and it sucks dick.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I had a dream that my boss and co-worker put up a bunch of money to fix my motorcycle, but it's a piece of shit and uncomfortable to ride long distances for a guy my height, so I was all like, why would you do that? I would rather have put a down payment on a new bike. And they were all upset, and my co-worker was pissed off because I was ungrateful (IRL he almost never gets angry, probably because he's a pothead).

I then had to work all the next day with my boss, and the dream was super fresh in my mind all day long, and it made it kinda awkward.

I don't remember a lot of my dreams, unless it has a co-worker or family member, but sometimes I'll dream about a chick, and that dream will recur and stick with me for like a week, and the dream girl is always someone I've never even met, but changes every cycle. Not weird, or fucked up I guess, but it really does stick with me, and makes me kind of.. pensive, I guess, and sometimes hard to be around.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Liked this Thread so, I'm recreating it.

Last couple of months my dreams have been getting extremely vivid and real. Sometimes when I'm driving to work I feel like I'm still in a dream because of how difficult its becoming to tell them different.

Had a dream about an ex, and how a dragon came looking to find her on account of her being the "dragon lady" and he being one of the last dragons needed her protection. Come to find me, and not her and while trying to protect 'em a bunch of bandits or whatever come upon us and kill him. Time later, what I guess are an army of her guy friends come along and they all assumed I was the one who killed the dragon, so they started fighting me, and I killed like 15 or 16 of her guy friends.
-woke up and was like...really?

Had a dream about my friend's girl, and I was in bed with her and apparently my friend too...and I rolled over while I was sleeping unaware and she was naked and trying to get with me lettin' me feel up her boobs. My friend was clearly pissed but he was like "just c'mon and get it over with" or whatever.
-100% sure that she got a thing for me too, but I won't ever touch her, I could have banged her back when they weren't exclusive but I knew my friend had a thing for her. Dream was creepy, very real feeling.

Had another dream about a possessed dagger that would take over people's minds and cause them to hurt themselves, People would take the dagger from me (as a kid), become possessed by it and start killing other people or themselves. Somehow I felt connected, and every time it happened I remember experincing extreme guilt. I remember distinctly the dream ended as I went to a farm and saw a kitten and went to pet it, some bald white Kang showed up with his home boys. Noticing that I wanted the kitten he picked it up and kiiled it, he then took the dagger from me and killed his men and finally himself.
-super guilt striken' through the entire dream

Last dream I had I'd apparently stole something valuable and framed it, As well as a murder (that I can't remember if I committed), on someone else. He was gonna get life in prison, and I felt terribly guilty all through out the dream.
-I remember waking up and feeling relieved that,that person (the one who pinned the crime on someone else) wasn't me.

Pretty much all of my dreams have been in regard to guilt, and it sucks dick.
How do you remember your dreams in such detail so long after the fact? Did you keep a journal?


I had this dream probably more than ten years ago, I'll never forget it.
I was in a bowling alley, everything but one lane was out of the picture. Maybe it was dark/smoky/whatever, but all I could perceive was the one lane.
The lane had pins at both ends. I was standing in front of the pins at one end, and there were five very old men in front of the pins at the other end.
One of the old men rolled the ball toward my pins, I caught it and rolled it back toward theirs. It went back and forth like this for a bit, and I noticed one particularly feeble looking opponent didn't ever try to catch the ball.
I rolled the ball directly at the feeble looking one, and it knocked him off his feet and knocked down their pins. I think I won.


Its funny reading dreams on an anonymous internet forum since they can spell out the most personal information about a person. Everyone should look into different dream meanings at some point in their life for the purpose of accurate introspection.

My dreams usually involve my great fears of deep water and sharks, cops, and falling from heights just low enough not to kill me, or going back to school. Here's some examples:

Sometimes I'll be in a huge cube shaped fish tank a hundred or 2 hundred yards deep and wide, with whale sized sharks. Another I was running through a maze when the walls starting breaking letting water with sharks come flooding in.

Sometimes I get my car or some shit jacked and try to get help from cops only to end up getting interrogated myself with them going crazy at any movement I make like I'm going for a weapon.

Falling dreams are probably the worst because I don't ever get eaten by sharks or attacked by cops, but I've fallen and seemingly broken my legs many times. This is probably the closest to pain I get in my dreams. The dreadful feeling of butterflies in my stomach as I fall makes it that much worse anticipating the landing.

Any time I have a school dream it usually takes place in high school so I feel embarrassed being there when I've already graduated years ago. Usually have the walking in sand effect the whole time too.

There's also the stupid dreams where I have trouble climbing stairs without rails, usually falling.

I pretty much know what all of these mean and it kind of makes it worse, ignorance being bliss and all, so maybe don't look into dream meanings if you want to save yourself the extra stress of knowing.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Oddest dream to date -

I dreamed that I was living next to Monroe Park in Richmond. Im sitting on the porch and my bicycle gets stolen by a group of black guys. I do nothing about it? [[I dont own a Bicycle, first off. Though I can see a group of Black guys stealing a bike since nothing but Black poor People really hang around the fountain there. Regardless of the fact that its in the middle of Virginia Commonwealth University.]]

As I walk inside, unshaken by the aforementioned, my doorbell rings. I turn back around and its a girl from Sweden that I met over the Summer. She has all her luggage with her. We hug and she comes right into my house. As if I had already asked her to move in or stay? [[This house Im in, no idea where the layout or the design of it came from. There isnt even a house similar to this one near any of the parks I have visited.]

Its magically dark all of a sudden, and we're going to bed. As I walk into my bedroom, there are nothing but Beds all along the walls. Thats where the dream stopped. [[I kind of understand this, I guess. At the time, I hadnt slept with this girl and was of course, wanting to. The beds everywhere reminded me a lot of "Off the Hookah" though. The entire bedroom had beds and furniture set up just like the place.]]


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
one of the most surreal dream I had was floating in the sky. One dream, I was floating (it felt like it) above the sea and I was looking into the blue sky. I saw a star and I stretched my hand to it. I woke up instantly afterwards. Second dream, I was floating next to the clouds. The sky was white reddish. Same shit, star in the sky and I was stretching my hand towards it. I woke up instantly afterwards. Third dream, I was warped to my house then sucked into my backyard. It was night and I witnessed the very same star. I woke up instantly afterwards. In all of these dreams, I experienced a distinct feeling of being "sucked" and I had a clear self-awareness. It felt like my dream ran out of millage every time I woke up.

Another dream (same thing. I was aware that I was dreaming) Immediately after falling asleep, I was transported into a dungeon. I saw fucking dead, skinned bodies. It was dark, wet and cold... I was then transported into a school or hospital.... I saw a stair going upto the second floor. Below the structure, there was an automatic sliding door. Next to me, I saw my teacher, who had a burnt face (with all the gruesome details...his skin was falling off, his eyes looked black and reddish...) and bandages all over his face. The shit was gruesome. After that, I got "sucked" into something again. Everything was black, then I heard a voice: "keep your faith, even though the earth may shaken." I woke up after getting warped to a different level of my dream (I was laying on a couch and a girl was sitting next to me.) I was sweating like a pig... and had to walk off my terror..

think it was 7 years ago.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Anyone ever have dreams where they know whats going on in the dream cant be real or just doesnt make any and are unable to do anything about it? Every so often I end up having dreams about being back in basic training and the entire time during the dream Im just thinking to myself this isnt right I already did this six years ago. Sometimes if the dream is bad or stupid enough I can scare myself awake from it.


Shit Lord Supreme
Anyone ever have dreams where they know whats going on in the dream cant be real or just doesnt make any and are unable to do anything about it? Every so often I end up having dreams about being back in basic training and the entire time during the dream Im just thinking to myself this isnt right I already did this six years ago. Sometimes if the dream is bad or stupid enough I can scare myself awake from it.
All the time, in fact when I reach a point in my dream that's so illogical that's usually what wakes me up from it. Like I think to myself...I wouldn't do that...or whatever.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Anyone ever have dreams where they know whats going on in the dream cant be real or just doesnt make any and are unable to do anything about it? Every so often I end up having dreams about being back in basic training and the entire time during the dream Im just thinking to myself this isnt right I already did this six years ago. Sometimes if the dream is bad or stupid enough I can scare myself awake from it.
Realizing your in a dream is the gateway to lucid dreaming. If you can manage to do that, and not wake up, then you can sometimes get a semblance of control over your dream and make it do pretty much whatever you want. It's pretty awesome when it works but it's really hard to stay asleep at that point.


Realizing your in a dream is the gateway to lucid dreaming. If you can manage to do that, and not wake up, then you can sometimes get a semblance of control over your dream and make it do pretty much whatever you want. It's pretty awesome when it works but it's really hard to stay asleep at that point.
That's fine unless you try and go down to the third layer - you can get stuck there.


Anyone ever have dreams where they know whats going on in the dream cant be real or just doesnt make any and are unable to do anything about it? Every so often I end up having dreams about being back in basic training and the entire time during the dream Im just thinking to myself this isnt right I already did this six years ago. Sometimes if the dream is bad or stupid enough I can scare myself awake from it.
Fort Jackson ?


Avatar of War Slayer
The dreams I enjoy the most are the ones where I am almost weightless. I have some dreams where I can jump great distances and even fly. I have always liked those. My most memorable dream was when I was around 20 years old. My sister was in it and she was around 10 years old. We both worked for the government (or something like that) because we were picking up some really important item from a bunch of guys dressed in black like the Blues Bros. They even had the hats and glasses. Anyways, things went south, the guys pulled guns on us and started shooting. My sister was doing these crazy back flips and martial arts moves not once getting hit by a bullet. I, on the other hand, started getting shot. I was getting knocked back and my body was jerking from the bullet impacts and I noticed pieces of flesh being ripped off and then I saw metal under my flesh and I realized I was like the Terminator. I started crushing skulls and shit after that. I do not remember how things end, but it is probably one of my all time favorite dreams.

I had dreams before I was ever married and after my divorce that I used to explain to others that they were messages from God on what I should do and what was yet to come, but now that I do not have faith in God and I can pretty much say I am Atheist, I really do not know how to explain them.

One dream was before my ex and I ever dated or had a chance to date, yet I dreamed that I had a son with her and I was there with her in the Hospital. This was about when I was 21 and she was 17. It was one of the things that helped me fall for her so much because it felt so real. It pretty much came true. It was very similar to the dream.

The other dream was after we divorced, I started having consecutive dreams about her. For almost 2 weeks straight, I had this dream that she had split from the guy she had left me with and that she wanted me to contact her. I could not shake this dream. So, I told her mom about it one day when I dropped my son off. (At this time, I had not talked to my ex for near 5 months. I knew nothing about her or what she was doing.) The next time I dropped my son off, my ex mother in law gave me my ex's new number and said she wanted me to contact her.

Those dreams kept me confused about things in my personal life and my faith in God for a long time. Science eventually won and I think thats what helped me finally move on, but how I knew that stuff and how I predicted that stuff almost exactly... it still confuses me.


Trakanon Raider
My dream

I looked at the sky as an adult and I watched as the moon turned red and started to move towards the earth as if to crash into the earth and destroy it, but as the moon filled the sky it stopped then two angels stood one on each side of the moon both as large as a building then a voice that filled the sky but I couldn't understand it. then the moon catch'es fire and starts towards the earth and as I watch it I found myself hiding behind my mom's legs and I was a child again and before the moon struck the earth I woke up.

there more I just can't remember it all.



My dream

I ran on and on, and realized I had passed out from the borders of Lorien. Ahead of me was a large common thoroughfare. The dusty road was empty for the moment, and I hurried across, turning north once I reached the other side. Then ahead of me I saw them: five dark riders coming towards me. They carried huge lances upright, and their steeds bared grotesque teeth."

"Terrified, I turned and ran back the way I had come. I regained the gates of Lorien, and paused to catch my breath. Then just to my right, I saw an old bearded man. He had a cane and a cloak and a large hat, and was staring ahead at something."


Shit Lord Supreme

I'm just rustlin' your jimmies son, you're a good kid.



I'm just rustlin' your jimmies son, you're a good kid.
Pretty sure you're not talking to me son...(a dragon came looking to find her on account of her being the "dragon lady" and he being one of the last dragons needed her protection.) ..And the crap I posted was from,"FRODO'S DREAM".. In jest of this ultra gay thread.


Silver Squire
I have a repeating dream where my raid manage to finally kill The Dragon and I win the roll for the Pegasus Feather Cloak of Flames, and I get that intense dopamine surge that fat EQ loot could only bring, and as I'm clicking the dragon's corpse, I wake up.


Shit Lord Supreme
Pretty sure you're not talking to me son...(a dragon came looking to find her on account of her being the "dragon lady" and he being one of the last dragons needed her protection.) ..And the crap I posted was from,"FRODO'S DREAM".. In jest of this ultra gay thread.
Which makes you gay bro. ; )