Gauntlet, classic 80s dungeon crawler remade


Golden Knight of the Realm
I forgot I was looking forward to this, Pyros had the inside info a while back.


Musty Nester
They kinda already made this. It was kinda called Torchlight.

But obviously, the arcade game was awesome. Times were spent in the fast fare with the life counter set really high. Other times were spent in the arcade at the mall with the life counter designed to fuck children out of quarters. More times were spent in the fast fare.

That said, I'll probably buy it. Gauntlet is just good fun. And I do not see how they could possibly fuck it up. You'd have to try really hard.


Avatar of War Slayer
They kinda already made this. It was kinda called Torchlight.

That said, I'll probably buy it. Gauntlet is just good fun. And I do not see how they could possibly fuck it up. You'd have to try really hard.
Which is exactly why I expect it to be fucked up.. Gauntlet has had many spiritual successors. the diablo franchise, and its clones, as you say with Torchlight.
This... almost never works. has any old franchise reboot like this done well, after newer versions have taken the ball and ran with it? Realm of the mad god. and a few others in that direction too.

I don't know. maybe. there are elements from the original that were lost. The food, and timer. The constant push forward with no town. But do people want a ARPG without lootwhoring, these days? not sure they do.

I think we had a thread for this already, btw.
And a reminder on that front. this is Arrowhead studios making it. known for making Magicka.


Lord Nagafen Raider
buying a 4 pack anyone want me to gift them one?
I'll take one if you have any more


Does not really look like a remake, more like a reboot. Both the original and the '90s version were lame, so I don't see why this trend would change.