Ghostbusters (2016)


Millie's Staff Member
Less "they're trying hard" in the second 1/2 as much as "they're cramming in plot points and action". I'm just glad they didn't do the classic "rift between the group and everyone has to make-up before they come together to win the game" trope. That always fucking bugs me.
well, they did get temporarily separated at the end before finally getting together to dickshoot the main boss.


Does that budget include advertisement? Anyway, with all the cross-promotions and the licencing, it's very difficult for us to know if it was a success or not from a cold hard cash perspective.


Unelected Mod
Does that budget include advertisement? Anyway, with all the cross-promotions and the licencing, it's very difficult for us to know if it was a success or not from a cold hard cash perspective.
Don't think so, no. We won't know if its a profit, but this definitely isn't the success they were hoping for. Paul should have done Bridesmaids 2, it was clearly what he wanted to do anyway and it would have done better numbers at the box office.


Yeah, unless some crazy deals happened, it's pretty safe to say it is not a big success. That's not to say there will not be a sequel though as they can reuse a lot of the stuff they created for the first movie and can spend less in advertisement since the "female ghostbusters" brand is established. A big factor will also be how the film performs in VoD/DVD/BluRay.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
This movie will make less than Pixels did (globally). I thought the initial comparison to Pixels was poor because GB will outdo it by $40-60M in the US, but internationally it's going to fall short. I'm less shocked at how GB is performing and more shocked at how well an Adam Sandler comedy translated overseas.


Millie's Staff Member
This movie will make less than Pixels did (globally). I thought the initial comparison to Pixels was poor because GB will outdo it by $40-60M in the US, but internationally it's going to fall short. I'm less shocked at how GB is performing and more shocked at how well an Adam Sandler comedy translated overseas.
pixels as bad as it was was a partially fun movie. yes its very stupid, and yes adam sandler is a terrible terrible actor these days, but the movie is visually entertaining. GB had the one scene in the rock concert which was alright. i give that a pass, the staypuft cameo was also decent. but the rest? bleh


Throbbing Member
I won't say the movie was terrible, but it was uninspired at best. Also I thought Pixels was entertaining for the same reasons. It also shows that a shitty Sandler movie can use nostalgia in a better way than this reboot did.


privileged excrementlord
This movie was terrible. I'd say I was glad I didn't pay for it but that was never going to happen. Hemsworth was the only remotely funny part, and his character was so stupid there was just no way to pretend he was real, even in a world full of retarded ghosts.


Millie's Staff Member
as a result of this movie, they keep playing that Allstate commercial with the black ghostbusters "woman". they got her trying to act sexy and with my TV's HD kicking in, you get the full dose of reality on just how fugly "she" is.

check this shit out, or better yet, don't.
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Tsar Bomba

Trakanon Raider
It's not unusual for a blockbuster to spend just as much with deals and advertising. So it could easily run $288 million with advertising and budget.


Millie's Staff Member
its had a huge amount put into advertising and cross promotion. i can see 100m in just marketing alone. whatever it was, it failed and become Pixels 2.0 but without the original concept.

hey Tsar, we got a new forum. come on by

address is in my sig.


Unelected Mod
Great video and everyone defending the way this movie was made and marketed should be embarrassed at how dumb they are.

Paul Feig wanted to make Bridesmaids 2. He should have just made Bridesmaids 2. It probably would have made just as much money and certainly wouldn't have shit all over an IP that mattered.


Buzzfeed Editor
Great video and everyone defending the way this movie was made and marketed should be embarrassed at how dumb they are.

Paul Feig wanted to make Bridesmaids 2. He should have just made Bridesmaids 2. It probably would have made just as much money and certainly wouldn't have shit all over an IP that mattered.

What amazed me was how easily people are still drawn into the whole misogyny, man baby angle based on such flimsy evidence. All it requires is a media blitz and even people here, where we have long discussions about the media, latch onto it. It's obscene.

The worst part is, people don't see the power imbalance, they don't see who the real bullies were. Think about it, papers were writing about these poor oppressed millionaires, backed by a company worth billions, who were arguing with normal folks who, SUPPOSEDLY can't even afford their own home (IE basement dwellers), I guess, and somehow, somehow, it was the millionaires with the media on their side and the huge company PR machine who were the defenseless victims, and not the nerds being called every name in the book for having an opinion and being those 'disgusting nerds'?

Really glad the RLM guys brought up that angle--what you have here is a bunch of very wealthy people, and a massive company, making fun of millions of people not based on their opinion but rather assigning them a stereotyped opinion based on who they are (An ad hom), and the media believes the wealth company/people need defending (You know, the same media that will decry capitalism and corporate greed in the next breath? You can't make it up).

In any case, I just hope some people feel a little foolish. This kind of activism is not 'helping the womenz', it's meant to help various media corporations who like to make money and can use 'think of the women' as a method to advertise better.
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This is pretty good.

TLDR: they mathematically prove that only 0.08% of comments the new Ghostbusters film had anything to do with "women" or "feminism". So essentially the "deluge of misogynists" narrative was complete bullshit.

It made the top of r/movies mulitiple times and is being actively hidden by admin for "reasons".