Furiosa (2024)

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't understand how that's even possible. You would think at this point if he's known for being late on set it would have something lumped into his contract as basically the liquidated damages if you fuckup the shooting schedule.

I'm sorry that's just so alien to me if it's going to cost you massive amounts of money you wouldn't sit and figure out a solution, let alone try to prevent it if you knew it was going to be a potential problem from the get-go.

Dwayne Johnson has had his meals written into his contract for over a decade. Production has to full stop every 2 hours when he's working so he can eat.

I'm guessing it's a matter of taking more and more time up-- beyond what he normally has already negotiated for personal daily hours per day of shooting.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Dwayne Johnson has had his meals written into his contract for over a decade. Production has to full stop every 2 hours when he's working so he can eat.

I'm guessing it's a matter of taking more and more time up-- beyond what he normally has already negotiated for personal daily hours per day of shooting.
I'm not a Rock fan and I can't name a single film I liked that he was in; that said, he is known for and cast in parts due to his roided out physique. Most people need to commit a sizable amount of time to keep that form, that includes X amount of hours lifting and a regimented diet. So some of the issues surrounding him kinda sound like he doesn't relay that need properly, the producers/directors don't care/understand, or he is not willing to bend his schedule to the whims of movie/TV production.


That article about the Rock reads from top to bottom as "Some mysterious insiders told us something terrible and when we asked for confirmation we were told it didn't happen".


<Silver Donator>
Central intelligence, Be cool, Faster, Jumanji I found entertaining
I think the last movie I saw him in was Jumanji with the wife on a date night. It was surprisingly fun and I found myself laughing quite a bit.

Never saw the second one.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
The Rock is a ridiculous person. His contracts dictate he can’t lose fights or has to be invincible. He lies about really weird shit all the time. He’s a walking “brand”. This dude goes into detail about it.

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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
______ is a ridiculous person. His contracts dictate he can’t lose fights or has to be invincible. He lies about really weird shit all the time. He’s a walking “brand”.
Hmm, who else does this fit? 🤔


Millie's Staff Member
i never realized how little i like The Rock. none of his films i saw were any good. he was cool in The Other Guys for the 30 seconds he's on screen, but thats about it.

oh wait, he was ok in his Reno 911 cameo too.

at least i can name some Vin Diesel movies i liked. such as Riddick and F&F1.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
He's an actor, I don't really know why people are going off on him now. Its hilarious any actors acts like they don't do enhancing drugs. If you think RDJ, Reynolds, Jackman, Evans or Pratt are natural

Not saying its bad but my friends were able to go from fat to 6 pack in 2 months on hgh or whatever.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The Rock is a ridiculous person. His contracts dictate he can’t lose fights or has to be invincible. He lies about really weird shit all the time. He’s a walking “brand”. This dude goes into detail about it.

Lol this guy is comical. Been to in and out for the first time three times.
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<Silver Donator>
i never realized how little i like The Rock. none of his films i saw were any good. he was cool in The Other Guys for the 30 seconds he's on screen, but thats about it.

oh wait, he was ok in his Reno 911 cameo too.

at least i can name some Vin Diesel movies i liked. such as Riddick and F&F1.

Diesel at least it was good in all of the Riddick movies. He's had some other ones that I've seen him in that I don't typically mind him, but he plays the same damn character every time, Vin Diesel.

I mean it's no different than Tom Cruise or something.
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So George Miller is continuing the tradition. Ana Taylor Joy has 30 lines of dialogue in the entire film with a runnin gtime of 2.5 hours, Chris Hemsworth is fantastic, its sleeker then Fury Road with some more obvious CGI but it ramps up the fantastical and the stunts are still insane, including one that took 78 days to film.

David Ehrlich is one of the best reviewers in the business and said he loved it, which is impressive since he hates everything and said

Whether "Furiosa" is even better than "Fury Road" is less important than the obvious fact that it makes "Fury Road" even better than it was before.

I think this is going to turn out real damn good.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Reviews seem to be either 9-10 or 6-7, we'll see which direction the score leans as more are counted.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Rock is fucking hilarious. Even if he's a fucking lying shitheel in every other way, the dude is funny as hell. Part of it was the fact that Hollywood doesn't produce megastars anymore but I think the main thing that kept him from becoming the next Arnold was the negative stigma of pro wrestling. I saw that video about his multiple first times at In n Out the other day (and other dumb shit hes said and done) and it's pretty sad.
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<Gold Donor>
I've soured on The Rock a lot lately as well, but Faster is a great fucking movie. I've said it countless times, it is perfect because his range of emotions is Pissed Off <---> Super Pissed Off. He only fluctuates between those two points, and it is glorious. No jokes, no deep thoughts, just looking to murder people for the entire movie. That's all I need from an "actor" like him.
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<Silver Donator>
The Rock is fucking hilarious. Even if he's a fucking lying shitheel in every other way, the dude is funny as hell. Part of it was the fact that Hollywood doesn't produce megastars anymore but I think the main thing that kept him from becoming the next Arnold was the negative stigma of pro wrestling. I saw that video about his multiple first times at In n Out the other day (and other dumb shit hes said and done) and it's pretty sad.
What's the In-N-Out Burger stuff? Never heard of that, not the chain, but regarding him.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
What's the In-N-Out Burger stuff? Never heard of that, not the chain, but regarding him.
He posted to social media three separate times over the span of four or five years that he was trying in n out “for the first time”.
  • 2Worf
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<Silver Donator>
He posted to social media three separate times over the span of four or five years that he was trying in n out “for the first time”.
Okay I guess it was just some stupid social media BS. Sorry what's this retarded. Was he getting paid for a promotion or something maybe on the back end? Why didn't he even need to do that?

I guess those people just live in a whole different world.