Funeral arrangements?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Anyone given much thought to their own funeral arrangements?

Songs, do you pick a song you like or play one mostly related to the people who are likely to attend?

I'm leaving the actual means up to whoever is left behind, burial or cremation or whatever.

Just wondering if anybody here has put any thought into it.

I'm heavily leaning toward the "I don't care personally" end and let whoever pick.



That or dropped out of a plane over a playground.

I don't want any religious ceremonies at my funeral. I do want someone available for the people that are religious, though, if they need a pastor/rabbit/whatever to talk to. But I much prefer the idea of Irish wakes or a Jazz funeral. Drink lots and have fun.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I want to be cremated and thrown in the faces of my enemies to torment them one last time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Put into orbit whole and beautiful or if i can't afford that i want a 10 ft obelisk minimum.

If you don't care you should pick cremation and save the space. I kinda prefer the thought of that over embalming.

You should get a Remington repro as an urn


Molten Core Raider
Funerals and dead bodies are pretty restricted in Germany (can't just put the ashes on the fireplace and stuff like that), but lately there's been more and more "Peace Forests" popping up. Get cremated, have urn buried under a tree.

I'm inclined to do that when it's time to go. Just put me under a nice oak and I'm fine.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
We have a family cemetary, small and I have a plot picked out. But I'll be dead then.

I don't think I'll have any religious aspect, mainly because it will be a small town and I'm on the outs with the preacher there. My great uncle donated money for the church to build a new hall, on land that the family had already donated for the church and cemetary. When he died the preacher had the nerve to ask me and my sister for a little extra help for the church while at the service. Seemed in really poor taste and poor timing.

Kalaar kururuc

Grumpy old man
Well, I'm on the donor list so they can use what they need then throw the rest of me in a bin lorry (refuse truck for you Americans!). The way I see it is that the burial is for those left behind not me, so if they want to stuff me and put me on the front porch then have at it


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Well, I'm on the donor list so they can use what they need then throw the rest of me in a bin lorry (refuse truck for you Americans!). The way I see it is that the burial is for those left behind not me, so if they want to stuff me and put me on the front porch then have at it
I'm not a registered donor. I don't think they will take organs from me. They won't take blood.

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
I highly recommend getting that planned and out of the way. There are lots of different rules and different costs. Don't leave it to your family to decide.
G and I had his planned fairly well the memorial is planned for April. We went with direct cremation (do not pass go, do not collect 200) spot in the earth purchased, breakfast with close family, graveside ceremony with brief eulogy, stories and music, then the FUNeral begins - open house party throughout the day. Boulevard on tap, Uncle Gravy's panty dropper cocktails, lots of food, stories, music, crying and laughing. I know it's for us but it is in honor of him.

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
My hubby wants to be cremated and his ashes blown in various locations. But, I also will do this probably to keep him around me.
I am keeping some of G with me - I like the idea of the urn/tree and you keeping him with you.


Musty Nester
i'll be dead, who cares. I told my brother he can let the cats eat me.

practicality wise, cremation is cheapest and easiest for him, so i'll probably go with that.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
My hubby wants to be cremated and his ashes blown in various locations. But, I also will do this probably to keep him around me.
My Dad wanted to be cremated and scattered off of a certain point on the ranch but after he died my Mom was like "well, he's out of luck, he's getting buried next to me", and so he was. After all, it's not like he's going to complain. To me it seems odd to care about where your body winds up when you're dead. I imagine I will be buried in the local community cemetery with most of my relatives but if the people who are still around wanted to do something different I would be fine with it.


Trakanon Raider
Don't particularly care, myself. Harvest as many of my organs as you can, cremate the rest, and dump my ashes on top of a mountain on a windy day. Don't particularly care which mountain. Have a short service consisting of I don't even know what. I don't really give a shit about any poetry or literature enough to do any sort of readings. I guess just have a few close family and friends tell a story or two about me, show some pictures/vids, and wrap it up. Then everyone can go and get absolutely shitfaced at a party paid for out of my estate, preferably with hookers and blow. Tells lots of stories about me good and bad. Maybe use some of my ashes in some sort of cake fart scenario with one of the paid ladies. Get creative.


Vyemm Raider
and I though making a thread about retirement was looking too far down the road.

Blast my ashes into space, or not, fuck it I don't care.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Organ donor, then page a taxidermist & some recorded voice quotes installed to go off at random.


Vyemm Raider
Poor man's viking funeral. Get a few close friends to build a shitty raft out of Home Depot 2x4's. Take it to the ocean, lay my body on top of it and douse it in gasoline. Push it out to sea then chuck a molotov at it. Hornpipe salute optional.