Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I rwcently swithwd to nutella
All those notifications wtf!!

I just use peanuts and peanut butter to make the peanut stick to the lever. Then right into the rain barrel. These are from inside the shed.



Log Wizard
Pretty much every furry female is a land whale... or russian. There's some rare exceptions, but I'd be confident saying 99% of furry females in america are at least 40% BMI. There's a surprising number of smoking hot russian female furries. Last Russian hotty that I got art banging her character (not furry bae for ukraine thread peeps) has some sort of super weird relationship with a turbo-terf dominatrix woman in her 40s. Older terf lady's page is hilarious. Constantly passive-aggressive hatred on trans freaks, while they constantly and not so subtlety wish her death.

Unrelated, first image search result for whale on the popular furfag site:

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