Ghostbusters (2016)

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Geeks are the new Jocks.

Time to re-watch Revenge of the Nerds again....



Millie's Staff Member
this feig is so stupid he doesnt even realize the so called scientists in ghostbusters are very much part of geek culture. you dont get any geekier than ray or egon


Ssraeszha Raider
"Not enough women in STEM! Wouldn't it have been great to make a great movie about women in the sciences to inspire a new generation?!"

Sure would've. Good job, you fucking pussy. Fuck Feig.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Funny, I've gone through the opposite transformation. Despite being interested enough in Ghostbusters 3 to purchase the Ghostbusters game that essentially fills that role (original cast and all), I wasn't terribly interested in seeing the remake. I felt no compulsion to see it in a theater, and was perfectly comfortable waiting until it came out on Netflix or I could easily find a stream of it. But now, I'm actually kind of tempted to go to a theater and give them some of my hard-earned money just because they're standing up to assholes. Good for them. I think the movie looks lousy and I'm a geek, but I still know they aren't talking about me. I'm not offended that they're acknowledging that assholes exist, especially since I see proof of that daily.
Thanks for my morning cuck meme and laugh, it's been a slow news day so far.


Being Poor Sucks.
I saw this on one of those videos and noticed something on this poster..


There is a heart in the middle of the radiation logo....just....why.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
It's really a shame that we lost guys like Hitchens and Carlin right before this explosion of idiocy. I'd absolutely fucking love to hear their commentary on it all.
These guys were likely holding off the idiocy. Because I promise you these idiots have been here for a long time.


Tranny Chaser
Right, so I didn't check back in to this thread to see Tanoomba had responded to something I had said. I'm going to go back and quote the last sentence of the post that I made that I don't think he read. In response to Feig -

I'm sorry if a bunch of spergs wrote you some hatefilled garbage but you aren't selling tickets by shitting on people in response.
I stand by that. It's a terrible idea for a director to take the low road when responding to criticisms. That kind of behavior usually keeps me away. What is more interesting is that when I go back and read that article again it has been amended. The "assholes in geek culture" thing didn't have anything to do with Ghostbusters. It was taken from an interview in 2015 and made to look like it was a recent statement in regard to the film. The top of that news story now reads -
This article has been amended to reflect that Feig's comments were made in 2015 and came in response to general questions about fan culture after he was named "Ghostbusters" director. We regret the error.
So the New York Daily News made it out like Feig's old comments were a recent commentary on the internet's response to Ghostbusters 3 and then The Escapist went one step forward and went with "Paul Fieg says the criticism of his upcoming Ghostbusters reboot is from "assholes in geek culture" as their story. Once again the media riles up a bunch of people over some manufactured bullshit. Lovely.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I just dont like Leslie Jones, she is just too damn big and tall, and I don't find her funny.
Maya Rudolf/Asha tyler. would have been a lot funnier and nicer on the eyes.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Right, so I didn't check back in to this thread to see Tanoomba had responded to something I had said. I'm going to go back and quote the last sentence of the post that I made that I don't think he read. In response to Feig -

I stand by that. It's a terrible idea for a director to take the low road when responding to criticisms. That kind of behavior usually keeps me away. What is more interesting is that when I go back and read that article again it has been amended. The "assholes in geek culture" thing didn't have anything to do with Ghostbusters. It was taken from an interview in 2015 and made to look like it was a recent statement in regard to the film. The top of that news story now reads -

So the New York Daily News made it out like Feig's old comments were a recent commentary on the internet's response to Ghostbusters 3 and then The Escapist went one step forward and went with "Paul Fieg says the criticism of his upcoming Ghostbusters reboot is from "assholes in geek culture" as their story. Once again the media riles up a bunch of people over some manufactured bullshit. Lovely.
Wow that was one hell of a media troll digging up those old tweets and passing them off as new. Sony must be pissed because attacking your audience is not how you sale a movie.


Millie's Staff Member
it was technically valid because it had to do with the movie, still its a stupid ass thing to say about your target audience.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The trailer is now the most disliked non music video of all time on youtube.


Buzzfeed Editor

So the New York Daily News made it out like Feig's old comments were a recent commentary on the internet's response to Ghostbusters 3 and then The Escapist went one step forward and went with "Paul Fieg says the criticism of his upcoming Ghostbusters reboot is from "assholes in geek culture" as their story. Once again the media riles up a bunch of people over some manufactured bullshit. Lovely.
Exactly, the reality is Feig has been shitting on the fans rejection of his film for a LONG time. It really began as simple 'groaning' like the nerds always groan over reboots. The instant it began, Fieg began beating the 'misogyny, geek sexism, geek culture sucks and is dead!' drum. He whipped the crowd up until they were legitimately angry, and when his bad trailer got shit on, the media was like 'this proves misogyny is real....."

Most people don't know the history, some of it is conjecture, but it's pretty easy to see why shit went down the way it did. Reitman (Original director) andmany original members worked up a storyafter 2010. However, before it began filming, Ramis died, and Reitman decided to not do the project (He said the joy went out of it for him). However, the guy did NOT want it to be reboot, he was really against it, in fact. (He was later on set as the 'old guard' making sure the IP wasn't 'insulted', but it's pretty easy to tell he's not exactly thrilled.)


But at the recent Los Angeles press day for Draft Day, director Ivan Reitman, who helmed the first two films, revealed why he thought the franchise deserved to be explored further. "I certainly think rebooting it is not interesting - i.e., tell the same story but with new guys," Reitman told Spinoff Online in an exclusive interview. "But picking up a story that has a generational shift in it, yes."

"I think there's an appropriate story to tell," he explained. "The world of ghost-busting, just as a concept in terms of its equipment and vehicles, and the sort of spirituality of it, and the metaphysical idea of it, and guys working together, operating like fireman, [those are] ideas there's a contemporary opportunity for."


After he left, the big email leak happened at Sony happened...AndAmy Pascal(Sony Executive for films) was accused of racism and sexism, and a host of other shit for some emails about Obama and female actor pay. She's always been a very pronounced feminist and publicly said she wanted to make more 'all female movies'. So as this came to a head (And she was preparing to leave Sony), she called in her favors, nabbed Fieg, made herself executive producer of Ghost-busters (And spiderman) and all the sudden a movie that was being made withan all female cast! (See how she empowers women? Brave and beautiful!)

One of the first set photos was the 'girl power' photo showing all the woman Pascal and Fieg had hired, illustrating what a good feminist she really was and of course those nasty emails didn't REALLY reflect her. So Fieg creates this movie by shitting on the old script, literally threatening to file suit against the old stars to make them appear, and a ton of production issues. (McCarthy is rumored to very much dislike the film because of how much he broke from Reitman's themes and tone.)

Fieg finishes up filming and as editing begins (And he might realize its not going to be good) and any advertising is good advertising, and he's got the ultimate victim card...Misogyny, plus pascal gets what she wants, a brave woman fighting for the rights of poor women to make movies (See? She's not really sexist, she is weathering these terrible geek misogynists and when he movie bombs it will show how much she fights against the misogyny! If it does well though, also fighting against misogyny and people who didn't believe women could do it!)

Essentially this movie is a pity fuck by Sony for a woman trying to rebuild her reputation. And it's as sad and stupid as most pity fucks are. If it does well, they win, if not, they still get what they wanted out of it--which is a highly visible piece of social justice street cred for Amy to pad against the shit she was caught saying in emails.