Ghost in the Shell (2017)


Trakanon Raider
It looks awesome, hopefully they don't butcher the story too much, but the start of the trailer strongly evokes the first episode of SAC. I'm fine if they focus mostly on Major, the rest of the cast was only really explored in the TV series, but I'll be amazed if it tops them.


Trakanon Raider

so far I really am looking forward to seeing her thermoptic camouflage


Throbbing Member
I'd throw money at the screen if ScarJo was in that skin tight outfit the whole movie.


Vyemm Raider
Trailer looks good but the music choice is bad... im cautiously optimistic about this and the opening seen using very similar music to the movie sorta restores faith in the movie. But unless this gets Dragon Ball movie level of bad reviews ill see it regardless.


<Prior Amod>
Instead of a stupid greeting, ScarJo should have been like "Hey YO!, the company that does GoTG and Avengers and Cap Trailers? where you at? I need a trailer made!"


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not a scar jo fan at all but she actually looked not bad in the greeting, probably the hair.


Trakanon Raider
The trailer worries me a bit. I don't remember the original movie having an 'origin story' or any real attempts to go out of its way to explain stuff.

The trailer, with its 'First of your kind' and 'Just make me better' and meeting her creator. All that makes me worry they are going to go out of their way to explain everything. Part of the appeal of the Major was her lack of real backstory. SAC has some allusions, but I think leaving her a bit blank allowed for the movie to succeed more at posing questions about life and shit. It seemed more exploration of ideas and concepts. I have a worry this movie, instead of posing questions, will go out of its way to tell us the answers and in a way attempt to be high brow, but fail horribly by over explaining and making it kinda dumbed down. That the people making it will think the paying audience won't be able to handle some of the abstracts and philosophy, so it will be simplified and we'll be told answers and clear value judgements.

Fuck. Its like 1am here and I'm rambling, but I hope you get what I am saying.
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Never read the manga, but seeing the movies and playing the game, I am left with the impression that Kusanagi is not unique in any way. She just so happen to be the main character of the story and have an identity crisis (as probably many other androids do). In fact, making her exceptional weakens the story.


Trakanon Raider
Never read the manga, but seeing the movies and playing the game, I am left with the impression that Kusanagi is not unique in any way. She just so happen to be the main character of the story and have an identity crisis (as probably many other androids do). In fact, making her exceptional weakens the story.

If I recall correctly, her body is actually supposed to share the appearance with a generic, common cyborg shell and she occasionally gets shit for it. What is supposed to make her exceptional is her mental abilities and practice using the cyborg body. One of the reason that she is supposed to be one of the better cyborg operators is its hinted that she was converted to a cyborg body at a very young age.

I don't know if this is consistant across the TV series, movie and books, but I believe so.


The Big Mod
If I want to experience the anime version of this what is the best way to do so, watching the 1995 movie?


Avatar of War Slayer
If I want to experience the anime version of this what is the best way to do so, watching the 1995 movie?
The first movie yes. is probably the best starting point. There are of course sequels, and the mangas. (manga did come first.)

While not exactly a trope for this particular anime, no nips is quite an anime thing to do lolz.


Avatar of War Slayer
The first movie yes. is probably the best starting point. There are of course sequels, and the mangas. (manga did come first.)

as I said, not in this one (this anime, ghost in the shell) as, it always has had nipps all over the place - animes' in general love to omit them-that's what I was saying... and I am sure scarjo was like no nips on my CG self! if AJ didn't do them in Beowulf I aint doing it!


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
It looks good that's for sure, remains to be seen if it will be good.

I like Scarlett so there's that at least.